w3c html validator 可以作为源代码,因此您可以下载它并用它做几乎任何您想做的事情。 您可以使用 URL 列表对其进行设置,以不断抓取您的测试服务器并记录任何错误。
w3c html validator is avalable as source so you can download it and do prety much anything you want with it. You could set it up with a list of URLs to constantly crawl your test server and log any errors.
作为一个插件,有适用于 Firefox 的 HTML 验证器。
As a plugin there's HTML Validator for Firefox.
w3c html validator 可以作为源代码,因此您可以下载它并用它做几乎任何您想做的事情。 您可以使用 URL 列表对其进行设置,以不断抓取您的测试服务器并记录任何错误。
w3c html validator is avalable as source so you can download it and do prety much anything you want with it. You could set it up with a list of URLs to constantly crawl your test server and log any errors.
正如 Jeremy 所说,W3C 验证器就在那里,但附带说明一下,要检查您的视图/网站的可访问性,您可以 TAW。
As Jeremy said, the W3C validator is out there, but on a side note to check for the accessibility of your views/ site you can you TAW.
I realise this is slightly off topic, but it's still in an important part of web-site development.