
发布于 2024-07-13 20:54:19 字数 193 浏览 3 评论 0原文

问题真的很简单,什么时候才是最终停止浏览器版本并且不再关心支持它的时候? 正如可以预见的那样,这是针对 IE6 的。 我现在正在开发的一个网站的设计已基本完成,需要集成,但大部分后端功能预计还要 6 或 7 个月才能完成。 与跳过 IE6 并支持 IE7+ 相比,真的值得与 IE6 抗争吗? 此外,该网站专门针对摄影师,据我所知,其中许多人都是 Mac 爱好者。

The question is simple really, when is it time to finally pull the plug on a browser version and just not care about supporting it any more? As can probably be expected this is in regards to IE6 specifically right now. A site I'm working on right now has a mostly-finished design that needs to be integrated but most of the back-end functionality isn't expected to be done for another 6 or 7 months. Is it really worth fighting with IE6 as apposed to just skipping it and supporting IE7+ instead? Also, the site in question is targeted specifically at photographers, many of which I know for a fact are mac-heads.

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苄①跕圉湢 2024-07-20 20:54:21

我唯一想说的是,如果您决定不支持 IE 6,请向您的用户明确表示您不支持 IE 6。 您的 IE 6 用户可能会对您感到恼火,但至少他们会知道如何让它发挥作用。 更好的是,他们不太可能认为你只是无能。

The only thing I would say is to make it clear to your users that you're not supporting IE 6 if you decide not to support it. Your users on IE 6 will probably be annoyed with you, but at least they will know how to make it work. And better still, they're less likely to think that you're just incompetent.

疑心病 2024-07-20 20:54:21

一切都取决于您的目标用户是谁,以及您是否可以向他们推送/命令一组浏览器。 如果它是一个内部或基于 SaaS 的模型,那么这可能更容易销售,如果它是一个公共网站,那么你需要覆盖更广泛的基础,但这仍然取决于目标受众。 例如,如果您的目标是 Windows 开发人员,那么支持旧版本的 Safari 可能不是问题......

All depends on who your target users are and if you can push/dictate a set of browsers on them. If it is an internal or SaaS based model this can be an easier sell, if its a public site then you need to hit a wider base, but it still comes down to the target audience. If your targetting Windows developers for example, supporting old versions of Safari may be a non issue...

陪你到最终 2024-07-20 20:54:20

当然,这个问题没有神奇的答案,尽管答案很简单。 :)


不过,您还可以做其他事情来让您的生活更轻松。 例如:

  • 使用框架(例如 jQuery)来抽象出浏览器差异和错误。
  • 不用担心跨浏览器的像素完美度。
  • 向 IE 6 发送一个更简单的样式表,或者根本不发送样式表。


请参阅Yahoo 的分级浏览器支持政策

There's no magic answer to this question of course, though like the question the answer is simple. :)

You need to look at the data for visitors on that specific site, and then make a cost vs. benefit analysis, based on the extra effort it will take to support that browser vs. the number of visitors you expect to be using it.

There are other things you can do to make your life easier however. For example:

  • Use frameworks (eg jQuery) to abstract away browser differences and bugs.
  • Don't worry about pixel perfection cross-browser.
  • Send IE 6 a simpler style-sheet, or no style-sheet at all.

Your still supporting the browser in these cases, just not giving it the level of support that you might a modern standards compliant browser.

See Yahoo's Graded Browser Support policy.

梦年海沫深 2024-07-20 20:54:20

我认为 jQuery 在处理 IE6 方面有很大帮助。 考虑到用户群的构成,您确实必须权衡支持它的成本与收益。 这是 Resig 的成本/收益图表。 我发现这看起来很有趣。

http://ejohn.org/blog/the-browsers-of-2009/< /a>

I think jQuery helps a lot in dealing with IE6. You really have to weigh the cost to support it vs the benefits, given the makeup of your user base. Here's Resig's cost/benefit chart. I've found this kinda interesting to look at.

alt text
(source: ejohn.org)

两仪 2024-07-20 20:54:20

您无需为每个网络浏览器的样式表错误和特性而迷失——没有浏览器的显示/布局引擎是完美的。 如果您的网站在一些较少使用且难以支持的网络浏览器上看起来不是最佳的,也没关系。 但是,您的网页在旧版网络浏览器上也应该可访问并且可用


  • 以正确的标记编写有效的、结构良好的 HTML,这种标记有意义并且无需样式表即可清晰(是的,并非所有浏览器都支持它们,而且您永远不知道页面将如何呈现)。 您的页面在禁用样式表的情况下应该有意义。


  • 考虑到所需的效果,尝试编写尽可能简单且结构化的样式表。 这将增加不同实现之间布局和表示的可能一致性。

  • 使用您希望大多数目标受众普遍使用的网络浏览器和设置上的样式表测试您的页面,看看它们看起来是否良好。 在一些较旧的和不太常见的浏览器上测试它们,以确保它们看起来可以接受,并且仍然清晰可访问,即使字体、间距和布局不完全是您想要的。

如果它看起来并不像您在非常常见的浏览器(例如现在的 Internet Explorer 7 和 Firefox 3,更多取决于您的受众)上设计的那样好,那是一种耻辱 - 即使这是因为浏览器错误。 找到修复它或解决错误的方法,有时您需要使用一些技巧来解决此类错误。

我不知道各个版本的 Internet Explorer 到底有多常见。 然而,一般来说,如果您的网站在 Internet Explorer 6 或不太常见的浏览器上明显无法运行或看起来完全乱码,那就很糟糕了。

You do not need to lose your head on style sheet bugs and peculiarities of every web browser - no browser's display/layout engine is perfect. It is alright if your web site does not look optimal on some lesser used web browsers which are difficult to support. However, your web pages should be accessible and usable on old web browsers too.

This means:

  • Write valid, well structured HTML, in proper markup that makes sense and is legible without stylesheets too (yes, not all browsers support them, and you never know how your page will be presented anyway). Your pages should make sense with stylesheets disabled.

  • Try to write stylesheets that are as simple and structured as possible given the desired effect. That will increase the likely consistency of the layout and presentation among different implementations.

  • Test your pages with stylesheets on web browsers and setups that you expect to be commonly used by the majority of your target audience, to see that they look good. Test them on a few older and less common browsers, to make sure that they look acceptable and are still legible and accessible, even if the fonts, spacing, and layout is not exactly what you want.

If it doesn't look really good as you designed on a very common browser (e.g. Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox 3 nowadays, and more depending on your audience), that's a shame - even if it's because of a browser bug. Find ways to fix it or work around the bugs, occasionally you'll need to use some tricks to work around such bugs.

I do not know exactly how common various versions of Internet Explorer are. However, in general, if your site just plainly does not work or looks all garbled up on Internet Explorer 6 or a lesser common browser, that's bad.

陌伤ぢ 2024-07-20 20:54:20

IE6 的问题在于它仍然是很多企业环境中 Windows XP 上的标准浏览器。 因此,基本上,在我们摆脱可怕的 IE6 之前,微软必须发布 Windows XP 的可靠替代品。

编辑:我曾经“代表 27,000 个用户”(IE6)提交过一份错误报告,我们有一个错误,导致我们的网站无法供大型企业客户使用。 在一个缓慢移动的环境中,该错误在 2 天内得到修复和部署。

The problem with IE6 it's that it's still the standard browser on Windows XP in quite a lot of corporate environments. So basically Microsoft has to release a credible replacement for Windows XP before we can be rid of the dreaded IE6.

Edit: I had a once had a bug report "on behalf of 27,000 users" (IE6), we had a bug that was making our site unusable for a large corporate customer. In an otherwise slow-moving environment this bug was fixed and deployed in 2 days.

横笛休吹塞上声 2024-07-20 20:54:20


然而,如果是普通大众,我想 ie6 将会存在很多年。

It depends on your user base, check what they're using.

However if it's the general public, I would imagine ie6 will be around for years.

花海 2024-07-20 20:54:20

正如其他人所指出的,这个问题非常主观,并且网站受众各不相同。 话虽如此,我使用以下内容作为一般准则:

  1. 支持所有主要浏览器的最新版本(Internet Explorer、Firefox、Safari、Opera、Chrome)。

  2. 尝试支持 各种统计网站所述的 98% 浏览公众使用的浏览器.

As others have noted, this question is very subjective, and site audiences differ. That having been said, I use the following as a general guideline:

  1. Support the latest versions of all major browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome).

  2. Try support the browsers used by 98% of the browsing public as told by various statistics websites.

再浓的妆也掩不了殇 2024-07-20 20:54:20

如果您使用诸如 jquery 之类的框架,那么您现在可以在很大程度上开始忽略它,该框架抽象了现代浏览器 DOM 实现之间的差异。

You can for the large part start ignoring it now if you use a framework such as jquery which abstracts away the differences between modern browser DOM implementations.

镜花水月 2024-07-20 20:54:20

You've probably got another year or so to support it - Microsoft says service pack support will end on 13-Jul-2010, so if you support it until then, you'll be fine - after that, I think you can happily tell people its nothing to do with you, blame MS :-)

深居我梦 2024-07-20 20:54:20

听起来您的网站并不针对为大公司工作的数百万 IE6 用户,因此他们可能不是您主要关心的问题。

但对于那些希望接触到这些用户的人来说,要明白许多大型组织不会很快从 IE6 迁移。 成本太高了。 典型用户的计算机上没有管理员,也无法更改浏览器(例如,通过下载 Firefox 或 Chrome)。

这是 IE6 到 IE7 迁移的问题之一:IE7 对某些标签很挑剔。 例如,您不能有自闭合的 div 或 script 标记。 如果您尝试这样做,IE7 会呈现一个空白页面。 此外,IE7 拒绝标签中的重复属性。 这是从 IE6 开始的变化。 因此,有许多编写草率的 Intranet 应用程序必须先修复才能在 IE6 中运行。 并且很难通过搜索代码来找到这些问题。 这样做的投资回报率很低,所以它就没有被完成。

It sounds like your site does not target the millions of captive IE6 users who work for large corporations, so they may not be a major concern to you.

But for those hoping to reach those users, understand that many large organizations will not be migrating from IE6 any time soon. It is just too costly. The typical user there is not an administrator on their machine and can't change browsers (say, by downloading Firefox or Chrome).

Here's one of the problems with the IE6 to IE7 migration: IE7 is picky about some tags. For example, you can't have a self-closing div or script tag. If you try that, IE7 renders a blank page. In addition, IE7 rejects duplicate attributes in a tag. This is a change from IE6. So, there's lots of sloppily-written intranet apps out there that would have to be fixed before they will work in IE6. And it's very hard to search through the code to find these issues. There's little ROI in doing it, so it just isn't being done.

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