使用 Powershell 编辑快捷方式 (.lnk) 属性

发布于 2024-07-13 08:18:43 字数 143 浏览 9 评论 0原文

我找到了一种令人讨厌的 VBS 方法来执行此操作,但我正在寻找一个本机 PoSh 过程来编辑 .LNK 文件的属性。 目标是连接到远程计算机,复制具有大多数正确属性的现有快捷方式,并编辑其中的一些属性。


I've found a nasty VBS way to do this, but I'm looking for a native PoSh procedure to edit the properties of a .LNK file. The goal is to reach out to remote machines, duplicate an existing shortcut with most of the correct properties, and edit a couple of them.

If it would just be easier to write a new shortcut file, that would work too.

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掀纱窥君容 2024-07-20 08:18:46

以下是我用来处理 .lnk 文件的函数。 它们是

function Get-Shortcut {
    $path = $null
  $obj = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell

  if ($path -eq $null) {
    $pathUser = [System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('StartMenu')
    $pathCommon = $obj.SpecialFolders.Item('AllUsersStartMenu')
    $path = dir $pathUser, $pathCommon -Filter *.lnk -Recurse 
  if ($path -is [string]) {
    $path = dir $path -Filter *.lnk
  $path | ForEach-Object { 
    if ($_ -is [string]) {
      $_ = dir $_ -Filter *.lnk
    if ($_) {
      $link = $obj.CreateShortcut($_.FullName)

      $info = @{}
      $info.Hotkey = $link.Hotkey
      $info.TargetPath = $link.TargetPath
      $info.LinkPath = $link.FullName
      $info.Arguments = $link.Arguments
      $info.Target = try {Split-Path $info.TargetPath -Leaf } catch { 'n/a'}
      $info.Link = try { Split-Path $info.LinkPath -Leaf } catch { 'n/a'}
      $info.WindowStyle = $link.WindowStyle
      $info.IconLocation = $link.IconLocation

      New-Object PSObject -Property $info

function Set-Shortcut {
  begin {
    $shell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
  process {
    $link = $shell.CreateShortcut($LinkPath)

    $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.GetEnumerator() |
      Where-Object { $_.key -ne 'LinkPath' } |
      ForEach-Object { $link.$($_.key) = $_.value }

Below are the functions I use for dealing with .lnk files. They are modified versions of the functions found here as mentioned by @Nathan Hartley. I've improved Get-Shortcut to handle wildcards like * by passing strings to dir to expand them into sets of FileInfo objects.

function Get-Shortcut {
    $path = $null
  $obj = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell

  if ($path -eq $null) {
    $pathUser = [System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('StartMenu')
    $pathCommon = $obj.SpecialFolders.Item('AllUsersStartMenu')
    $path = dir $pathUser, $pathCommon -Filter *.lnk -Recurse 
  if ($path -is [string]) {
    $path = dir $path -Filter *.lnk
  $path | ForEach-Object { 
    if ($_ -is [string]) {
      $_ = dir $_ -Filter *.lnk
    if ($_) {
      $link = $obj.CreateShortcut($_.FullName)

      $info = @{}
      $info.Hotkey = $link.Hotkey
      $info.TargetPath = $link.TargetPath
      $info.LinkPath = $link.FullName
      $info.Arguments = $link.Arguments
      $info.Target = try {Split-Path $info.TargetPath -Leaf } catch { 'n/a'}
      $info.Link = try { Split-Path $info.LinkPath -Leaf } catch { 'n/a'}
      $info.WindowStyle = $link.WindowStyle
      $info.IconLocation = $link.IconLocation

      New-Object PSObject -Property $info

function Set-Shortcut {
  begin {
    $shell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
  process {
    $link = $shell.CreateShortcut($LinkPath)

    $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.GetEnumerator() |
      Where-Object { $_.key -ne 'LinkPath' } |
      ForEach-Object { $link.$($_.key) = $_.value }
梦中的蝴蝶 2024-07-20 08:18:46

对 @JasonMArcher 答案的简短补充。

要查看可用属性,您只需在 中的 $shortcut = $shell.CreateShortcut($destination) 之后运行 $shortcut PS。

A short addition to @JasonMArcher's answer..

To see available properties you can just run $shortcut after $shortcut = $shell.CreateShortcut($destination) in a PS.
This will print all properties and their current values.

伪装你 2024-07-20 08:18:46


有一个 DOS 实用程序:Shortcut.exe

您仍然需要将 util 复制到远程系统,然后可能使用 WMI 调用它来进行所需的更改。



I don't think there's a native way.

There is this DOS util: Shortcut.exe.

You still need to copy the util to the remote system, then possibly call it using WMI to make the changes you're looking for.

I'm thinking the easier way will be to overwrite and/or create a new file.

Do you have access to these systems via a remote share?

鸢与 2024-07-20 08:18:45
Copy-Item $sourcepath $destination  ## Get the lnk we want to use as a template
$shell = New-Object -COM WScript.Shell
$shortcut = $shell.CreateShortcut($destination)  ## Open the lnk
$shortcut.TargetPath = "C:\path\to\new\exe.exe"  ## Make changes
$shortcut.Description = "Our new link"  ## This is the "Comment" field
$shortcut.Save()  ## Save

http:// www.tutorialized.com/view/tutorial/Extract-the-target-file-from-a-shortcut-file-.lnk/18349

Copy-Item $sourcepath $destination  ## Get the lnk we want to use as a template
$shell = New-Object -COM WScript.Shell
$shortcut = $shell.CreateShortcut($destination)  ## Open the lnk
$shortcut.TargetPath = "C:\path\to\new\exe.exe"  ## Make changes
$shortcut.Description = "Our new link"  ## This is the "Comment" field
$shortcut.Save()  ## Save

Found the VB version of the code here:

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