作为服务执行的 AutoIt 脚本是否可以用于 GUI 操作?
我正在使用 AutoIt 脚本来启动和自动化 GUI 应用程序。 我需要每小时激活该脚本。
AutoIt 脚本(在 GUI 上执行操作)作为服务使用时是否有效? 该脚本将作为服务运行(不是计划任务)。
I'm using an AutoIt script to start and automate a GUI application. I need to activate the script each hour.
Will AutoIt scripts (which perform actions on a GUI) work when used as a service? The script will be run as a service (not scheduled task).
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您可以轻松地将 autoit 脚本作为服务运行 使用 autoit 论坛的 archer 编写的 service.au3。 不幸或幸运,因为这是一项安全措施。 服务需要独立于当前用户会话启动(登录之前)。 它无法从那里访问发送 API 以进行当前用户会话的输入操作。 听起来确实更像您需要计划任务而不是服务。
You can easily make an autoit script run as a service using service.au3 written by archer of the autoit forums. Unfortunately or fortunately since it is a security measure. A service needs to start independent of the current user session (before login). It cant access send APIs for input manipulation of the current user session from there. It does sound much more like you need a scheduled task and not a service.
如上所述,您正在寻找计划任务。 要将脚本作为服务运行,请阅读以下内容:
取自 AutoIt 论坛上的常见问题解答主题。 www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=37289)
As mentioned above, a scheduled task is what you're looking for. To run a script as a service read this:
Taken from the FAQ topic on the AutoIt Forums. www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=37289)
听起来您想使用计划任务而不是服务。 计划任务可以在您登录时每小时执行一次,并且还应该能够与您的桌面进行交互。 请记住,如果您使用启用了用户帐户控制的 Vista/Windows Server 2008,则以普通用户身份运行的任务无法与提升的程序交互(发送输入)。
It sounds like you're want to use a scheduled task instead of a service. Scheduled tasks can execute every hour, while you're logged in, and should also be able to interact with your desktop. Just remember that a task run as a normal user can not interact (send input) to a elevated program if you're using Vista/Windows Server 2008 with User Account Control enabled.