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樱桃奶球 2024-07-20 18:26:20


向用户提及,整个开发团队都会查看故障单中的问题,并且发现修复速度会显着加快。 假设任何没有门票的东西都有可能在混乱中迷路。 为他们提供向外的链接,以便他们可以查看其票证上的进度和开发人员/支持评论。 提供电子邮件提醒,让他们感觉自己是流程的一部分,并能即时获得有关问题的信息。


使系统的用户输入部分尽可能易于使用且直观。 没有人喜欢填票,我当然不会跳过任何障碍来这样做。 无需登录,无需登录,只需输入我的问题和联系信息即可开始。


最终,除非您和您的团队意见一致,否则在上述系统上进行的再多的努力都是没有意义的。 召开团队会议并与他们讨论该问题。 当你的老板在场时,尝试用他能理解的术语表达。 提及损失的宝贵时间、系统中不存在的跟踪客户问题等问题。

Make it appealing to do so.

Mention to the user that issues with trouble tickets are viewed by the entire development team and have been found to get fixed significantly faster. Say that anything without a ticket has the potential to get lost in the shuffle. Provide them outward facing links so they can view the progress and developer/support comments on their ticket. Provide email alerts so they feel like they are part of the process and have instant information about their issue.

Make it as frictionless as possible.

Make the user entry part of the system as easy to use and as intuitive as possible. No one likes filling out tickets and I'm certainly not going to jump through any hoops to do so. No logins, no sign-ins, just type out my issue and contact information and go.

Talk with your team.

Ultimately, no amount of hard work on the above systems is going to matter unless your team and you are on the same page. Call for a team meeting and talk with them about the issue. With your boss present, try and put it in terms he can understand. Mention valuable time lost, issues tracking customer problems which aren't in the system, etc, etc.

毁我热情 2024-07-20 18:26:20

听起来您的经理没有强迫用户在获得帮助之前提交票证,这让您感到失望。 问题就从这里开始,并且只会持续到你的同事允许这种行为为止。 我们在工作中使用 redmine 来提供应用程序支持,并且在告诉用户“提交票证,我们将进行调查”方面取得了良好进展,但这必须是所有相关人员的一致声音。

Sounds like your manager is letting you down by not forcing users to submit a ticket before getting help. The problem starts there and only continues to your co-workers allowing such behavior. We use redmine at work for application support and have made good progress in telling users "submit a ticket and we will look in to it" but it has to be a consistent voice from all people involved.

带刺的爱情 2024-07-20 18:26:20

对他们运用一点心理学知识。 对于不发送故障单的人员,请提醒他们,他们部门中有 80% 的人使用故障单系统。 即使这是一个谎言,由于跟风效应,它也会鼓励良好的行为。 请记住,一个人与人口统计数据越相似,就越有可能影响他们的行为。 因此,“你的直接同事”会比“整个公司的人”工作得更好。


二月份的《哈佛商业评论》中有一篇关于利用社会压力影响行为的非常简短的文章。 它讨论了一些新的研究,但文章没有包含参考文献。

Use a little psychology on them. For people that don't send in trouble tickets, remind them that 80% of the people in their department use the ticketing system. Even if it is a lie, it will encourage good behavior because of the bandwagon effect. Remember that the more similar the person is to demographic statistic, the more likely it is to influence their behavior. So "your immediate coworkers" will work better than "people in this entire company."

The people that use the ticketing system should get a gold star, no, seriously.

There was a very brief article in February's Harvard Business Review on using social pressure to influence behavior. It discussed some new research but the article didn't include references.

旧时模样 2024-07-20 18:26:20

你不知道。 即使我也讨厌这些东西。 相反,你的策略应该是“不要让我思考”。 您必须自己收集所需的所有内容,并以用户不可见的方式自动处理这些内容。 他们选择安装后。

You don't. Users hate that stuff even I do. Instead your policy should be "don't make me think". You have to collect all you need yourself and automatically handle this in an invisible way to your users. After they opt in at install.

禾厶谷欠 2024-07-20 18:26:20

除非您说服您的同事首先使用该系统,否则您可能不会取得太大进展。 当你们都同意所需的流程后,您就可以与您的用户交谈。 如果团队中的每个人都遵循相同的规则,那么您可能可以通过对未输入系统的问题设置较慢的周转时间来强制用户使用系统,甚至可能完全忘记它们。

但是,即使您可以说服您的同事和用户输入票证,您可能仍然会发现票证不完整/信息不丰富。 我们都见过很多诸如“功能 X 已损坏,请修复它”之类的请求,但没有提供其他信息。 根据您每天收到的票数,我可能会硬着头皮走过去,直接看看他们的问题是什么。

You probably won't make much headway unless you convince your coworkers to use the system first. After you've all agreed on the process you want, then you can talk to your users. If everyone on your team is playing by the same rules, you can probably force your users to use the system by having slow turn-around times for issues not entered into the system, or maybe even forget them altogether.

However, even IF you can convince both your coworkers and your users to enter tickets, you'll probably still find the tickets are incomplete/not informative. We've all seen plenty of tickets like "Feature X is broken, fix it plz" and offer no other information. Depending on the number of tickets you get per day, I would probably just bite the bullet and walk over the user and see what their problem is first hand.

陪你搞怪i 2024-07-20 18:26:20


We often log a ticket on the user's behalf in this sort of case.

睫毛溺水了 2024-07-20 18:26:20

在我以前的工作场所,我被告知没有故障单什么也做不了。 当我问为什么时,我被告知支持团队的生产力是通过使用故障单来衡量的。 这迫使我使用故障单(因为它们是必需的),并给了我这样做的动力(我不想让我的同事看起来很糟糕)。

在我的新工作场所,所有技术支持都是分包出去的。 我确实必须致电技术支持,他们会代表我创建一张票证。

At my old workplace, I was told that nothing could be done without a trouble ticket. When I asked why, I was told that the support team's productivity was measured by using trouble tickets. This had the effect of forcing me to use trouble tickets (since they were required), and giving me the motivation to do so (I didn't want my coworkers to look bad).

At my new workplace, all technical support is subcontracted out. I literally have to call tech support, and they create a ticket on my behalf.

南…巷孤猫 2024-07-20 18:26:20

另外——停止鼓励这种行为。 使用 IM 过滤选项仅向开发团队在线显示。 不要检查您的电子邮件 - 或设置过滤器,将高优先级的内容(您的老板、您的开发团队)过滤到您的收件箱,并将其他所有内容过滤到您每天或每隔一天检查一次的文件夹。

Also - stop encouraging the behavior. Use your IM filtering options to only appear online to the dev team. Don't check your email - or setup filters that filter the high priority stuff (your boss, your dev team) to your inbox, and everything else to a folder you check once a day or once every other day.

铜锣湾横着走 2024-07-20 18:26:20

Simucal 的建议很好。 在某些时候,您将不得不告诉他们“提交票据”。 如果你事后问他们,他们不会关心,因为他们已经得到了他们需要的东西。

解决这个问题的一个好方法是有专人提供支持。 我的团队做到了这一点,它极大地提高了我们的工作效率,并消除了至少 90% 的干扰。

除此之外(或替代),你们可以每天轮流决定由谁来处理用户请求。 这样做的结果是或多或少需要一张故障单; 当其他人开始处理请求时,它需要跟踪请求中发生的情况。 随着时间的推移,这也会给您的流程带来更多的凝聚力:人们创建小脚本来执行常见任务,完成的工作将转移到修订控制中,等等。

Simucal's advice is good. You -will- have to tell them to "file a ticket" instead, at some point. If you ask them after the fact, they aren't going to care because they got what they needed.

A great way to handle this is to have a dedicated person for support. My team did this, and it helped our productivity immensely and eliminated at least 90% of our interruptions.

Barring that (or lieu of), you can each rotate daily as to who gets to handle user requests. This has the upshot of making a trouble ticket more-or-less required; its needed to keep track of what happened in the request when someone else starts working on it. Over time, this also brings more cohesion to your processes: people create small scripts to do common tasks, work that is done is moved into revision control, etc.

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