
发布于 2024-07-13 04:37:54 字数 237 浏览 4 评论 0原文

我们正在开发一个项目,要求我们允许用户注册以接收某些事件的电子邮件通知。 任何一项事件都可能有数万或数十万封电子邮件。

我知道网络上每天都会这样做,但我不知道如何管理电子邮件活动,以便当单个邮件提供商识别出来自单个来源的大量邮件时,发件人不会被列为垃圾邮件发送者黑名单-- 我特别关心雅虎、MSN、AOL 等知名邮件提供商,他们可能会收到我们发送的大部分邮件。


We are working on a project that requires us to allow users to register to receive email notifications of certain events. There will potentially be tens or hundreds of thousands of email messages based on any one event.

I know that this is done every day all over the web, but what I don't know is how email campaigns are managed such that the sender is not blacklisted as a spammer when a single mail provider recognizes large numbers of messages from a single source -- I'm especially concerned with high profile mail providers like Yahoo, MSN, AOL, etc. who will likely receive the bulk of the messages that we send.

Is there a standard methodology that is employed in order to conduct legitimate email campaigns that users have voluntarily registered for?

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无言温柔 2024-07-20 04:37:54


  1. 确保您的外发邮件服务器使用性能良好的软件(我建议 postfix)。 行为不当的邮件软件可能会导致服务器拒绝您的操作,从而给您带来问题。
  2. 确保您的服务器的正向和反向 DNS 匹配。 许多邮件服务器会拒绝来自其他未正确配置的服务器的邮件。
  3. 为您的域设置 SPF 记录并进行测试。
  4. 为您的域设置 DomainKey,这可能有点复杂。
  5. 注册 ISP 反馈循环 –(例如 Yahoo's

在推出我们的其中一个网站时,我们的邮件服务器受到限制由雅虎! 由于我们发送的电子邮件量很大 - 所有这些都是注册通知。 我们获得了如此多的新用户,以至于他们限制了我们的服务器。 我们通过将该服务器的邮件队列刷新到另一台服务器来解决这个问题。 在三台服务器受到限制后,我们设法将其余邮件送达,此后一切都很好。

您可能还希望考虑第三方服务,例如 CertifiedEmail,这可能会花钱,但也可以确保更高的交货率。

最后,通过您的系统向所有免费网络邮件服务、您能找到的每个 ISP 以及您可以使用的每个邮件客户端上的测试帐户发送测试消息。 只有完成上述所有操作后,您才可以考虑发送邮件。

一旦您准备好开始,我建议您先从一小群订阅者开始,然后再逐步扩大到完整列表。 最好在问题还小时就发现它们。

Four steps that will significantly increase your chances:

  1. Make sure that your outgoing mail server is using well-behaved software (I suggest postfix). Ill-behaved mail software can cause problems for you by doing things that make servers reject you.
  2. Make sure that your server's forward- and reverse-DNS match. Many mail servers will reject mail from other servers which are not properly configured.
  3. Set up SPF records for your domain and test them.
  4. Set up DomainKeys for your domain, which can be a little complex.
  5. Sign up for ISP feedback loops – (e.g. Yahoo's)

When rolling out one of our websites, our mail server was throttled by Yahoo! because of the volume of e-mail we were sending – all of which was sign-up notifications. We were getting so many new users that they throttled our server. We got around that by flushing that server's mail queue to another server. After three servers got throttled, we managed to get the rest of our mail delivered, and we've been fine since.

You may also wish to consider a third-party service, like CertifiedEmail, which may cost money but which may also ensure a higher rate of delivery.

Finally, send test messages through your system to test accounts on all free webmail services, every ISP you can find, and every mail client you can get your hands on. Only after you've done all of the above should you even consider sending out mail.

Once you're ready to go, I suggest starting with a small group of subscribers and then moving up to the full list later. Better to find problems while they're small.

笔芯 2024-07-20 04:37:54


在技​​术层面上,一个简单而重要的步骤是使用您的系统向自己发送一封测试电子邮件,并查看标头,看看是否有任何引起麻烦的内容,例如 X-Authentication-Warning 标头。


The "Spam Best Practices" are a starting point, though mostly non-technical.

On a slightly more technical level, a simplistic and important step is to send yourself a test email using your system and look at the headers to see if there's anything that screams trouble, like X-Authentication-Warning headers.

An instantly-working unsubscribe link is absolutely indispensable.

瞳孔里扚悲伤 2024-07-20 04:37:54

无论您做什么,人们和机器都会错误地将您的邮件归类为垃圾邮件。 因此,您的 IP 地址往往会被列入黑名单。

最好的选择是设置一些自动监控来检测您的 IP 何时被列入黑名单(将其挂接到您的正常监控系统中) - 如果可能的话,您应该至少监控大多数大型公共黑名单。

如果可以的话,您还可以自动监控向选定的第三方(Hotmail、Yahoo、Google)的递送,以检测他们何时停止递送您的邮件 - 他们可能有您无法以编程方式查询的私人黑名单。

我发现 AOL 是一个特殊的问题,他们的政策几乎没有记录,并且可能会随时更改,恕不另行通知。 此外,他们的用户是业内最愚蠢的用户,并且倾向于将任何内容标记为垃圾邮件。 但是,(根据我的经验)他们确实会响应支持请求,并且如果您善意请求并且是合法的,他们会将您的 IP 列入白名单。

如果您发现某个 IP 被列入黑名单,您可以采取措施将其删除,或者暂时切换到另一个 IP(您仍然需要将原始 IP 取消列入黑名单,因为您最终可能希望重新使用它)。

No matter what you do, people and machines will incorrectly classify your messages as spam. Therefore, you'll tend to get your IP address(es) blacklisted.

The best option is to set up some automated monitoring to detect when your IPs get blacklisted (hook it into your normal monitoring system) - you should monitor at least most of the big public blacklists if possible.

If you can, you could also automatically monitor delivery to selected third parties (Hotmail, Yahoo, Google) to detect when they've stopped delivering your mail - they presumably have private blacklists you can't query programmatically.

AOL I've found to be a particular problem, their policy was barely documented and subject to change without notice. Moreover, their users are some of the most stupid in the business and tend to flag anything as spam. However, they do (in my experience) respond to support requests and will whitelist your IPs if you ask nicely and are legitimate.

If you find an IP blacklisted, you can take steps to remove it, or switch to another one temporarily (you'd still need to get the original one un-blacklisted as you'd probably want to reuse it eventually).

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