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Closed 6 years ago.
或继续使用网站,即表示您同意使用 Cookies 和您的相关数据。
请看一下socialauth。 这个 Java 库将帮助您从大多数网络获取联系人。
Please have a look at socialauth. This Java library will help you get the contacts from most of the networks.
Look at: http://openinviter.com/index.php
如果您使用 php - 您可能希望尝试 http://openinviter.com - 它免费并且支持几乎所有主要社交网站和邮件网站。
If you are using php - you might wish to try out http://openinviter.com - its free and supports almost all major social networking sites and mail sites.
我认为数据不会保存在电子邮件标题之外。 您想要的是某种方法来查找所有已发送邮件项目的收件人字段中的所有唯一地址。
例如,在 Google 邮件中 - 您可以使用此项目 Gmail Agent API 来检索所有发送的项目标头。 然后您只需要从中提取相关数据即可。
例如, Yahoo Api 看起来可以提供执行此操作所需的一切。
I don't think that data would ever be held outside the email headers. What you want is some way to find all the unique addresses in the recipent field of all sent mail items.
For example in Google mail - you could use this project, the Gmail Agent API, to retrieve all the sent item headers. You would then just need to extract the relevant data from them.
I'm sure this technique is possible is for some of the other providers you mention.
The Yahoo Api for example looks to provide everything you need to do this.
查看 Octazen:http://octazen.com/。 他们的软件可以处理各种网络邮件系统和社交网络。
Look at Octazen: http://octazen.com/. Their software handles all kinds of webmail systems and social networks.
为了从 Facebook 获取(一些)详细信息,我刚刚找到(并使用了!)来自 http://brad.livejournal.com/2398409.html 至少将姓名和一些详细信息从 Facebook 提取到 Google 联系人,从那里可以通过其他方式获取,例如 < a href="http://code.google.com/apis/contacts/" rel="nofollow noreferrer">Gmail 联系人 API
To get (some) details out of Facebook, I've just found (and used!) the Greasemonkey-script/webservice from http://brad.livejournal.com/2398409.html to pull at least the names and some details from Facebook to Google contacts, from where it can be gotten at by other means, such as the Gmail contacts API