
发布于 2024-07-14 08:54:44 字数 1552 浏览 6 评论 0 原文

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半仙 2024-07-21 08:54:44

如果您担心眼睛疲劳,请不要忘记低技术含量的解决方案:每隔 30 分钟,向后靠,闭上眼睛,休息 10 秒钟。 或者,如果您不想让自己看起来像在打盹,可以凝视窗外或房间的另一边。 无论您是盯着显示器、一本书还是一张乐谱,您都应该这样做。 每次盯着任何东西几个小时都会让你的眼睛疲劳。

我使用免费计时器程序来告诉我 30 分钟时间到了。 每当我忘记这样做时,一天结束时我的眼睛总是会感到发痒和疲劳。

我知道这并不能回答您提出的确切问题,但我认为您在错误的地方寻找解决方案。 与其投资购买新显示器,不如定期休息一下眼睛。 那里。 我刚刚给你省了几百块钱。

编辑:已请求参考文献,所以它们在这里。 有一篇不错的科学文章介绍了微断裂的价值 此处以及文献综述此处

If you're worried about eye-strain, don't forget the low-tech solution: every 30 minutes, lean back, close your eyes, and rest them for 10 seconds. Or, if you don't want to look like you're napping, gaze out a window or across the room. You should do this regardless of whether you're staring at a monitor, a book, or a sheet of music. Staring at anything for hours at a time is going to strain your eyes.

I use a free timer program to tell me when 30 minutes is up. Whenever I forget to do this, my eyes always feel itchy and tired by the end of the day.

I know this doesn't answer the precise question you asked, but I think you're looking in the wrong place for a solution. Rather than investing in a new monitor, just rest your eyes on a regular basis. There. I just saved you a few hundred bucks.

EDIT: References have been requested, so here they are. There's a decent scientific article on the value of microbreaks here and a review of the literature here.

梨涡少年 2024-07-21 08:54:44


比物理尺寸更重要的是您如何设置它 - 大多数人都将显示器设置得 太亮

我通常从最大对比度和最小亮度开始,然后从那里开始工作。 屏幕上的黑色应该是真正的黑色,而不是深灰色; 屏幕上的白色不应比旁边的一张纸亮。

也就是说,我确实有很好的屏幕。 工作时,双 22 英寸 1680x1050 LCD;在家时,双 19 英寸 1200x1024 CRT; 我的笔记本电脑是 1920x1200 17"。我尝试过一个 24" LCD - 非常好,没有双显示器设置那么宽。

3 月 1 日更新rtpearson 提出的定期将目光从显示器上移开的建议是个好建议。


如果你有一个靠窗的座位,当你想到的时候看看外面是实现这一目标的好方法。 向同一楼层的同事“发送电子邮件”也有帮助。 使用计时器(比如我写的这个)来提醒您休息并休息眼睛也很有用。

I've always used the analogy between monitor size (resolution) and desktop size - larger screen, more space to spread out and work.

More important than the physical size is how you set it up - most people have their monitors set way way too bright.

I typically start with maximum contrast and minimum brightness, and work from there. The black on your screen should be real black, not dark gray; the white on your screen should be no brighter than a piece of paper held up next to it.

That said, I do have good screens. At work, dual 22" 1680x1050 LCD; at home, dual 19" 1200x1024 CRT; and my laptop is 1920x1200 17". I've trialled a single 24" LCD - was really nice, not as wide as either dual monitor setup.

Updated 1 Mar: The suggestion from rtpearson to look away from the monitor regularly is good advice.

I was told (years ago) that it is important for your eyes to change focal length regularly.

If you have a seat next to a window, glancing outside while you think is a good way to achieve this. "Walking an email" to a colleague on the same floor can help as well. Using a timer (such as this one I wrote) to remind you to take breaks and rest your eyes is also useful.

那伤。 2024-07-21 08:54:44

我不确定这是否重要。 我曾在投资银行工作,那里多个高分辨率屏幕已成为常态,目前我正在家里使用一台已使用 9 年、屏幕分辨率为 1024 x 768 的索尼笔记本电脑进行开发工作。 在这些截然不同的环境中,我没有注意到我的工作效率或眼睛疲劳有任何差异。

I'm not sure it matters. I've worked in investment banks where multiple high-res screens were the norm and am currently doing development work at home on a 9-year old Sony laptop with a 1024 x 768 screen. I haven't noticed any difference in my productivity or my eyestrain in those very different envirobments.

埖埖迣鎅 2024-07-21 08:54:44

在亮度方面,对我来说有效的是调整显示器的亮度以匹配房间的环境光。 目前我正在运行一台 24 英寸三星 Syncmaster,我不得不说,我认为将其调到最亮的设置会对健康造成危害。

In terms of brightness, what works for me is to adjust the brightness of the display to match the ambient light in the room. At the moment I am running a 24" Samsung Syncmaster and I have to say that I consider leaving it on the brightest setting to be a health hazard.

岁月静好 2024-07-21 08:54:44

有很多网站可以帮助您校准显示器亮度/对比度。 这只是一个 http://www.displaycalibration.com/brightness_contrast.html

There are lots of websites to help you calibrate your monitor brightness/contrast. This is just one http://www.displaycalibration.com/brightness_contrast.html

花开柳相依 2024-07-21 08:54:44

我家里有一台 24 英寸戴尔显示器,但我怀疑很多公司会考虑将其用作开发机。22

英寸宽屏、分辨率为 1680 x 1050 就不错,而且这些显示器的价格现在也相对便宜。

目前我正在使用 17" 1280 x 1024,因为我要开发的笔记本电脑只有一个微薄的 1280 x 800 屏幕,这对于编码来说几乎没有用处。IMO

2 x 17" 或 19",或 1 x 22 ”或更大。

注意:大多数便宜的液晶显示器的颜色都很糟糕,例如SO上的橙色,看起来是淡黄色,这是我能得到的最好的。 戴尔的价格是便宜的 24 英寸的 5 倍,没有这些问题,但你要付出代价:((我仍然认为这是一笔非常好的投资)!

I have a 24" Dell at home, but I doubt many companies would consider that for a development machine.

22" Wide with a resolution of 1680 x 1050 is good, and the price of those monitors are relatively cheap now.

Currently I am working on a 17" 1280 x 1024, as the laptop I got to dev on only got a meager 1280 x 800 screen, which is pretty much useless for coding.

IMO 2 x 17" or 19", or 1 x 22" or larger.

Note: most cheap LCD's have terrible color, example the orange on SO, looks a pale yellow, and thats the best I can get it. The Dell at 5 times the price of a cheap 24" does not have these issues, but you pay for it :( (I still think it was a damn good investment)!

捂风挽笑 2024-07-21 08:54:44

24 英寸对我来说是最小尺寸,而 1680x1050 的点太少,无法有效编码。 我更喜欢 1920 x 1200 或更高的双显示器。我真的很喜欢一对 30 英寸的三星,但我需要变得更丰富。 亮度和所有其他东西从来没有对我产生太大影响..因为我总是在晚上编码,无论如何也不是什么大问题

24 inch is minimum for me, and 1680x1050 is too few dots for effective coding. I prefer dual monitors at 1920 x 1200 or better .. i'd really like a pair of 30 inch Samsungs but I need to get richer. Brightness and all that other stuff has never much affected me .. since i'm always coding at night anyway not much of an issue

↘人皮目录ツ 2024-07-21 08:54:44

如果您使用 CRT 屏幕,请确保将刷新率设置得足够高。 85Hz 是一个不错的值。 Windows 上默认的 60Hz 速率太低。 闪烁让我感到恶心。 由于高“持久性”,液晶屏幕的刷新率并不重要。

大多数人不知道这一点,并将屏幕保持在 60Hz。 然而,奇怪的是,从个人经验来看,如果你直接告诉他们,“你的刷新率是错误的”,他们中的许多人都会对他们的刷新率产生防御!他们甚至可能不知道刷新率是什么。 人们很奇怪。 我很高兴 LCD 正在取代 CRT。

If you use a CRT screen, make sure you set the refresh rate nice and high. 85Hz is a good value. The default rate on Windows of 60Hz is too low. The flickering makes me feel nauseous. The refresh rate on LCD screens doesn't matter due to high "persistence".

Most people don't know this and leave their screens at 60Hz. Strangely, however, from personal experience, if you tell them directly, "Your refresh rate is wrong", many of them will get defensive—about their refresh rate!—which they probably don't even know what it is. People are strange. I'm glad LCDs are replacing CRTs.

意中人 2024-07-21 08:54:44

首先,是的,屏幕尺寸有限制。 我认为显示器最好不要超过30英寸。 这也是大多数品牌仅发布屏幕尺寸在 19 至 27 英寸之间的显示器的原因。 虽然您也可以找到 100 英寸屏幕尺寸的显示器,但这并不常见。 我猜制造商做了研究并找出了最可接受的屏幕尺寸范围。
其次,已经有一些技术了。 例如,明基有一项名为“无闪烁”的技术。 “无闪烁技术可以消除所有亮度级别的闪烁,有效减轻眼睛疲劳。 ” 还有其他规格。 我还听说一些实验室正在研究电子墨水显示器。
第三,很难给出准确的亮度数字。 这取决于环境光。 另一方面,有些人对亮度敏感,有些人则不敏感。 最好尝试不同的价值观并找到最适合自己的方法。

Firstly, yes, there is a limitation of the screen size. I think a monitor is better not bigger than 30 inches. That's also the reason most brands only released monitors with screen size from 19 to 27 inches. Although you can also find a monitor with 100 inches screen size, it's not common. I guess the manufactories did research and find out the most acceptable range of screen size.
Secondly, there are some technologies already. For instance, BenQ has a technology called Flicker-free. “The Flicker-free technology eliminates flickering at all brightness levels and effectively reducing eye fatigue. ” There are also other specifications, too. I also heard about some labs are working on e-ink monitors.
Thirdly, it's difficult to give an exact number of brightness. It depends on the environment light. On the other hand, somebody is sensitive to the brightness, others are not. It's better to try different values and find the best way for yourself.

吲‖鸣 2024-07-21 08:54:44

如果您在夜间在明亮的背景下编码,f.lux 应用程序确实可以提供帮助。 它可以减少屏幕中的蓝色,从而减少眼睛疲劳。 将设置更改为 1 小时而不是默认的 20 秒,您甚至不会注意到它。


https ://justgetflux.com/

The app f.lux can really help at night if you're coding on a bright background. It reduces the blue in the screen and thus eye strain. Change the setting to 1hr instead of the default 20 seconds and you won't even notice it.

enter image description here


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