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﹏半生如梦愿梦如真 2024-07-22 09:58:51


它们成为流行语是有实际原因的:尽管这些概念可能非常复杂和/或抽象,但在含义上存在共识。 因此,只需一个词,您就可以向一大群人传达大量信息。 我将其视为信息封装的一种形式。

当然,这正是许多人开始滥用它们的原因:它们只传达一般概念(即为什么 FizzBu​​zz 很棒) ,并避免讨论混乱的细节(即为什么它不起作用)。

流行语是可以的——如果它们以正确的方式使用的话。 如果您想改善团队沟通,请培训他们正确使用流行语。

I actually like buzzwords, when they are used in moderation.

They became buzzwords for a practical reason: Even though the concepts may be very complex and/or abstract, there is a consensus on the meaning. So with only one word, you can convey a whole lot of information to a large group of people. I see it as a form of encapsulation of information.
(Notice the use of the slightly outdated buzzword encapsulation?)

Of course, that is exactly the reason why many people start to abuse them: They only convey the general concept (i.e. why it's great to do FizzBuzz), and avoid discussing the messy details (i.e. why it won't work).
And since using a buzzword gives the impression that you are deeply familiar with the subject at hand, it can be used to silence others in the discussion.

Buzzwords are ok - if they are used in the right way. If you want to improve your team communication, train them in the proper use of buzzwords.

弄潮 2024-07-22 09:58:51


我认为你能做的就是确保自己不使用流行语,即使是在与使用流行语的人交流时也是如此。 例如,当与将您和您的同事称为“资源”的项目经理交谈时,请使用“人员”一词。

I think some kind of industry-wide initiative would be impractical as jargon is in the eye of the beholder.

I think all you can do is make sure that you don't use buzzwords yourself even when communicating with people who do. For example, use the word "people" when talking to a Project Manager who refers to you and your colleagues as "resources".

榆西 2024-07-22 09:58:51


首先有必要指出什么被认为是“技术性太强”纯粹取决于观点。 “主流化”与 SSD、CORBA 和 SOAP 一样,都是一个技术术语。 对一个人来说听起来像是行话废话的东西实际上是向另一个人传达复杂概念的捷径。

软件开发通常是一种跨领域活动,除了软件知识之外还涉及一个或多个技术用户领域。 如果认为销售、营销、管理和银行业务(仅举几个经常被错误地认为是“非技术性”的领域)尚未开发和推进自己的复杂知识体系,换句话说——技术,那就大错特错了:销售技术、营销技术、管理技术和银行技术。

项目经理有责任促进不同技术领域的代表之间的富有成效的沟通。 一些建议:

  • 准备一个可供每个相关人员访问和更新的项目字典。

  • 确保跨域文档(即功能规范)使用通用语言。

  • 仅在必要时引入特定于领域的术语,但始终提供含义的简短解释(不要“从头开始构建”——通过尽可能链接来利用在线百科全书的财富)。

  • 确保项目团队对关键术语有共识。

  • 请记住,什么被视为“技术”完全取决于观点,您需要促进全方位的沟通,而不仅仅是单向的沟通(通常是从软件开发人员到业务用户)。

  • 最后,软件必须在用户领域中工作,并且您必须判断 UI 将在多大程度上依赖于特定的领域语言(这将是易于学习和易于学习之间的权衡)和使用效率)。

The use of technical language can both help and hinder project team's progress, depending on appropriateness.

First it's necessary to point out that what is considered "too technical" depends purely on perspective. "Mainstreaming" is as much of a technical term, as SSD, CORBA and SOAP. Something that sounds as jargon nonsense to one person is actually a shortcut to communicate a complex concept for another.

Software development as a rule is cross-domain activity involving in addition to the software knowledge one or more technical user domains. It is a big mistake to assume that sales, marketing, management and banking (just to name a few fields often incorrectly considered "non-technical") haven’t developed and advanced their own complex body of knowledge, in other word — technology: sales technology, marketing technology, management technology and banking technology.

And it’s project manager’s responsibility to facilitate productive communication between representatives of different technical domains. Some suggestions:

  • Make handy a project dictionary that can be accessed and updated by everyone involved.

  • Ensure that common denominator language used for cross-domain documentation (i.e. functional specs).

  • Introduce domain specific terms only when necessary, but then always provide a brief explanation of the meaning (don’t “build from scratch” —leverage the wealth of online encyclopaedias by linking where possible).

  • Make sure that there is common understanding amongst the project team of the key terms.

  • Remember that what is considered “technical” depends purely on perspective and you need to facilitate communication in all directions, not just one-way (which is often from software developers to business users).

  • At the end the software will have to work in the realm of users and you have to make a judgement on how much the UI will rely on specific domain language (this is going to be a trade off between easiness-to-learn and usage-efficiency).

平定天下 2024-07-22 09:58:51

技术术语(ORM、TDD 等)使演讲更加精确。 另一方面,企业流行语(又名管理术语)旨在在无法获得完整信息时能够表达模糊的想法。

因此,管理术语很好地达到了其目的,因为它确实允许管理者有效地沟通他们理解非常有限的事情。 也就是说,优秀的经理知道什么时候不使用术语,例如与开发人员或高管交谈时,他们都讨厌废话。


Technical jargon (ORM, TDD etc.) makes one's speech more precise. Corporate buzzwords (aka management jargon), on the other hand, are designed to be able to express vague ideas when full information is not available.

As such, management jargon serves its purpose pretty well, in the sense that it does allow managers to effectively communicate about thins they have very limited understanding of. That said, good manager knows when NOT use the jargon, such as when talking with developers, or with executives, both of whom hate bullshit.

Based on the above, the (Anti-)Buzzword Movement, should rather increase awareness of the proper usage and application of management jargon, and encourage proper information encapsulation only with appropriate auditory.

注定孤独终老 2024-07-22 09:58:51

我个人认为行话应该多用一些。 我看到这种情况越来越多地发生,IT 人员希望简单地隐藏在世界技术元素后面,表现得好像业务人员有责任说得更极客一样。

老实说,更多地讲GEEK不是业务人员可以做的事情,你不应该希望这种情况发生。 学习行话。 与行话合而为一。 拥有行话。 这样下次你们讨论事情的时候,就不会再踩踏板了。


Personally, I think that the jargon should be used more. I see this occurring more and more and IT people want to simply hide behind the technical elements of the world and act like it is completely the business folks responsibility to speak more geeky.

I'll be honest, speaking more GEEK is not something that the business people can do and you should not want that to occur. Learn the jargon. Become one with the jargon. Own the jargon. Then the next time you are discussing things, you'll not be back pedaling.

Take ownership of the business terms and apply them to the technical side of things...

他是夢罘是命 2024-07-22 09:58:51

“整体”或“协同”有什么问题? 这些是正常的简单英语单词。

What's wrong with "holistic" or "synergy"? These are normal plain English words.

南街女流氓 2024-07-22 09:58:51

每个领域都有自己的行话,这必须告诉我们一些事情——人们喜欢使用特殊的单词、短语,或者为仅与自己的领域相关的现有单词赋予特殊的含义。 我怀疑如果我们回到金字塔,就会有一整套普通埃及人无法理解的建筑和建筑术语。 因此,禁止行话是行不通的,创建常见问题解答和术语表通常可以解决问题。

顺便说一句,这一定是锅和水壶的情况。 IT 之外的人是否会想到这样的短语:“...我们将使用 ORM,然后 WCF 将通过 HTTPS 进行通信,在客户端上添加一些 AJAX 和一些巧妙的 CSS,我们会笑...”

Every field has it's own jargon, and that must tell us something - people like having special words, phrases or assigning special meanings to existing words that are only relevant within their own field. I suspect if we went back to the pyramids, there'd be a full set of architectural and building phrases that your average Egyptian just wouldn't understand. So banning jargon just wont work, creating an FAQ and glossary normally do the trick.

BTW This must be a case of pots and kettles. Does anyone outside IT think phrases like - "...We'll use an ORM, and then WCF will talk over HTTPS, throw in a bit of AJAX and some clever CSS on the client and we're laughing ..."

因为看清所以看轻 2024-07-22 09:58:51

绝对地。 由于管理者只是泛泛而谈,而我们作为开发人员想要了解确切的含义。 我个人在尝试阅读充满流行语的抽象写作时睡着了。

最糟糕的是 SOA。 尽管学术界人士和管理者都广泛使用它,但他们都不理解它。

Absolutely. Since managers only talk in general, and we as developers want to understand the precise meaning. I personally fall asleep trying to read abstract writing filled with buzzwords.

The worst being SOA. Neither academic folks nor managers understand it though both use it extensively.

_蜘蛛 2024-07-22 09:58:51

我受不了流行语。 一个人的“封装”是另一个人对语言的奥威尔式破坏。 流行语吸引了那些喜欢“套牌”而不是备忘录的人。 对于代表许多可能事物的事物来说(例如,“利用资源”可以很好地表示从使用双面打印选项到为陆军征兵的任何事物),其含义必然会被淡化。 如果我公司的一位高级律师要求我“利用资源,然后把它推到旗杆上,让鸭子排队”,我就知道他在午餐时会扔回尊尼获加。

相反,如果我用上述空洞的口号来回应高级合伙人的备忘录请求,我就会因为白痴而被当场解雇——这是正确的。 可惜其他白领世界并非如此。

脾气暴躁、守旧的 X 一代

I can't stand buzzwords. One person's "encapsulation" is another's Orwellian destruction of language. Buzwords appeal to the same people who like "decks" rather than memos. For something to act as a representation of many possible things [e.g. "leveraging resources" can mean pretty well anything from using double-sided printing options to drafting people for the Army] there is necessarily going to be a dilution of meaning. If a senior lawyer in my firm were to ask me to "leverage the resources, then run it up the flagpole to get the ducks in line", I'd know that he was tossing back the Johnny Walker at lunch.

Conversely, if I were to respond to a senior partner's memo request with emtpy catch phrases such as those above, I'd be fired on the spot for being an idiot - and rightly so. Too bad the rest of the white collar world isn't like that.

Grouchy Old-fashioned Gen X'r

∝单色的世界 2024-07-22 09:58:51


I'm OK with buzzwords so long as all the stakeholders (see what I did there?) are clear on the shared meaning of each word/phrase.

江南月 2024-07-22 09:58:51

总的来说,我认为流行语在用于概括想法和概念时很好。 它简化了理解单词的人之间的沟通。 然而,当人们使用流行词时,我会划清界限,而实际上一个完全正常的词就可以了。 我认识一些人,当他们指的是打电话或说“对话”而不是说话时,他们会说“正在听音频”。 这让我想打他们。 难的!

In general I think that buzzwords are good when used for encapsulating ideas and concepts. it simplifies communication between people who understand the words. However, I draw the line when people use a buzzword when a perfectly normal word would do. I know someone that will say they were "On an Audio" when they mean phone calls or say "dialogging" instead of talking. It makes me want to hit them. Hard!

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