Windows Vista 在哪里存储个人资料图像?
我只是想知道是否有人知道 vista 将每个用户帐户的个人资料图像存储在哪里。 我知道在 XP 中它存储在 C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\User Account Pictures 中,但是当我在 vista 中浏览等效路径时,我所拥有的只是 user.bmp 和 guest.bmp 。 我知道如果我不允许任何自定义用户个人资料图像,这些是默认设置,但这不是我想要遵循的路线。 我假设 vista 与 XP 相同,其中配置文件图像名称为 .bmp,但是当我进行搜索时,我在任何地方都找不到任何图像。 vista是否已将配置文件图像存储移至注册表中?
我还知道有一个临时目录 C:\Users\
I was just wondering if anyone knows where vista stores the profile images for each user account. I know in XP it is stored in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\User Account Pictures, but when I browse the equivalent path in vista, all I have is a user.bmp and a guest.bmp. I understand that these are the defaults IF I don't allow any custom user profile images, but that is not the route that I want to follow. I am assuming that vista is the same as XP where the profile image names are .bmp, but when I do a search, I cannot find any images anywhere. Has vista moved the profile image storage into the registry?
I also know that there is a temp directory, C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp, that has the files that I am looking for, but everything I modify them, when I load the profile, they are overwritten. I assume that this is happenning because it is a temp dir. This leads me to believe that there is a master directory with all these images.
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这篇有用的帖子有一个vb脚本,可以修改SAM 在 SysInternals psexec 的帮助下设置用户帐户图片(又名 UserTile)。
This useful post has a vb script that modifies the SAM with the help of SysInternals psexec to set the User Account Picture (aka UserTile).
我想做同样的事情,但我发现,在 Vista 下不可能以编程方式更改用户图片。
I wanted to do the same, but I found out, that it is not possible under Vista to change the User Picture programmatically.
I have found the answer here:
Change user picture?