In case the program was uninstalled using Microsoft Installer you will find events from source "MsiInstaller".
I think that no other installer write events to Event Log (maybe Install Shield does). Maybe there will be some custom .log files from 3rd party un/installer.
您可以尝试 Jozef Izso 的建议。 作为最后的手段,有时当您卸载程序时,它所在的目录会留在“程序文件”中。 该目录将有一个修改日期,该日期应反映任何内容上次更改的时间。 这可能会表明它何时被卸载。
You can try what Jozef Izso suggests. As a last resort, sometimes when you uninstall a program, the directory it was in is left behind in 'Program Files'. The directory will have a modified date that should reflect when any of the contents last changed. This will probably indicate when it was uninstalled.
如果使用 Microsoft Installer 卸载该程序,您将找到来自源“MsiInstaller”的事件。
我认为没有其他安装程序将事件写入事件日志(也许 Install Shield 会这样做)。 也许会有一些来自第 3 方卸载/安装程序的自定义 .log 文件。
In case the program was uninstalled using Microsoft Installer you will find events from source "MsiInstaller".
I think that no other installer write events to Event Log (maybe Install Shield does). Maybe there will be some custom .log files from 3rd party un/installer.
您可以尝试 Jozef Izso 的建议。 作为最后的手段,有时当您卸载程序时,它所在的目录会留在“程序文件”中。 该目录将有一个修改日期,该日期应反映任何内容上次更改的时间。 这可能会表明它何时被卸载。
You can try what Jozef Izso suggests. As a last resort, sometimes when you uninstall a program, the directory it was in is left behind in 'Program Files'. The directory will have a modified date that should reflect when any of the contents last changed. This will probably indicate when it was uninstalled.