网络可用性 - 背景音乐

发布于 2024-07-13 12:30:55 字数 153 浏览 8 评论 0原文

我个人讨厌网站上的背景音乐。 我的客户对这个问题有相反的看法。 我添加了音乐,因为客户永远是对的,尽管我想与他们一起重新讨论这个主题。


I personally loathe background music on a website. My client has opposite feelings on the subject. I added music because the customer is always right, though I'd like to revisit the subject with them.

Almost everyone would agree that it is annoying and wastes precious bandwidth but are there any usability studies or a recommendation for someone esteemed in the profession that can provide a valid argument against background music?

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时光病人 2024-07-20 12:30:55

可用性并不是唯一的问题。 考虑以下场景:

1 - 有人在共享办公室工作时浏览该网站,现在他们所有的同事都认为“哎呀,他在浪费时间”。

2 - 有人在婴儿熟睡的房间里浏览该网站,现在他们必须花一个小时让他/她重新入睡。

3 - 有人在听自己的音乐时浏览该网站,现在他们听到一阵刺耳的尖叫声,直到一个来源被静音。

另外,请考虑到,任何将扬声器静音的人都将完全失去从您网站上的音乐中获得的任何好处。 因此,您的受众可以分为:

A - 听不到音乐的人

B - 可以听到音乐,但不喜欢它的人

C - 可以听到音乐,并且确实喜欢它的人

我会不关心估计与每个组相关的百分比,但请记住,“B”类是您的网站所积极冒犯的。 借鉴希波克拉底誓言,网页设计的一条规则应该是“不伤害”。

Usability is not the only concern. Consider the following scenarios:

1 - Someone browses to the site while at work in a shared office, and now all of their co-workers think "Gee, he's wasting time".

2 - Someone browses to the site while in a room with a sleeping baby, and now they have to spend an hour getting him/her back to sleep.

3 - Someone browses to the site while they are listening to their own music, and now they hear a cacaphony of shrieks until one source is muted.

Also, consider that any benefit gained from the music on your website will be totally lost on anyone who has their speakers muted. So your audience can be divided between:

A - People who cannot hear the music

B - People who can hear it, but do not like it

C - People who can hear it, and do like it

I would not care to estimate the percentages associated with each of these groups, but keep in mind that category "B" is actively offended by your website. To take a line from the hippocratic oath, one rule of web design should be "do no harm".

蝶舞 2024-07-20 12:30:55

指标。 您永远无法用情感化的答案说服商人



  • 有一个按原样播放音乐的网站,测量跳出率等
  • 有一个没有音乐的相同网站,测量跳出率等


也许我们错了(我也讨厌音乐)。 我希望你的客户是错的,但谁知道呢。



Metrics. You'll never be able to convince a business person with an emotional answer.

If you investigate the situation empirically you'll be able to give them something irrefutable.

I would would try an experiment: (get google analytics)

  • have one site with the music as-is, measure the bounce rate,etc
  • have an identical site without music, measure the bounce rate,etc

Have the server randomly serve up the different pages for a couple weeks (until you get a significant data) and see what happens.

Maybe we're wrong (I hate music too). I hope your customer is wrong, but who knows.

You could also add a survey link and try to get people to answer that as well (but without an incentive that might not work)

Stats can be your friend here :)

Hello爱情风 2024-07-20 12:30:55


(calculate the size of the audio file(s)*the number of hits*months)/cost of GB per month


I would also:

(calculate the size of the audio file(s)*the number of hits*months)/cost of GB per month

Then tell them how much money they are wasting.

哑剧 2024-07-20 12:30:55


  • 网站上的音频是一个坏主意。 没有人喜欢它。
  • 尝试告诉你的客户这是一个坏主意。 (这很烦人,不同级别的声音可能会导致问题,yadda yadda)提到大多数用户如果使用声音,则不会认真对待网站。 这是一件非常99年的事情。
  • 如果您的客户不让步,请(礼貌地)提醒他/她,他们正在为您作为互联网专业人士的专业知识支付报酬。 您是网络专家,他们雇用您来提供您的专业知识。
  • 如果他们仍然不肯让步,请保持声音并确保他们高兴。 最重要的是让客户满意。

Basically, it boils down to this:

  • Audio on websites is a bad idea. No one likes it.
  • Try to educate your client that it is a bad idea. (It's annoying, different levels of sound can cause problems, yadda yadda) Mention that most users don't take sites seriously if they use sound. It's a very '99 thing to do.
  • If you client does not budge, (politely) remind him/her that they are paying you for your expertise as an internet professional. You are the expert on the web, and they have hired you to give your expertise.
  • If they still won't budge, keep the sound and make sure they are happy. The bottom line is keeping the client happy.
迷途知返 2024-07-20 12:30:55

音乐也会干扰屏幕阅读器用户。 我是一名盲人计算机用户,没有什么比音乐开始播放并淹没我试图阅读该网站的语音程序更让我烦恼的了。 没有什么比不需要的音频更能让我更快地关闭网站了。

Music also interferes with screen reader users. I'm a blind computer user and nothing annoys me more then having music start playing and drowned out my speech program that's trying to read the site. Nothing will make me close a website quicker then unwanted audio.

又怨 2024-07-20 12:30:55


他们在此页面的右侧有一个视频: /evaluating/testing.php




It took a bit but I found a site that talks about usability on web sites.

They have a video on the right hand side of this page:

It shows why audio ads are not a good idea on websites.

Hope this helps.


╄→承喏 2024-07-20 12:30:55

只要确保有办法将其关闭即可。 这实际上取决于网站的类型,因为多媒体网站(即电影或游戏网站)可以从中受益,但如果我正在听自己的一些音乐,我肯定需要一种方法来将其关闭。

哦,拜托,不要再使用 1993 年人们已经讨厌的蹩脚 MIDI 文件了,当时它们还很新颖。

Just make sure that there is a way to turn it off. It really depends on the type of Website, because multimedia-heavy sites (i.e. sites for Movies or Games) can benefit from it, but if I'm listening to some of my own music, I definitely want a way to turn it off.

Oh and please, no crappy MIDI-Files that people already hated in 1993 when they were novel.

墟烟 2024-07-20 12:30:55


就我个人而言,我不知道有任何专门针对这个主题的可用性研究,但有大量来自用户的轶事证据,抱怨未经请求的背景音乐的侵入性或完全陈词滥调。 * 尽管如此,客户仍然要求这样做。 你能做的最好的事情就是尝试向他们解释情况,尝试从网上收集一些人们抱怨的好例子,建立一个案例,并希望客户支持它。

就我而言,她完全同意这可能很烦人,理解这违背了用户的期望和礼貌,但无论如何还是想要它。 所以我正在构建它。 真是太棒了。

* 事实上,你可以使用这个线程作为证据! 祝你好运。

This is a tough one -- and what's amazing is that at the moment, I have a client who's demanding the exact same thing.

Personally I don't know of any usability studies addressing this topic specifically, but there's plenty of anecdotal evidence out there from users complaining about the intrusiveness or outright corniness of unrequested background music. * That said, clients still ask for it. Best you can do is try to explain the situation to them, try to gather a few good examples of people complaining about it from the Web at large, build a case, and hope the client goes for it.

In my case, she completely agrees that it's potentially annoying, understands it cuts against the grain of user expectations and politeness, but wants it anyway. So I'm building it. Whaddyagonnado.

* Indeed, you could probably use this thread as evidence! Good luck.

抚笙 2024-07-20 12:30:55


然后,您将能够与客户讨论在不诉诸音乐的情况下向网站注入相同“氛围”的不同方法。 这实际上是一个设计问题,而不是可用性问题。

如果背景音乐/声音要传达一些信息,那么这就是一个可用性问题,因为由于技术或生物原因而无法听到正确音量的声音的人们将会错过这一点。 因此,该网站没有达到应有的可用性。

Consider taking a different path with the client.
Ask them what the purpose for the music is...

If it is to install a particular feeling or mood with the visitor of the site, consider taking them through all the points mentioned in answers here and discuss how that may violate the intended for the music.
Then you will be able to talk to the client about different ways to instill the same "ambience" to the website without resorting to music. This is really a design issue and not usability.

If the background music/sound was to convey some information, then it is a usability issue as people who for technological or biological reasons cannot hear the sound at the correct volume will miss out on that. Therefore the site is not as usable as it should be.

迎风吟唱 2024-07-20 12:30:55

不幸的是,作为某种服务提供商,我们所能做的就是畏缩并给客户他们想要的东西 - 当然,在记录您的反对意见之后在代码中和书面形式中对客户进行了评论。

Unfortunately, as a service provider of sorts, all we can do is cringe and give the customer what they want - after documenting your disapproval both commented in the code and in writing to the client, of course.

平定天下 2024-07-20 12:30:55

请原谅我,但我对在网站上加载音乐有不同的看法。 恕我直言,我对这个帖子的答案海报表示敬意。

我看到对电子商务网站的访问就像去购物中心一样。 那里有购物车、各种产品、收银台和背景音乐,让您的住宿尽可能舒适和有趣。

某些慢节奏的音乐会对大脑的某些部分产生什么影响,这有一个完整的心理原因。 一些研究甚至表明,某些音乐可以激励顾客购买更多商品。 查看此网站

这绝对是网站的一个优点。 当然,这取决于它是什么类型的网站。 然而,缓慢且无声的音乐不一定会分散人们的注意力; 相反,它可能会产生相反的效果。

我的理由是,当潜在客户访问某个网站时,他在浏览页面时仅使用了一种感官。 他的眼睛! 我是说为什么不允许他(如果他愿意的话)利用他的听觉来鼓励他(不仅通过显示漂亮的文本、设计和动画来吸引他的注意力)通过音乐(让他与网站有更多的联系)。

显然不可能触发他的嗅觉和味觉。 但为什么仅限于眼睛呢? 为什么不也用耳朵呢!

无论您是否选择将音乐放入您的网站,MichaelStum 关于关闭音乐选项的帖子都是非常重要的。

当然,最终取决于您网站的流量。 就此而言,@Cbrulak 使用 Google Analytics 的想法对于不同的个人来说将是一种现实的方法。

Pardon me, but i have a different opinion about loading music in the website. With all due respect I have for the answer posters of this thread.

I see visits to e-commerce websites like going to a shopping complex. Where you have a cart, varieties of products, checkout counters and background music to make your stay as comfortable and interesting as possible.

There's a whole psychological reason as to what certain slow paced music can do to certain parts of the brain. Some studies even suggested that certain music play a role in motivating customers to purchase more items. Check this site

This can definitely be a plus point in a website. Of course it depends on what kind of website it is. However, a slow and non-vocal music shouldn't necessarily disrupt one's attention; rather it might have the opposite effect.

My justification is that when a potential customer visits a site, he is only using one of his senses while browsing through the pages. His eyes! I'm saying why not allow him (if he wants) to use his sense of hearing that would encourage him (not only through the means of displaying fancy texts, design and animations that looks nice to the eyes) but also to capture his attention through music (allowing him to be more in touch with the site).

Its obviously not possible to trigger his sense of smell and taste. But why limit it to only the eyes. Why not use the ears too!

Whether you choose to put music into your site or not, MichaelStum's post about having an option to turn off the music is highly essential.

Of course in the end its all about the amount of traffic that comes to your website. For this matter, @Cbrulak's idea of using Google Analytics would be a realistic approach for different individuals.

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