
发布于 2024-07-14 07:36:12 字数 237 浏览 5 评论 0原文

虽然新手软件设计者期望他们的用户行为理性,但事实远非如此; 我多次看到用户的感知与现实完全脱节,或者反馈明显不合理。



如果到目前为止我学到了一件事的话; 他们经常抱怨一些意想不到的事情


While novice software designers expect their users to behave rationally, it's far from being the case ; I've seen many times the user perception being totally disconnected from reality, or it's feedback obviously irrational.

I think we are the one who should adapt, not the other way around.

There's only one way that I know of to achieve this : listen to users, especially about what they don't like in software they use.

If there's one thing I've learned so far ; they often complain about things one wouldn't expect

What unexpected things did you learn from your users?

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淡笑忘祈一世凡恋 2024-07-21 07:36:13

几年前,医院(至少是法国医院)使用旧的 win 3.11 软件运行。 每一项任务都很乏味; 对于专家用户来说,将某人从一个房间转移到另一个房间需要 5 分钟。

我的一个朋友正在向这些人销售最新的软件。 同样简单的任务对于初学者来说需要 30 秒。

虽然大多数用户对新软件非常满意,但也有少数人抱怨,这并不奇怪(总是有少数用户抱怨)。 更出乎他们意料的是:软件太慢了。 “同样简单的任务是瞬间完成的,现在需要很长时间才能完成。 把我的旧软件还给我”,他们会说。


“看,用户说,使用我的旧软件:我输入名字,输入,姓名,输入,入场号,输入,旧房间号,[…在此插入 5 分钟…]新房间号输入…一切都完成了……看……一切都是瞬时的”

“现在,看看你的软件。 正如您教我的那样,我进行了拖放操作。 我等啊等……看,完成了……我已经等了将近30秒了……”

这是一个现实世界的例子。 这真的发生了。 我非常确定,如果该软件经过修改,要求提供无用的信息,而这些信息在 30 年代期间就会被丢弃,那么该用户会对新软件有更好的感觉

A few years ago, hospitals (at least French hospitals) were run using old win 3.11 software’s. Every single task was tedious; moving someone from one room to another would take 5 minutes to an expert user

A friend of mine was working on selling up-to-date software to those people. The same simple task would take 30s to a total beginner.

While most of the users were very happy with the new software, a handful were complaining, which wasn’t a surprise (there’s always a handful of users complaining). What was more unexpected was their reason: the software was damn slow. “The same simple task was instantaneous, now it takes ages to achieve. Give me my old software back”, they would say.

My friend decided to meet them, and asked them for a live demo of the slowness they were complaining about.

“Look, said the user, with my old software : I input the first name, enter, the name, enter, the admission number, enter, the old room number,[…insert 5 minutes here…] the new room number enter … and it’s done….. See… Everything is instantaneous”

“Now, look at your software. I do a drag and drop, as you taught me. And I wait, I wait… look, it’s done..I’ve waited for almost 30s….”

That’s a real world example. It really happened. I’m pretty sure that if the software had been modified to ask for useless information that it would have discarded afterwards during the 30s period, this user would have had a far better feeling with the new software

深白境迁sunset 2024-07-21 07:36:13

如果你仔细想想,不存在非理性的用户行为,只是你的期望与他们的期望不匹配。 结束这一点的唯一方法是通过对话。 这并不一定意味着要进行可用性研究,通常正确的对话是让他们阅读可以轻松处理差异的帮助。

唯一错误的做法是不听他们在说什么 - 或者听但没有真正听到他们(请参阅此处关于 Mac 上 IE 的帖子 - 这是傲慢的高度)。 当然,你会遇到一些不喜欢改变并且会对任何事情抱怨的人,但一般来说,如果用户会花时间指出你的软件中的某些问题,那么你应该倾听。 您可能会选择忽略它们,但如果您正确倾听,您可能会轻松发现真正的宝石。

我不相信你的用户或客户会经常为你创新,但我坚信他们是你的软件可用的关键,而可用性直接导致成功。 因此,将他们定性为非理性可能并不符合你或他们的最佳目的。 最好从一开始就认真对待它们,并过滤掉您认为不好的反馈。

If you think about it there's no such thing as irrational user behaviour, there's just a mismatch between your expectations and theirs. The only way to close that is through dialogue. That doesn't necessarily mean going and doing usability studies, often the right dialogue is for them to read the help where the discrepancy is easily dealt with.

The only wrong thing to do is to not listen to what they are saying - or to listen and not really hear them (see the post on here about IE on the Mac - it's the height of arrogance). Of course you are going to get some people who just don't like change and will whinge about anything, but in general if a user will take the time to point out something in your software which bugs them, then you should listen. You may choose to ignore them, but if you listen right you may just as easily uncover a real gem.

I don't believe your users or customers will often innovate for you, but I strongly believe that they are the key to your software being usable, and usability leads directly to success. So to characterise them as irrational probably doesn't serve your best purposes - or theirs. Better to take them seriously to start with and filter out what you consider not to be good feedback.

月依秋水 2024-07-21 07:36:13

许多年前,我正在开发手持设备,一位用户联系我,抱怨他们的设备在通电后立即关闭。 结果发现这是一个错误; 启动消息以“按任意键继续”行结束。 它应该说“按任意键,除了标记电源的大红色键,继续”。

多年来我学到的一件事是,在进行设计之前花时间与最终用户进行需求分析非常重要,了解用户的文化和教育背景也非常重要。 设计看起来和工作方式与现有手动系统相似的计算机系统是一个良好的开始,理解工作流程也是如此。 我参与的另一个手持货车销售交付系统被指定在交货时寻找屏幕上的客户签名,这是完成交易所必需的。 事实证明,大多数交付实际上是在凌晨发生的,当时还没有任何人在那里签收,因此感知的工作流程与现实根本不符。 客户 IT 人员实际上并不知道这一点,业务分析师也不知道。 如果您在没有实际最终用户输入的情况下设计系统,那么您将面临危险。

Developing for a hand held unit many years back, I got contacted by a user who complained that their unit kept on turning off immediately after power on. It turned out to be a bug; the startup message ended with the line "Press any key to continue". It should have said "Press any key, except the big red key marked power, to continue".

One thing I have learned over the years is that time spent with end-users on requirements analysis prior to going anywhere near design is hugely important, as is understanding the culture and educational background of the users. Designing computer systems that look and work like existing manual systems is a good start, as is understanding the workflow. Another hand held van sales delivery system I was involved was specced to look for on-screen customer signatures on delivery, and this was necessary to complete the transaction. It turned out that most of the deliveries actually occurred early morning before anyone was there to sign for them, so the perceived workflow didn't gel with reality at all. The client IT staff didn't actually know this, nor did the business analyst. If you design systems without input from actual end users you do so at your peril.

寄人书 2024-07-21 07:36:13

该软件通常需要大约 5 分钟才能启动。




我们的下一步是在数据加载之前而不是之后显示用户界面(这对于 IT 观点来说更有意义)

这次,修改结果由于加载期间影响 UI 的成本,性能略有下降(从 500 万到 5"30)。

In my previous job, I was designing a huge trading software for a huge bank.
The software would typically take around 5 minutes to launch.

Of course, the users were complaining a lot about the startup time, especially when the software was crashing during the day, which was happening from time to time.

From the day we added a detailed progress bar (progressing quite regularly, with an indicator of the number of remaining items), the complaints almost stopped.

Typical users would say "I used to take ages to load, but now, it's quite fast"

The next step for us was to display the user interface before the data is loaded instead of after (which makes more sense for an IT point of view)

This time, the modification resulted in a slight performance drop (from 5mn to 5"30), due to the cost of impacting the UI during the loading time.
From a user perspective, the software was much faster this way !!

我不在是我 2024-07-21 07:36:13

我曾经参与过图像管理系统的工作。 管理员基本上会浏览用户制作的图像页面,并检查他想要发布的图像。 我写了一本关于系统如何工作的很好的手册,但由于每个人都知道人们不阅读手册,所以我在页面上放置了一些指南,告诉我们该怎么做(在本例中,类似于:“选中您想要的每个图像的框发布”)。



I was once working on a cms for images. The admin would basically browse though pages of user-made images, and check the ones he wanted to publish. I wrote a nice manual on how the system works, but since everybody knows people don't read manuals, i put some guides on the page telling what to do (in this case, something like: "Check the box for every image you want to publish").

It wasn't long before some guy came pull my sleeve: "There's a bug in your program. It actually tosses the images i don't select, and not the ones i select".

The problem was solved by asking him to read aloud the text on the page.

疯狂的代价 2024-07-21 07:36:13

事实远非如此; 我见过


你是说我们应该适应非理性行为吗? 软件开发已经足够不理性了(动态语言、测试驱动开发……),你还指望我们单方面使出浑身解数来适应一些扭曲的期望吗?

While novice software designers expect
their users to behave rationally, it's
far from being the case ; I've seen
many times the user perception being
totally disconnected from reality, or
it's feedback obviously irrational.

I think we are the one who should
adapt, not the other way around.

Are you saying we should adapt to irrational behaviour? Software development is already irrational enough (dynamic languages, test driven development, ...), and you expect us to unilaterally bend over backwards to accommodate some distorted expectations?

雨后咖啡店 2024-07-21 07:36:13

他们的旧方法是将所有内容输入 Excel 工作表(无需任何类型的验证),然后使用 vba 宏。




事实上,那些用户太习惯于输入重复的数据,以至于他们只使用键盘,而不使用鼠标。 当然,我没有想到正确管理选项卡顺序,因此每次点击“选项卡”时光标都会在各处跳跃,因此出现“无法使用”评论!

A few years ago, I designed a small application which was mainly aimed at helping users to input complex data in a database.
Their old method was to input everything into an excel sheet (without validation of any kind), and then to use a vba macro.

My new program added validation, and was able to auto-fill almost half of the data they previously manually entered.

I expected to be a success... which it wasn't ... at all:)

"It's just impossible to use", they said...
I had tested it, asked my mother to test it... my software was fine...

In fact, those users were so used with inputting repetitive data that they used only the keyboard, not the mouse. And of course, I hadn't thought of managing the tab order correctly, so the cursor was just jumping all over the place each and every time they hit "tab", thus the "impossible to use" comment !

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