
发布于 2024-07-14 18:07:27 字数 691 浏览 6 评论 0原文

给定一个模型“A”表,它可以有多个子模型“B”,其中“B”将有一个或多个子模型“C”..这听起来很简单,但是我需要对每个“A”强制执行',任何 'B' 必须具有唯一的 'C' 集合。例如,C 不能是属于同一父级 'A' 的两个 'B' 的子级。但是 'C' 可以是子级考虑到每个“B”的父级“A”都是不同的,多个“B”的数量。

这是否有意义,或者我应该明确我的场景? 提前欢呼!




“A”有零个或多个“B”,“B”隐式地与“A”关联,因此始终是只有一个“A”。 “C”在某种程度上是与许多“B”以及数据库中的其他元素相关联的根实体。


这是一个包含许多摘要 (A) 和许多成员 (C) 的网站,一个摘要可以有许多提交内容 (B),其中提交内容总是有一个或多个关联成员。 这个想法是,提交实际上可以是一种协作,每个成员并不比其他成员拥有更多的“权力”,但将会有一个不同的系统来验证成员如何合作的政策。




Given a table of models 'A', that can have multiple child models 'B', of which 'B' will have one or more child models 'C'.. this sounds simple, however I need to enforce that for each 'A', any 'B' must have a unique collection of 'C'.. for example, C cannot be a child of two 'B's that are part of the same parent 'A'.. but a 'C' can be a child of multiple 'B's given that each 'B's parent 'A' is distinct..

Does that make sense or should I unobfuscate my scenario? cheers in advance!

Note that I know this policy will be enforced in the application, but I wan't it to be impossible for the database to be in an invalid state.

Edit: hi all, fantastic feedback so firstly I must thank you all for sharing your knowledge with me.

Just to clarify the situation, I'll explain the scenario but here are some notes:

'A' has zero or more 'B', a 'B' is implicitly associated with an 'A', and as such is always a child of just one 'A'. 'C' is somewhat of a root entity that is associated with many 'B's as well as other elements in the database.

Heres the real story:

This is a website that contains many briefs (A), and many members (C), a brief can have many submissions (B), of which a submission will always have one or more associated members. The idea is that a submission can in fact be a collaboration, and each member has no more 'power' than any other, but there will be a different system in place to validate the policy of how members work together.

So, per brief, a member can only submit a single submission and a submission can have many members (collaborators).

Hope that helps, but I think you've given me plenty of help already!


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恬淡成诗 2024-07-21 18:07:28



我相信这个答案的第一部分适用于 A 到 B 约束。 然而,我会在 B 和 C 之间放置一个链接表,该表也保存 A 的 PK。 这样你就在 A:B 之间得到了 1:N,然后你的约束就会被强制执行。

Add TableA's ID to TableB, and add it to the primary key, and do the same thing for TableB and TableC.


I believe the first part of this answer will work for the A to B constraint. However, I would then put a linking table between B and C which also held A's PK. that way you've got a 1:N between A:B, and your constraints are then enforced.

满天都是小星星 2024-07-21 18:07:28

我认为您无法通过简单的声明性引用完整性约束来做到这一点。 实施逻辑的最佳方法可能是使用触发器来实现业务约束,并回滚任何违反规则的插入或更新。

I don't think you'll be able to do this with simple declarative referential integrity constraints. The best way to enforce the logic might be to use triggers to implement the business constraints, and rollback any insert or update which violates the rules.

你不是我要的菜∠ 2024-07-21 18:07:27

我认为您需要 SQL 标准断言,(不幸的是)实际的 DBMS 很大程度上未实现这些断言。

所有答案都同意存在三个主表,分别称为 TableA、TableB 和 TableC,每个表都包含自己的 ID 列:

TableA (A_ID PRIMARY KEY, ...)
TableB (B_ID PRIMARY KEY, ...)
TableC (C_ID PRIMARY KEY, ...)

从问题的描述中不清楚单个 B 值是否可以有多个 A 父条目。 很明显,单个 C 可以有多个 B 父条目。 如果 B 与单个 A 绑定,则 TableB 的设计可以修改为:

TableB (B_ID, ..., A_ID REFERENCES TableA)

如果 B 可以与多个不同的 A 关联,则最好用连接表来表示连接:

         B_ID REFERENCES TableB,
         PRIMARY KEY (A_ID, B_ID)

从描述中也不清楚是否对于与 B 关联的每个 A,与 B 关联的 C 必须相同,或者不同的 A 是否可以引用相同的 B,并且与 A1 的 B 关联的 C 集合可以与关联的 C 集合不同B代表A2。 (当然,如果单个 B 只能与一个 A 关联,则这个问题没有实际意义。)

出于本答案的目的,我将假设任何 B 都与单个 A 关联,因此 TableB 的结构包括 A_ID 作为外键。 由于单个 C 可以与多个 B 相关联,因此相关结构是一个新的连接表:

         C_ID REFERENCES TableC,
         PRIMARY KEY (B_ID, C_ID)


CREATE ASSERTION assertion_name CHECK ( <search_condition> )

因此,一旦我们有了一组设计决策,我们就可以编写一个断言来验证数据。 给定表 TableA、TableB(带有外键 A_ID)、TableC 和 B_and_C,要求是给定 C_ID 在完整 A 中出现的次数为 1。

CREATE ASSERTION only_one_instance_of_c_per_a CHECK
             FROM TableB JOIN B_and_C USING (C_ID)
             GROUP BY A_ID
             HAVING COUNT(C_ID) > 1


CREATE ASSERTION only_one_instance_of_c_per_a CHECK
         SELECT A_ID, C_ID, COUNT(*)
             FROM TableB JOIN B_and_C USING (C_ID)
             GROUP BY A_ID, C_ID
             HAVING COUNT(*) > 1


连接条件集随表连接方式的其他规则而变化,但总体约束结构保持不变 - 对于特定 A_ID,不得存在对给定 C_ID 的多个引用。

在下面的评论中,meanmycode 指出:

我感觉我的设计有缺陷。 我现实世界的逻辑是“B”总是至少有一个孩子“C”。 这是没有意义的,因为“B”必须存在才能附加其子级。


我认为你的模型确实有问题。 如果必须已经存在一个引用新创建的 B 的 C,则很难创建 B,特别是如果 C 必须仅引用现有的 B。 我想到了“先有鸡还是先有蛋”这句话。 因此,通常情况下,您允许 B 在这样的上下文中具有零个或多个 C。

您还没有规定 TableB 是否有 A_ID 外键,或者是否有像 A_and_B 这样的链接表。 如果它有外键,那么在创建它引用的 A 之前,您可能无法创建 B。

我不认为在表 B 中包含一个 C ID 是一个好主意 - 它会导致非对称处理(更难的 SQL)。 这也意味着,如果您需要删除该 C,则必须进行更新,以便从其当前所在的表中删除其他 C 引用之一,然后更新 B 记录中的值。 这很混乱,要有礼貌。

我认为您需要修改您的问题来定义您正在查看的实际表结构 - 沿着各种答案中显示的线路; 您可以使用三点来表示其他但不相关的列。 我建议的断言可能必须作为某种触发器来实现 - 它进入 DBMS 特定的符号。

从摘要 (A)、提交内容 (B) 和成员 (C) 的修订描述中可以清楚地看出,单个提交内容仅适用于一个摘要,因此提交内容可以有一个简单的外键来标识该摘要是提交内容为了。 并且成员只能就特定简报的一份提交内容进行协作。 将有一个“submission_collaborators”表,其中包含用于标识提交和成员的列,该组合是主键,每列是外键。

Briefs(Brief_ID, ...)
Submissions(Submission_ID, Brief_ID REFERENCES Briefs, ...)
Members(Member_ID, ...)
Submission_Collaborators(Submission_ID REFERENCES Submissions,
                         Member_ID REFERENCES Members,
                         PRIMARY KEY (Submission_ID, Member_ID)


SELECT s.brief_id, c.member_id, COUNT(*)
    FROM submissions AS s JOIN submission_collaborators AS c
         ON s.submission_id = c.submission_id
    GROUP BY s.brief_id, c.member_id
    HAVING COUNT(*) > 1

这与我嵌入到 CREATE ASSERTION(第二个变体)中的查询相同。 您还可以挖掘额外的信息(简短标题、提交标题、会员姓名、各种日期等),但问题的核心是显示的查询必须不返回任何数据。

I think that you need SQL standard assertions, which are (unfortunately) largely unimplemented by actual DBMS.

All the answers are agreeing that there are three primary tables called TableA, TableB, and TableC, each containing its own ID column:

TableA (A_ID PRIMARY KEY, ...)
TableB (B_ID PRIMARY KEY, ...)
TableC (C_ID PRIMARY KEY, ...)

It is not clear from the description of the problem whether a single B value can have multiple A parent entries. It is clear that a single C can have multiple B parent entries. If a B is tied to a single A, the design of TableB can be revised to:

TableB (B_ID, ..., A_ID REFERENCES TableA)

If a B can be associated with several different A's, then the connection is best represented by a joining table:

         B_ID REFERENCES TableB,
         PRIMARY KEY (A_ID, B_ID)

It is also not clear from the description whether the C's associated with a B must be the same for every A that the B is associated with, or whether different A's can reference the same B, and the set of C's associated with the B for A1 can be different from the set of C's associated with the B for A2. (Of course, if a single B can only be associated with one A, this issue is moot.)

For the purposes of this answer, I'm going to assume that any B is associated with a single A, so the structure of TableB includes A_ID as a foreign key. Since a single C can be associated with multiple B's, the relevant structure is a new joining table:

         C_ID REFERENCES TableC,
         PRIMARY KEY (B_ID, C_ID)

Simplifying (by omitting rules about deferrability and immediacy) an assertion looks like:

CREATE ASSERTION assertion_name CHECK ( <search_condition> )

So, once we have a set of design decisions, we can write an assertion to validate the data. Given tables TableA, TableB (with foreign key A_ID), TableC and B_and_C, the requirement is that the number of occurrences of a given C_ID across a complete A is 1.

CREATE ASSERTION only_one_instance_of_c_per_a CHECK
             FROM TableB JOIN B_and_C USING (C_ID)
             GROUP BY A_ID
             HAVING COUNT(C_ID) > 1

[Amended: I think this is more accurate:

CREATE ASSERTION only_one_instance_of_c_per_a CHECK
         SELECT A_ID, C_ID, COUNT(*)
             FROM TableB JOIN B_and_C USING (C_ID)
             GROUP BY A_ID, C_ID
             HAVING COUNT(*) > 1


The set of join conditions varies with other rules for how the tables are connected, but the overall constraint structure remains the same - there must not exist more than one reference to a given C_ID for a particular A_ID.

In the comments below, meandmycode notes:

I get the feeling that there's a flaw in my design. My real world logic is that a 'B' always has at least one child 'C'. This doesn't make sense given that 'B' must exist before its child can be attached.
The database would currently allow a 'B' to be attached to an 'A' without having at least ONE 'C'.. child, I'm as such going to revise 'B' so that it has a field that refers to its primary child 'C', as well as having a child collection of additional 'C's, but now I have a collection that could also include the primary 'C' specified by the 'B', which would be.. wrong.

Is there a db pattern that would infer a 'one or more children' rule, vs zero or more?

I think you do have problems with your model. It is hard to create a B if there must already exist a C that refers to the newly created B, especially if C's must only refer to existing B's. The phrase 'chicken and egg' comes to mind. So, normally, you allow B's to have zero or more C's in a context like this.

You've still not stipulated whether TableB has an A_ID foreign key or whether you have a linking table like A_and_B. If it has a foreign key, then presumably you cannot create a B until you've created the A to which it refers.

I don't think including one C ID in table B is a good idea - it makes for asymmetric processing (harder SQL). It also means that if you need to delete that one C, you have to update things so that one of the other C references is deleted from the table it is currently in, and then update the value in the B record. That's messy, to be polite about it.

I think you need to amend your question to define the actual table structure you're looking at - along the lines shown in various answers; you can use triple dots to represent other but irrelevant columns. The assertion I suggested would probably have to be implemented as some sort of trigger - which gets into DBMS-specific notations.

From the amended description of briefs (A), submissions (B) and members (C), it is clear that a single submission applies to just one brief, so that submissions can have a simple foreign key that identifies the brief it is a submission for. And a member can only collaborate on one submission for a particular brief. There will be a table of 'submission_collaborators' with columns to identify the submission and member, the combination is the primary key and each column is a foreign key.

Briefs(Brief_ID, ...)
Submissions(Submission_ID, Brief_ID REFERENCES Briefs, ...)
Members(Member_ID, ...)
Submission_Collaborators(Submission_ID REFERENCES Submissions,
                         Member_ID REFERENCES Members,
                         PRIMARY KEY (Submission_ID, Member_ID)

Hence, the requirement is that the following query must return no rows:

SELECT s.brief_id, c.member_id, COUNT(*)
    FROM submissions AS s JOIN submission_collaborators AS c
         ON s.submission_id = c.submission_id
    GROUP BY s.brief_id, c.member_id
    HAVING COUNT(*) > 1

This is the same query that I embedded in the CREATE ASSERTION (second variant). You can dig out extra information (brief title, submission title, member name, various dates, etc) as well, but the core of the issue is that the query shown must return no data.

烏雲後面有陽光 2024-07-21 18:07:27

我想我已经在这里捕捉到了你的关系模型; 如果不是,那么我投票赞成取消混淆:

  • A [ {AID}, ... ]
  • B [ {BID}, AID, ... ]
  • C [ {CID}, ... ]
  • B_C_Link [ {BID, CID}, AID ]
    • (AID、CID)的附加唯一索引

该表示法使用 {} 主键指示符。 因此,A 可以有多个 B(通过在 B 上放置 AID),B 可以有 C(通过使用多对多表 B_C_Link),并且多个 C 不能属于同一个 A(通过将 AID 添加到多对多表中)。多对表并强制(AID、CID)唯一性。

I think I've got your relationship model captured here; If not then I vote for unobfuscation:

  • A [ {AID}, ... ]
  • B [ {BID}, AID, ... ]
  • C [ {CID}, ... ]
  • B_C_Link [ {BID, CID}, AID ]
    • Additional Unique Index on (AID, CID)

The notation uses the {} primary key indicator. So As can have multiple Bs (by putting an AID on B), Bs can have Cs (by using a many-to-many table B_C_Link), and multiple Cs cannot belong to the same A (by adding the AID to the many-to-many table and enforcing (AID, CID) uniqueness.

下雨或天晴 2024-07-21 18:07:27

你所拥有的是三元关系。 您需要做的是有一个表,在其主键中将 A、B 和 C 联系在一起。 由于主键不能重复,这将强制每个 A 和每个 B 只能有一个 C。这将创建您正在寻找的唯一集合。


A's({A_ID}, ...)
B's({B_ID}, ...)
C's({C_ID}, ...)
A_B_C_Relation({[A_ID], [B_ID], [C_ID]}, ...)



What you have is ternary relationship. What you need to do is have a table that ties A and B and C together in it's primary key. Since primary keys cannot be duplicated, that will enforce there to be only one C for each A, and also each B. This will create the unique collection you were looking for.

You get the following table structure:

A's({A_ID}, ...)
B's({B_ID}, ...)
C's({C_ID}, ...)
A_B_C_Relation({[A_ID], [B_ID], [C_ID]}, ...)

Primary keys are in the braces, foreign keys are in brackets.

Look here for more info.

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