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Closed 9 years ago.
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EtherPad 非常适合实时协作编辑,比 Google 文档(如果您可以接受严格的纯文本)。
我刚刚尝试了CollabEdit 进行比较,看来它确实无法处理两个人同时打字。
EtherPad is ideal for realtime collaborative editing, much better than google docs if you're ok with strictly plain text.
Try it out here: http://etherpad.org/
I just tried out CollabEdit for comparison and it seems it really can't handle two people typing at the same time.
See also these similar questions:
google docs 将是一个不错的选择。 它允许同时编辑。
google docs would be a save bet. it allows for simultanous editing.
尝试 Bespin Mozilla 的新产品! 它应该内置协作工具,尽管我不确定所有功能是否都可用。
Try out Bespin the new one from Mozilla! It is supposed to have collaboration tools built in, Though I'm not sure if all the features are available yet.
我在另一个问题中看到了这个链接,它似乎 100% 符合要求,基于网络和语法突出显示。
I saw this linked in another question and it seems to fit the bill 100%, web-based and syntax highlighting.
您是否查看过 Google Apps? 我和另外两个人正在使用电子表格来规划项目。 您可以看到其他人在光标周围移动并输入文本。 这非常非常酷。
Have you looked at Google Apps? Myself and two others were using the spreadsheet for planning on a project. You can see the other people moving around their curors and entering text. It's very very cool.
看看 DocSynch
我看到了 Eclipse 插件的演示,我不记得它的名字了......也许< a href="http://wiki.eclipse.org/index.php/RT_Shared_Editing" rel="nofollow noreferrer">这个
另外此 wiki 页面 有协作编辑器列表。
Look at DocSynch
I saw demo of the plugin for eclipse, i dont' remember it's name... maybe this one
Also this wiki page has a list of the collaborative editors.
我听说 Mozilla 的新“云”文本编辑器 Bespin 看起来很有趣。
I hear Mozilla's new "cloud" text editor, Bespin, looks interesting.