我想知道是否有人知道如何从 PodPress (一个 WordPress插件)到 .NET,就像您在 PodCast 可用时在 StackOverflow 博客 中找到的那样。
并且还有不错的统计数据和 iTunes 集成:)
添加: 我现在意识到(愚蠢的是我没有先检查 - 使用元键,甚至转到管理页面.../wp-admin)SO Blog 在 Wordpress 上,但是,我的愿望是相同的,怎么样?网版? 我想我会直接联系作者并向他/她推荐一个 .NET 版本的 WP 插件。
I wonder if anyone has any idea on how to implement the nice and clean UI from PodPress (a Wordpress plugin) into .NET just like you find in the StackOverflow Blog when PodCasts are available.
And have that nice stats and iTunes integration as well :)
I realized now (stupid of me not checking first - using the meta key or even go to the admin page .../wp-admin) that SO Blog is on Wordpress, but still, my wishes are the same, How about a .NET version?
I guess I will contact the author directly and propose him/her a .NET version of the WP plug in.
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那么,对于播放器部分,您可以使用 Yahoo! 音乐播放器: http://mediaplayer.yahoo.com/
我知道这不完全是您想要的因为,正如您想要 PodPress 的所有功能一样,但是,我想这可能是一个小小的踏脚石/起点。 它真的很容易使用,而且界面也很不错。
Jeff 没有将 PodPress 转换为 .NET。
blog.Stackoverflow.com 是一个 Wordpress 博客。
他只需加载 WordPress 的 PodPress 插件,在插件选项卡中单击“激活”,然后导航到新创建的 PodPress 选项卡。 他在那里配置了 iTunes 集成和统计信息。
PodPress-WordPress 插件与 WordPress 插件接口紧密耦合。 PodPress 是 flash、javascript 和 php 的混合体,所有这些都调用 WordPress 功能。
PHP 和 Javascript 很容易编辑,但在没有 WordPress 的情况下破解 PodPress 所需的工作可能比简单地从头开始重写 PodPress 更困难一些。
另外,我在许多论坛上都读到过有关人们从该项目的唯一开发人员那里得到缓慢响应以及发布版本如何需要很长时间才能发布的信息。 所以我认为你无法轻易让他将他的项目重写到不同的平台上。
Jeff didn't convert PodPress into .NET.
blog.Stackoverflow.com is a Wordpress blog.
He simply loaded the PodPress plugin for Wordpress, clicked activate in his plugins tab and navigated to his newly created PodPress tab. There he configured his iTunes integration and his statistics information.
If you view the source of the blog you'll see:
Edit: Response to your comment.
The PodPress-WordPress plugin is tightly coupled to the WordPress Plugin Interface. PodPress is a mixture of flash, javascript and php and all of these are calling upon WordPress functions.
The PHP and Javascript are easily editable but the work required to hack PodPress to work without WordPress would probably be a little more difficult than simply re-writing PodPress from scratch.
Also, I've read on many forums about people getting slow responses from the sole developer of the project and how releases have been taking a long while to come out. So I don't think you'll be able to easily get him to rewrite his project into a different platform.
Your options are: