关于装饰器和策略模式 C# 的 OOP 设计问题
public abstract Foo
IFlyable _fly;
ISwimmable _swim;
void performSwim()
void performFly()
interface IFlyable { void fly(); }
interface ISwimmable { void swim(); }
interface IVoteable { void vote(); }
现在你有多个类来实现它,具体为 IFlyable、ISwimmable 等等
class Bar: Foo { _swim = new ConcerteSwim(); }
class Baz: Foo { _fly = new ConcreteFly(); }
其中之一是在基础中使用策略模式Foo 类来交换行为。
我们还可以使用装饰器模式来用某些行为来包装它,但是由于装饰器用基类来包装它,如果我们稍后向对象添加更多行为,我们如何真正允许开闭原则在不触及基类的情况下工作。 由于当我们添加更多行为时,这些行为可能会有不同的签名,而不仅仅是像调用装饰器那样,
void performSwim()
swimWithMoreSpeed() + foo.performSwim()
我想我的问题是,如果我添加更多行为,我如何才能在不修改基类的情况下仍然能够说添加 IWeaponBehavior、ISomeBehaviour到一个班级。
public class XYF: Foo
,但我想给它一些 ISomeBehaviour 的行为,有没有一种方法可以用这些行为来包装它,或者更像是一个 ConcreteFoo 用这些行为来包装它,现在做一些事情而不是在具体的 xyz 上实现接口,尽管这会让您实现多种具体行为类,例如 SwimBehaviour、NullBehaviour 等,但没有办法摆脱它。
有没有办法在设计模式中做到这一点? 它几乎看起来像是模式的混合体。
Say for example you have a base abstract class
public abstract Foo
IFlyable _fly;
ISwimmable _swim;
void performSwim()
void performFly()
And have behaviors/algorithm that you will have in your system
interface IFlyable { void fly(); }
interface ISwimmable { void swim(); }
interface IVoteable { void vote(); }
etc etc
Now you have multiple class that implement it, with concrete of IFlyable, ISwimmable etc
class Bar: Foo { _swim = new ConcerteSwim(); }
class Baz: Foo { _fly = new ConcreteFly(); }
etc etc
One is using the strategy pattern in the base class of Foo to swap in the behaviours.
We could also use the decorator pattern to wrap it with certain behavior but since the decorator wraps it with base class, how do we actually allow the open close principle to work without touching the base class if we later on add more behaviors to objects. Since these behavior might have different signatures as we add more, rather than just for example like calling in decorator
void performSwim()
swimWithMoreSpeed() + foo.performSwim()
I guess my question is if I add more behavior, how can I not modify the base class and still be able to say add IWeaponBehavior, ISomeBehaviour to a class.
for example I want to have a class
public class XYF: Foo
But I want to give it some behavior of ISomeBehaviour, is there a way I could say wrap it with these kinds of behaviour, or more like here is an ConcreteFoo wrap it with these behaviours and now do stuff rather than implementing the interface on concrete xyz although that makes you implementing so many kinds of concretebehaviour class like swimbehaviour, nullbehaviour etc but there is no way out of it.
Is there a way to do this in design patterns? It almost seems like a hybrid of patterns.
I know it almost seems like if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck but requires battery then you have something wrong with abstraction.
Hope this make sense.
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尝试装饰器模式。 要支持新行为,您只需实现一个继承自
对象。 然后,您现在可以将WeaponDecorator
飞行:Try the decorator pattern. To support a new behavior, you would just implement a new class that inherits from
, implementsIWeaponBehavior
, and decorates anotherFoo
object. Then you can now use theWeaponDecorator
as aFoo
and still have access to the baseFoo
that it decorates.Base class:
Concrete subclasses with base behavior:
Behavior interfaces:
Decorator subclasses with behavior:
Now we can make any
fly, using its particular implementation ofJump()
:访客模式怎么样? 它允许基类的实现者改变行为,而无需强制基类针对每个新实现进行更改:
How about the visitor pattern? It allows implementors of your base class to vary behaviours without forcing the base class to change for each new implementation:
然后让 ISwimmable 等接口继承自 IBehavior。
So here's my take on this:
and then have your interfaces like ISwimmable, etc inherit from IBehavior.