ToolStrip 有时不响应鼠标单击
我有一个 .NET 2.0 WinForms 应用程序,主窗体上有一个 ToolStrip。 有时,ToolStrip 图标不会响应第一次鼠标单击,因此我必须单击该图标两次。 它只是一个带有几个图标和工具提示文本的标准 ToolStrip,我没有做任何特别的事情。 这常见吗?
I have a .NET 2.0 WinForms application with a ToolStrip on my main form. Sometimes, the ToolStrip icons don't respond to the first mouse click, so I have to click the icon twice. It's just a standard ToolStrip with several icons and tooltip texts, I don't do anything special. Is this common?
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我前段时间遇到了同样的问题,我在 Rick Brewster 的博客,引用 此链接。 这个想法是在派生类 ToolStripEx 中覆盖“WndProc”。 该解决方案的核心如下所示:
I had the same problem some time ago, and I found a solution in Rick Brewster's blog, referencing this link. The idea is to overwrite 'WndProc' in a derived class ToolStripEx. The core of that solution looks like this:
您可以创建自己的从 ToolStrip 继承的类,并使用自定义属性
来打开或关闭该行为:You can create your own class that inherits from the ToolStrip and use a custom property
to switch the behaviour on or off:我在其他开发环境(VB6)中也遇到过这种情况,结果是因为第一次单击被工具栏吸收以获取焦点。 或者,换句话说,工具栏不会响应单击,直到它获得焦点。 要对此进行测试,请在单击按钮之前尝试单击工具栏的空白部分。 如果您在单击工具栏后不必单击两次按钮,那么这可能就是问题所在。 我认为我解决这个问题的方法(这是几年前的事了,所以请原谅我的黑客攻击)是以编程方式将焦点放在 MouseOver 事件中的工具栏上。
I've had that in other dev environments (VB6), and it turned out to be because the first click was being absorbed by the toolbar to acquire the focus. Or, to put it another way, the toolbar wouldn't respond to a click until it had the focus. To test this, try clicking on an empty part of the toolbar before you click on the button. If you never have to click twice on the button after you've clicked on the toolbar then that might be the problem. I think they I got around it (and this was years ago, so please excuse the hack) was to programatically give the focus to the toolbar in the MouseOver event.
如果应用程序窗口没有获得焦点,则必须单击 ToolStrip 按钮两次。 第一次单击将焦点设置到窗口,第二次单击引发单击事件。 (不幸的是)这是默认行为,并且是设计使然。 Microsoft Word 显示相同的行为(即使 .NET ToolStrip 不是同一控件)。
If the application window hasn’t got the focus, you have to click the ToolStrip button twice. The first click sets the focus to the window, the second raises the click event. This is (unfortunately) the default behaviour and it’s by design. Microsoft Word shows the same behaviour (even though the .NET ToolStrip is not the same control).
这是@Doc Brown 解决方案的实现:
Here is the implementation for @Doc Brown's solution: