在 Ajax 更新的 div 中显示 CSS 图像

发布于 2024-07-14 16:07:30 字数 12873 浏览 9 评论 0原文

我想知道是否有人可以帮忙。 我的页面中的 HTML div 包含一个树控件,该控件根据用户按下的按钮而显示或隐藏。 该按钮会触发一个 Ajax 事件,该事件在服务器上设置一个变量来显示或隐藏树,以便保持状态。

但问题就在这里; 当树重新显示时,展开/折叠支架的图标不存在。 到目前为止,我还无法弄清楚为什么会出现这种情况。


替代文本 http://www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/~马丁/Tree_with_icons.png 替代文本 http://www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/~ martin/Tree_without_icons.png

树的 HTML 作为列表构建在服务器上,每个列表项都有一个对 CSS 的类引用,如下所示:

ul.tree  li.liOpen    .bullet {
   background: url(myApp_Minus.png) center left no-repeat;
   cursor: pointer;
ul.tree  li.liClosed  .bullet {
   background: url(myApp_Plus.png) center left no-repeat;
   cursor: pointer;
ul.tree  li.liBullet  .bullet {
   background: url(myApp_Hyphen.png) center left no-repeat; 
   cursor: pointer;


我尝试过在 div、内联 CSS 元素等中放置指向 CSS 文件的链接,但没有成功。


我在运行时附加了树的 HTML 摘录:

<td align = "left">
        <div id = "tree"><ul class = "tree" id = "navTree">
        <li class = "liOpen">
          <a href = "/myDataSharer/aboutConcept#communities">
            <img alt = "Community" src = "/myDataSharer/images/myDataSharer_Community_Small.png">
          <a href = "/myDataSharer/commDashboard?CommNo=1&TagText=">Martin</a>
              <li class = "liOpen">
                <a href = "/myDataSharer/aboutConcept#datasets">
                  <img alt = "Tabular dataset" src = "/myDataSharer/images/myDataSharer_TabularDataset_Small.png">
                <a href = "/myDataSharer/displayDataset?DatasetNo=1&pageRowNo=0&TagText=">Planets</a>
            <a href = "/myDataSharer/aboutConcept#QAV">
               <img alt = "Visualisation" src = "/myDataSharer/images/myDataSharer_Visualisation_Small.png">
            <a href = "/myDataSharer/displayQAV?QAVNo=109&TagText=">Test QAV</a>
            <a href 

树本身位于一个名为“tree”的 div 中,该 div 是通过 Javascript 方法更新的,如下所示:

document.getElementById("tree").style.visibility = "visible";               
document.getElementById("tree").innerHTML = str;

树的 Javascript 是:

/*  WRITTEN BY: Martin O'Shea for myDataSharerAlpha.
 *  This program has been inherited verbatim from the original author's sample code as mentioned
 *  below. No changes have been made other than a rename of a variable on line 121 from 'mktree' to 'tree'.

 *  ===================================================================
 *  Author: Matt Kruse <[email protected]>
 *  WWW: http://www.mattkruse.com/
 *  NOTICE: You may use this code for any purpose, commercial or
 *  private, without any further permission from the author. You may
 *  remove this notice from your final code if you wish, however it is
 *  appreciated by the author if at least my web site address is kept.
 *  You may *NOT* re-distribute this code in any way except through its
 *  use. That means, you can include it in your product, or your web
 *  site, or any other form where the code is actually being used. You
 *  may not put the plain javascript up on your site for download or
 *  include it in your javascript libraries for download.
 *  If you wish to share this code with others, please just point them
 *  to the URL instead.
 *  Please DO NOT link directly to my .js files from your site. Copy
 *  the files to your server and use them there. Thank you.
 *  =====================================================================

 *   ------------------------------------------------------------------
 *   December 9, 2003: Added script to the Javascript Toolbox
 *   December 10, 2003: Added the preProcessTrees variable to allow user
 *        to turn off automatic conversion of UL's onLoad
 *   March 1, 2004: Changed it so if a <li> has a class already attached
 *       to it, that class won't be erased when initialized. This allows
 *       you to set the state of the tree when painting the page simply
 *       by setting some <li>'s class name as being "liOpen" (see example)
 *  This code is inspired by and extended from Stuart Langridge's aqlist code:
 *      http://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser/aqlists/
 *      Stuart Langridge, November 2002
 *      [email protected]
 *      Inspired by Aaron's labels.js (http://youngpup.net/demos/labels/)
 *      and Dave Lindquist's menuDropDown.js (http://www.gazingus.org/dhtml/?id=109)

// Automatically attach a listener to the window onload, to convert the trees

// Utility function to add an event listener
function addEvent(o,e,f){
    if (o.addEventListener){ o.addEventListener(e,f,true); return true; }
    else if (o.attachEvent){ return o.attachEvent("on"+e,f); }
    else { return false; }

// utility function to set a global variable if it is not already set
function setDefault(name,val) {
    if (typeof(window[name])=="undefined" || window[name]==null) {

// Full expands a tree with a given ID
function expandTree(treeId) {
    var ul = document.getElementById(treeId);
    if (ul == null) { return false; }

// Fully collapses a tree with a given ID
function collapseTree(treeId) {
    var ul = document.getElementById(treeId);
    if (ul == null) { return false; }

// Expands enough nodes to expose an LI with a given ID
function expandToItem(treeId,itemId) {
    var ul = document.getElementById(treeId);
    if (ul == null) { return false; }
    var ret = expandCollapseList(ul,nodeOpenClass,itemId);
    if (ret) {
        var o = document.getElementById(itemId);
        if (o.scrollIntoView) {

// Performs 3 functions:
// a) Expand all nodes
// b) Collapse all nodes
// c) Expand all nodes to reach a certain ID
function expandCollapseList(ul,cName,itemId) {
    if (!ul.childNodes || ul.childNodes.length==0) { return false; }
    // Iterate LIs
    for (var itemi=0;itemi<ul.childNodes.length;itemi++) {
        var item = ul.childNodes[itemi];
        if (itemId!=null && item.id==itemId) { return true; }
        if (item.nodeName == "LI") {
            // Iterate things in this LI
            var subLists = false;
            for (var sitemi=0;sitemi<item.childNodes.length;sitemi++) {
                var sitem = item.childNodes[sitemi];
                if (sitem.nodeName=="UL") {
                    subLists = true;
                    var ret = expandCollapseList(sitem,cName,itemId);
                    if (itemId!=null && ret) {
                        return true;
            if (subLists && itemId==null) {
                item.className = cName;

// Search the document for UL elements with the correct CLASS name, then process them
function convertTrees() {
    if (preProcessTrees) {
        if (!document.createElement) { return; } // Without createElement, we can't do anything
        uls = document.getElementsByTagName("ul");
        for (var uli=0;uli<uls.length;uli++) {
            var ul=uls[uli];
            if (ul.nodeName=="UL" && ul.className==treeClass) {

// Process a UL tag and all its children, to convert to a tree
function processList(ul) {
    if (!ul.childNodes || ul.childNodes.length==0) { return; }
    // Iterate LIs
    for (var itemi=0;itemi<ul.childNodes.length;itemi++) {
        var item = ul.childNodes[itemi];
        if (item.nodeName == "LI") {
            // Iterate things in this LI
            var subLists = false;
            for (var sitemi=0;sitemi<item.childNodes.length;sitemi++) {
                var sitem = item.childNodes[sitemi];
                if (sitem.nodeName=="UL") {
                    subLists = true;
            var s= document.createElement("SPAN");
            var t= '\u00A0'; // &nbsp;
            s.className = nodeLinkClass;
            if (subLists) {
                // This LI has UL's in it, so it's a +/- node
                if (item.className==null || item.className=="") {
                    item.className = nodeClosedClass;
                // If it's just text, make the text work as the link also
                if (item.firstChild.nodeName=="#text") {
                    t = t+item.firstChild.nodeValue;
                s.onclick = function () {
                    this.parentNode.className = (this.parentNode.className==nodeOpenClass) ? nodeClosedClass : nodeOpenClass;
                    return false;
            else {
                // No sublists, so it's just a bullet node
                item.className = nodeBulletClass;
                s.onclick = function () { return false; }



<script language="Javascript">

    function xmlhttpPost(strURL) {
        var xmlHttpReq = false;
        var self = this;

        // Mozilla / Safari.
        if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
            self.xmlHttpReq = new XMLHttpRequest();

        // IE.
        else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
            self.xmlHttpReq = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
        self.xmlHttpReq.open('POST', strURL, true);
        self.xmlHttpReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
        self.xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange = function() {
            if (self.xmlHttpReq.readyState == 4) {

    function getQueryStr() {
        queryStr = "action=toggleTree";
        return queryStr;

    function updatePage(str) {            
        if (str == "false") {

           // Hide tree buttons and tree.
           document.getElementById("tree").style.visibility = "hidden";
           document.getElementById("expColTreeButtons").style.visibility = "hidden";
        else {

           // Show tree buttons.
           document.getElementById("expColTreeButtons").style.visibility = "visible";

           // Show tree.
           document.getElementById("tree").style.visibility = "visible";
           document.getElementById("tree").innerHTML = str;


    function toggleTree() {

        // Make call to server to toggle tree.
        document.getElementById("tree").innerHTML = "<img src='/myDataSharer/images/myDataSharer_Wait.gif' alt='Growing tree' />"


上面的 Ajax 是从具有三个按钮的表单触发的。 “显示/隐藏”按钮可以查看事物; 另外两个按钮也包含在 div 内,但它们没问题。

                <input class = "treeButton" type="submit" value="Show / hide" onClick = "toggleTree(); return false;">
                <div id = "expColTreeButtons">
                    <input class = "treeButton" type="submit" value="Expand all" onClick = "expandTree('navTree'); return false;">
                    <br />
                    <input class = "treeButton" type="submit" value="Collapse all" onClick = "collapseTree('navTree'); return false;">
                    <br />

I wonder if anyone can help. An HTML div in a page of mine contains a tree control which is shown or hidden depending upon a button pressed by a user. The button triggers an Ajax event which sets a variable on the server to show or hide the tree so that the state is persisted.

But here's the problem; when the tree is re-displayed, the icons for expanding / collapsing brances are not present. So far, I've not been able to work out why this is the case.

The tree is shown below: the first graphic shows the tree as it should be, the second shows it after it has been hidden and re-displayed.

alt text http://www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/~martin/Tree_with_icons.png
alt text http://www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/~martin/Tree_without_icons.png

The tree's HTML is built on the server as a list and each list item has a class reference to CSS as follows:

ul.tree  li.liOpen    .bullet {
   background: url(myApp_Minus.png) center left no-repeat;
   cursor: pointer;
ul.tree  li.liClosed  .bullet {
   background: url(myApp_Plus.png) center left no-repeat;
   cursor: pointer;
ul.tree  li.liBullet  .bullet {
   background: url(myApp_Hyphen.png) center left no-repeat; 
   cursor: pointer;

Can anyone advise a method of showing the icons when the tree is re-displayed?

I've tried putting a link to the CSS file in the div, inline CSS elements and so on but without success.

Any help would be welcome.

I attach an extract of the tree's HTML at runtime:

<td align = "left">
        <div id = "tree"><ul class = "tree" id = "navTree">
        <li class = "liOpen">
          <a href = "/myDataSharer/aboutConcept#communities">
            <img alt = "Community" src = "/myDataSharer/images/myDataSharer_Community_Small.png">
          <a href = "/myDataSharer/commDashboard?CommNo=1&TagText=">Martin</a>
              <li class = "liOpen">
                <a href = "/myDataSharer/aboutConcept#datasets">
                  <img alt = "Tabular dataset" src = "/myDataSharer/images/myDataSharer_TabularDataset_Small.png">
                <a href = "/myDataSharer/displayDataset?DatasetNo=1&pageRowNo=0&TagText=">Planets</a>
            <a href = "/myDataSharer/aboutConcept#QAV">
               <img alt = "Visualisation" src = "/myDataSharer/images/myDataSharer_Visualisation_Small.png">
            <a href = "/myDataSharer/displayQAV?QAVNo=109&TagText=">Test QAV</a>
            <a href 

The tree itself is in a div called 'tree' which is updated from Javascript method as follows:

document.getElementById("tree").style.visibility = "visible";               
document.getElementById("tree").innerHTML = str;

The Javascript for the tree is:

/*  WRITTEN BY: Martin O'Shea for myDataSharerAlpha.
 *  This program has been inherited verbatim from the original author's sample code as mentioned
 *  below. No changes have been made other than a rename of a variable on line 121 from 'mktree' to 'tree'.

 *  ===================================================================
 *  Author: Matt Kruse <[email protected]>
 *  WWW: http://www.mattkruse.com/
 *  NOTICE: You may use this code for any purpose, commercial or
 *  private, without any further permission from the author. You may
 *  remove this notice from your final code if you wish, however it is
 *  appreciated by the author if at least my web site address is kept.
 *  You may *NOT* re-distribute this code in any way except through its
 *  use. That means, you can include it in your product, or your web
 *  site, or any other form where the code is actually being used. You
 *  may not put the plain javascript up on your site for download or
 *  include it in your javascript libraries for download.
 *  If you wish to share this code with others, please just point them
 *  to the URL instead.
 *  Please DO NOT link directly to my .js files from your site. Copy
 *  the files to your server and use them there. Thank you.
 *  =====================================================================

 *   ------------------------------------------------------------------
 *   December 9, 2003: Added script to the Javascript Toolbox
 *   December 10, 2003: Added the preProcessTrees variable to allow user
 *        to turn off automatic conversion of UL's onLoad
 *   March 1, 2004: Changed it so if a <li> has a class already attached
 *       to it, that class won't be erased when initialized. This allows
 *       you to set the state of the tree when painting the page simply
 *       by setting some <li>'s class name as being "liOpen" (see example)
 *  This code is inspired by and extended from Stuart Langridge's aqlist code:
 *      http://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser/aqlists/
 *      Stuart Langridge, November 2002
 *      [email protected]
 *      Inspired by Aaron's labels.js (http://youngpup.net/demos/labels/)
 *      and Dave Lindquist's menuDropDown.js (http://www.gazingus.org/dhtml/?id=109)

// Automatically attach a listener to the window onload, to convert the trees

// Utility function to add an event listener
function addEvent(o,e,f){
    if (o.addEventListener){ o.addEventListener(e,f,true); return true; }
    else if (o.attachEvent){ return o.attachEvent("on"+e,f); }
    else { return false; }

// utility function to set a global variable if it is not already set
function setDefault(name,val) {
    if (typeof(window[name])=="undefined" || window[name]==null) {

// Full expands a tree with a given ID
function expandTree(treeId) {
    var ul = document.getElementById(treeId);
    if (ul == null) { return false; }

// Fully collapses a tree with a given ID
function collapseTree(treeId) {
    var ul = document.getElementById(treeId);
    if (ul == null) { return false; }

// Expands enough nodes to expose an LI with a given ID
function expandToItem(treeId,itemId) {
    var ul = document.getElementById(treeId);
    if (ul == null) { return false; }
    var ret = expandCollapseList(ul,nodeOpenClass,itemId);
    if (ret) {
        var o = document.getElementById(itemId);
        if (o.scrollIntoView) {

// Performs 3 functions:
// a) Expand all nodes
// b) Collapse all nodes
// c) Expand all nodes to reach a certain ID
function expandCollapseList(ul,cName,itemId) {
    if (!ul.childNodes || ul.childNodes.length==0) { return false; }
    // Iterate LIs
    for (var itemi=0;itemi<ul.childNodes.length;itemi++) {
        var item = ul.childNodes[itemi];
        if (itemId!=null && item.id==itemId) { return true; }
        if (item.nodeName == "LI") {
            // Iterate things in this LI
            var subLists = false;
            for (var sitemi=0;sitemi<item.childNodes.length;sitemi++) {
                var sitem = item.childNodes[sitemi];
                if (sitem.nodeName=="UL") {
                    subLists = true;
                    var ret = expandCollapseList(sitem,cName,itemId);
                    if (itemId!=null && ret) {
                        return true;
            if (subLists && itemId==null) {
                item.className = cName;

// Search the document for UL elements with the correct CLASS name, then process them
function convertTrees() {
    if (preProcessTrees) {
        if (!document.createElement) { return; } // Without createElement, we can't do anything
        uls = document.getElementsByTagName("ul");
        for (var uli=0;uli<uls.length;uli++) {
            var ul=uls[uli];
            if (ul.nodeName=="UL" && ul.className==treeClass) {

// Process a UL tag and all its children, to convert to a tree
function processList(ul) {
    if (!ul.childNodes || ul.childNodes.length==0) { return; }
    // Iterate LIs
    for (var itemi=0;itemi<ul.childNodes.length;itemi++) {
        var item = ul.childNodes[itemi];
        if (item.nodeName == "LI") {
            // Iterate things in this LI
            var subLists = false;
            for (var sitemi=0;sitemi<item.childNodes.length;sitemi++) {
                var sitem = item.childNodes[sitemi];
                if (sitem.nodeName=="UL") {
                    subLists = true;
            var s= document.createElement("SPAN");
            var t= '\u00A0'; //  
            s.className = nodeLinkClass;
            if (subLists) {
                // This LI has UL's in it, so it's a +/- node
                if (item.className==null || item.className=="") {
                    item.className = nodeClosedClass;
                // If it's just text, make the text work as the link also
                if (item.firstChild.nodeName=="#text") {
                    t = t+item.firstChild.nodeValue;
                s.onclick = function () {
                    this.parentNode.className = (this.parentNode.className==nodeOpenClass) ? nodeClosedClass : nodeOpenClass;
                    return false;
            else {
                // No sublists, so it's just a bullet node
                item.className = nodeBulletClass;
                s.onclick = function () { return false; }


The Ajax of the web page is shown below:

<script language="Javascript">

    function xmlhttpPost(strURL) {
        var xmlHttpReq = false;
        var self = this;

        // Mozilla / Safari.
        if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
            self.xmlHttpReq = new XMLHttpRequest();

        // IE.
        else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
            self.xmlHttpReq = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
        self.xmlHttpReq.open('POST', strURL, true);
        self.xmlHttpReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
        self.xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange = function() {
            if (self.xmlHttpReq.readyState == 4) {

    function getQueryStr() {
        queryStr = "action=toggleTree";
        return queryStr;

    function updatePage(str) {            
        if (str == "false") {

           // Hide tree buttons and tree.
           document.getElementById("tree").style.visibility = "hidden";
           document.getElementById("expColTreeButtons").style.visibility = "hidden";
        else {

           // Show tree buttons.
           document.getElementById("expColTreeButtons").style.visibility = "visible";

           // Show tree.
           document.getElementById("tree").style.visibility = "visible";
           document.getElementById("tree").innerHTML = str;


    function toggleTree() {

        // Make call to server to toggle tree.
        document.getElementById("tree").innerHTML = "<img src='/myDataSharer/images/myDataSharer_Wait.gif' alt='Growing tree' />"


The Ajax above is triggered from a form which has three buttons. The 'Show / hide' button sees to things; the other two of the buttons are also enclosed within a div but they are alright.

                <input class = "treeButton" type="submit" value="Show / hide" onClick = "toggleTree(); return false;">
                <div id = "expColTreeButtons">
                    <input class = "treeButton" type="submit" value="Expand all" onClick = "expandTree('navTree'); return false;">
                    <br />
                    <input class = "treeButton" type="submit" value="Collapse all" onClick = "collapseTree('navTree'); return false;">
                    <br />

如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。



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风渺 2024-07-21 16:07:30

您的 CSS 看起来不错,就像可以生成左侧示例的东西,因此必须是 HTML 或 JavaScript 来执行显示和隐藏。 JavaScript 是如何工作的?

Your CSS looks fine ad like something that could produce the example on the left, so it must be the HTML or the JavaScript that does the showing and hiding. How does the JavaScript work?

ぇ气 2024-07-21 16:07:30

这不太可能是 CSS 问题,因为它是第一次工作。 我敢打赌问题在于您的服务器如何生成内容 - 即没有为每个节点分配正确的属性。

It's not likely a CSS problem, since it's working the first time. I'd bet the problem lies in how your server is generating content - i.e. not assigning the proper attributes to each node.

空城之時有危險 2024-07-21 16:07:30

这个问题现在已经解决了。 感谢那些做出贡献的人。

解决方案是在 div 更新后重新处理 Javascript 树。

This question has now resolved. Thanks those who contributed.

The solution was to re-process the Javascript tree after the div had been updated.

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