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Pascal Analyser,Delphi 2006+ 内置了审计和指标,源监视器 和代码修复程序 a> 是我所知道的 - 所有这些都非常有用。
Pascal Analyser, Delphi 2006+ has built in audits and metrics, Source Monitor and Code Healer are the ones that I'm aware of - all are pretty useful.
在 Sourceforge 上有一个项目 Delphi Code Analyzer DCA,下载量相当大,最后一次活动是在 2009 年,也许很有趣
On Sourceforge there is a project Delphi Code Analyzer DCA with quite many downloads and last activity in 2009, maybe interesting
AutomatedQA 的 AQTime 提供静态分析分析器。 我从未使用过此分析器,但对我经常使用的 AQTime 分析器感到满意。 如果您沿着这条路走下去,您可以将 AQTime 与 TestComplete 集成,以完成这种分析,作为持续集成方法的一部分。
AQTime from AutomatedQA offers a Static Analysis Profiler. I have never used this profiler but am happy with those AQTime profilers that I use regularly. If you go down this path you can integrate AQTime with TestComplete to accomplish this sort of profiling as part of a continuous integration approach.
Pascal 分析器 很不错。
Pascal Analyzer is nice.
如果您想要能够为您的代码提供各种软件指标(复杂性等)的东西,那么我强烈推荐 Campswood Software< 的 SourceMonitor /a>. 它也适用于 C 和 C++,而且是免费的。
If you want something that will give you various software metrics (complexity etc.) for your code then I strongly recommend SourceMonitor from Campswood Software. It works for C and C++ too, and it's free.
Delphi 的 Architect 版本具有非常强大的审核和指标功能,可以对您的代码进行完整的分析。 该功能提供对源代码的完整分析。 我认为这是一个非常被低估的功能。
The Architect version of Delphi has a very powerful Audits and Metrics feature that does a complete analysis of your code. The feature provides a complete analysis of your source code. A very under appreciated feature, I think.
CodeHealer 进行源代码分析和验证
BDS2006 自带版本,但可见性提示数量有限每个类别最多 4 个。
CodeHealer does source code analysis and verification
A version came with BDS2006, But the number of visibility hints is limited to 4 per category.
have a look at this link
It works well on a small project but this limitation makes it very hard if not impossible to use on a large project.
有一个新的 FixInsight 工具可以进行源代码分析和验证。
There is a new FixInsight tool which does source code analysis and verification.