Ant 无法找到外部定义的 taskdef 所需的类

发布于 2024-07-13 12:49:58 字数 1646 浏览 9 评论 0原文

我正在尝试使用 axis-java2wsdl ant 任务从我的 java 类之一创建 wsdl,但我无法获得正确的类路径。

我正在使用 Ubuntu 的 libaxis-java 软件包,它将 axis-ant.jar 安装在 $ANT_HOME/lib 中,将 axis.jar 安装在 /usr/share/java 中。 我的 build.xml 中有趣的部分如下所示:

<property name="library.dir" value="lib"/>
<property name="system.library.dir" value="/usr/share/java"/>
<path id="libraries">
    <fileset dir="${library.dir}">
        <include name="*.jar"/>
    <fileset dir="${system.library.dir}">
        <include name="*.jar"/>

<target name="genwsdl" depends="compile">
    <taskdef resource="" classpathref="libraries"/>
            details omitted

运行 ant genwsdl 会导致:

/build.xml:50: taskdef A class needed by class
cannot be found: org/apache/axis/utils/DefaultAuthenticator

Ant 能够找到 axis-java2wsdl 任务的定义,因为 axis-ant.jar 位于 $ANT_HOME/ 中lib,但它无法在 axis.jar 中找到类,即使该 jar 位于“库”定义的路径上

我知道这是一个类路径问题,因为我能够通过 DefaultAuthenticator 到达通过符号链接 axis.jar 未找到的其他类$ANT_HOME/lib。 如何让 taskdef 识别 /usr/share/lib 或项目的本地 lib 目录中的 jar 文件,而不将所有内容符号链接到 $ANT_HOME/lib 中?


我终于能够用这一行成功生成 wsdl:

ant -lib /usr/share/java/axis.jar -lib /usr/share/java/jaxrpc.jar -lib /usr/share/java/wsdl4j.jar -lib /usr/share/java/commons-logging.jar -lib /usr/share/java/commons-discovery.jar -lib build genwsdl

如果有人能告诉我我做错了什么,无法在 build.xml 中定义这些库,我仍然非常感激

I am trying to use the axis-java2wsdl ant task to create a wsdl from one of my java classes, but I cannot get the classpath correct.

I am using Ubuntu's libaxis-java package which installs axis-ant.jar in $ANT_HOME/lib and axis.jar in /usr/share/java. The interesting parts of my build.xml look like this:

<property name="library.dir" value="lib"/>
<property name="system.library.dir" value="/usr/share/java"/>
<path id="libraries">
    <fileset dir="${library.dir}">
        <include name="*.jar"/>
    <fileset dir="${system.library.dir}">
        <include name="*.jar"/>

<target name="genwsdl" depends="compile">
    <taskdef resource="" classpathref="libraries"/>
            details omitted

Running ant genwsdl results in:

/build.xml:50: taskdef A class needed by class
cannot be found: org/apache/axis/utils/DefaultAuthenticator

Ant is able to find the definition of the axis-java2wsdl task, because axis-ant.jar is in $ANT_HOME/lib, but it cannot find classes in axis.jar, even though that jar is on the path defined by "libraries"

I know it's a classpath issue because I was able to get past DefaultAuthenticator to other class's not found by symlinking axis.jar into $ANT_HOME/lib. How can I get the taskdef to recognize jar files in /usr/share/lib or my project's local lib directory without symlinking everything into $ANT_HOME/lib?


I was finally able to successfully generate the wsdl with this line:

ant -lib /usr/share/java/axis.jar -lib /usr/share/java/jaxrpc.jar -lib /usr/share/java/wsdl4j.jar -lib /usr/share/java/commons-logging.jar -lib /usr/share/java/commons-discovery.jar -lib build genwsdl

I would still very much appreciate if somebody could tell me what I'm doing wrong in not being able to define those libraries in build.xml

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二手情话 2024-07-20 12:49:58

一般来说,这是有效的。 但你需要非常仔细地检查哪些类在哪里。

如果您的任务类可以加载到类加载器层次结构中较高的类加载器中(例如 CLASSPATH 或 ANT_HOME/lib),那么您的 classpathref 将被忽略


Ant 的类加载器实现使用 Java 的委托模型

ClassLoader 类使用委托模型来搜索类和资源。 ClassLoader 的每个实例都有一个关联的父类加载器。 当调用查找类或资源时,ClassLoader 实例会将类或资源的搜索委托给其父类加载器,然后再尝试查找类或资源本身。 虚拟机的内置类加载器称为引导类加载器,它本身没有父类加载器,但可以充当 ClassLoader 实例的父类加载器。

注意:运行 ant -diagnostics 也有帮助

In general, this works. But you need to check very carefully which classes are where.

If your task class can be loaded in a classloader higher up in the classloader hierarchy (like CLASSPATH or ANT_HOME/lib) then your classpathref will simply get ignored.

Read the FAQ entry for more details.

Ant's class loader implementation uses Java's delegation model

The ClassLoader class uses a delegation model to search for classes and resources. Each instance of ClassLoader has an associated parent class loader. When called upon to find a class or resource, a ClassLoader instance will delegate the search for the class or resource to its parent class loader before attempting to find the class or resource itself. The virtual machine's built-in class loader, called the bootstrap class loader, does not itself have a parent but may serve as the parent of a ClassLoader instance.

Note: running ant -diagnostics can help too.

晨敛清荷 2024-07-20 12:49:58

Ant 添加库的机制是:

  • 通过命令行参数 -lib
  • 添加到 ${user.home}/.ant/lib
  • 添加到 ${ant.home}/lib

仅 。 手册没有提及任何有关使用system.library.dir属性的信息。 可能出于这个目的,它几乎被忽略了。

另外,在详细模式(和 -verbose )下运行 ant 来查看幕后正在做什么。

Ant mechanism for adding libraries is:

  • via command line argument -lib
  • adding to ${user.home}/.ant/lib
  • adding to ${ant.home}/lib

Only. The manual doesn't mention anything about using the system.library.dir property. Probably it pretty much ignored for this purpose.

Also, run ant in verbose mode ( and -verbose ) to see what is doing under the hood.

眼前雾蒙蒙 2024-07-20 12:49:58

为什么不采用最简单的选项并在 中指定类路径?

<taskdef resource="">
        <fileset file="/path/to/axis/jars"/>


<path id="axis-tools-classpath">
    <fileset dir="/path/to/axis/home">
        <include name="*.jar"/>
    <path refid="library.dir"/>

乱搞 ${ant.home}/lib 并不是一个好主意,而且几乎总是可以避免的。

Why not just take the simplest option and specify the classpath in your <taskdef>?

<taskdef resource="">
        <fileset file="/path/to/axis/jars"/>

Or create a second <classpath> entry that subsets library.dir?

<path id="axis-tools-classpath">
    <fileset dir="/path/to/axis/home">
        <include name="*.jar"/>
    <path refid="library.dir"/>

Messing around with ${ant.home}/lib is not such a good idea and can almost always be avoided.

维持三分热 2024-07-20 12:49:58

正如 matt b 所提到的,直接在 taskdef 任务中指定类路径对我来说是有效的。 对于我的项目,我发现将 taskdef 库包含在项目文件夹中并在 ant 构建文件中指定类路径非常有用,这样可以简单地在其他开发电脑上进行设置。 我使用以下taskdef:

<taskdef resource="" classpath="${myprojectroot}/lib/antenna-bin-1.2.1-beta.jar"/>

请注意,这可能不适用于 1.7.0 之前的 ant 版本。

It works for me to specify the classpath directly in the taskdef task, as menstioned by matt b. For my project I find it useful to include the taskdef library in the project folder and specify the classpath in the ant build file, to simply setup on other development pcs. I use the following taskdef:

<taskdef resource="" classpath="${myprojectroot}/lib/antenna-bin-1.2.1-beta.jar"/>

Note that this might not work for versions of ant earlier than 1.7.0.

薄暮涼年 2024-07-20 12:49:58

使用这里的答案和所有部分信息,我想出了一个解决方案。 我将 ant 文件所需的 jar 添加到项目中的 lib 文件夹中(特别是 mysql jdbc 驱动程序)。 然后我在 ant 中运行一个设置任务,将其复制到用户的主 .ant/lib 文件夹,然后 ant 失败并显示一条重新启动消息。 对于一个用户来说,它只失败一次,然后每次都可以工作。 如果您将 jar 更新到新版本,这可能会很棘手...

这是 ant build.xml:

<project name="data_source" default="build">

  <property file=""/>

  <!-- SQL Server Properties -->
  <property name="sql.driver" value=""/>
  <property name="sql.url" value="jdbc:mysql://"/>
  <property name="sql.user" value="user"/>
  <property name="sql.pass" value="password"/>

  <!-- FILE LOCATIONS  -->
  <property name="sql.dir" location="sql"/>

  <target name="init" description="Initialize the project">
      <available property="no.ant.lib.dir" file="${user.home}/.ant/lib/" type="dir" />

  <!-- SETUP MYSQL -->
  <target name="setup_mysql" description="Copy the lib so ant can see it" unless="no.ant.lib.dir">
      <mkdir dir="${user.home}/.ant"/>
      <mkdir dir="${user.home}/.ant/lib"/>
      <copy file="lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.13-bin.jar" todir="${user.home}/.ant/lib"/>

      <!-- ant already missed picking up the jar - we have to restart -->
      <fail message="JDBC mysql class copied to ${user.dir}/.ant/lib/ - please restart ant" />

  <target name="build" depends="init,setup_mysql,clean_data" description="Create and populate tables">

    <sql driver="${sql.driver}" url="${sql.url}" userid="${sql.user}" password="${sql.pass}" >
      <transaction src="${sql.dir}/create_tables.sql"/>
      <transaction src="${sql.dir}/insert_data.sql"/>

   <!-- CLEAN PROJECT -->
  <target name="clean" description="Cleans up project build">
    <!-- Don't clean data sources here - may get called by accident -->

  <!-- Delete all tables and data -->
  <target name="clean_data" description="Deletes all data and tables">
    <echo>Dropping all database tables in ${sql.schema}...</echo>
    <property name="exec.command" value="mysqldump -u${sql.user} -p${sql.pass} --add-drop-table --no-data ${sql.schema} | grep ^DROP | mysql -u${sql.user} -p${sql.pass} ${sql.schema}" />
    <exec executable="sh">
      <arg value = "-c"/>
      <arg value="${exec.command}"/>




Using the answers from here and all the partial information, I came up with a solution. I added the jar the ant file needed to a lib folder in the project (specifically mysql jdbc drivers). Then I run a setup task in ant that copies to the user's home .ant/lib folder, and then fails ant with a message to restart. It only fails once for a user, and then works every time. It might be tricky if you update the jar to a new version...

Here's the ant build.xml:

<project name="data_source" default="build">

  <property file=""/>

  <!-- SQL Server Properties -->
  <property name="sql.driver" value=""/>
  <property name="sql.url" value="jdbc:mysql://"/>
  <property name="sql.user" value="user"/>
  <property name="sql.pass" value="password"/>

  <!-- FILE LOCATIONS  -->
  <property name="sql.dir" location="sql"/>

  <target name="init" description="Initialize the project">
      <available property="no.ant.lib.dir" file="${user.home}/.ant/lib/" type="dir" />

  <!-- SETUP MYSQL -->
  <target name="setup_mysql" description="Copy the lib so ant can see it" unless="no.ant.lib.dir">
      <mkdir dir="${user.home}/.ant"/>
      <mkdir dir="${user.home}/.ant/lib"/>
      <copy file="lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.13-bin.jar" todir="${user.home}/.ant/lib"/>

      <!-- ant already missed picking up the jar - we have to restart -->
      <fail message="JDBC mysql class copied to ${user.dir}/.ant/lib/ - please restart ant" />

  <target name="build" depends="init,setup_mysql,clean_data" description="Create and populate tables">

    <sql driver="${sql.driver}" url="${sql.url}" userid="${sql.user}" password="${sql.pass}" >
      <transaction src="${sql.dir}/create_tables.sql"/>
      <transaction src="${sql.dir}/insert_data.sql"/>

   <!-- CLEAN PROJECT -->
  <target name="clean" description="Cleans up project build">
    <!-- Don't clean data sources here - may get called by accident -->

  <!-- Delete all tables and data -->
  <target name="clean_data" description="Deletes all data and tables">
    <echo>Dropping all database tables in ${sql.schema}...</echo>
    <property name="exec.command" value="mysqldump -u${sql.user} -p${sql.pass} --add-drop-table --no-data ${sql.schema} | grep ^DROP | mysql -u${sql.user} -p${sql.pass} ${sql.schema}" />
    <exec executable="sh">
      <arg value = "-c"/>
      <arg value="${exec.command}"/>



Hope this helps

纵山崖 2024-07-20 12:49:58

当我将 *.jar 复制到 {ant.home}/libs 时,我遇到了同样的问题,然后我使用 -lib 找到 *.jar,它运行正常! 我认为是新罐子无法加载,那我测试一下!

I met the same problem when I copy a *.jar to the {ant.home}/libs, then i user the -lib to locate the *.jar, it's runs ok! I consider it's the new jars can't be loaded, then i'll test it!

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