Winforms MDI 客户端区域的大小/位置
MDI 表单内部有一个托管 MDI 子表单的客户区。 我如何知道该区域有多大? 到目前为止,我能想到的最好办法是找到父级潜在客户区域(mdiparent.ClientRectangle)的总大小,然后减去工具栏等从客户区域中带走的组件的大小。 有没有更好的办法?
Inside an MDI form is a client area that hosts the mdi child forms. How do I find out how big that area is? The best I can come up with so far is finding the total size of the parent's potential client area (mdiparent.ClientRectangle) and then subtracting off the sizes of components like toolbars, etc that take away from the client area. Is there a better way?
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窗体上没有任何属性可以让您访问 MDI 客户端窗口。 但您可以像这样找到它:
从那里,只需使用它的 Size 属性。
There is no property on a form that gives you access to the MDI client window. But you can find it back like this:
From there, just use its Size property.
下面是 中该代码的变体:
Here's a variant of that code in