使用泛型将 java 5 代码转换为可以在 J2ME 设备上运行的代码?
是否有任何解决方案或工具可以将使用所有新的 java 5 功能(泛型、自动装箱、可变参数、静态导入)的 java 5 代码转换为可以在 J2ME 设备上运行的代码? 我对处理泛型特别感兴趣 - 其他功能很不错,但不是强制性的。
我需要源代码作为此转换的结果,因为这将使用自定义编译器进行编译。 (我不能使用字节码操作(ala Retroweaver))
Are there any solutions or tools that transform java 5 code that uses all the new java 5 features(generics, autoboxing, varargs, static imports) into code that can run on a J2ME device? I am particularly interested in handling generics - the other features are nice to have but not mandatory.
I need source code as the result of this conversion as this will be compiled using a custom compiler. (I cannot use bytecode manipulation(ala retroweaver))
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使用常规 javac 进行编译并针对较旧的 JVM 至少将为您提供适合泛型的字节码。
Compiling with the regular javac and targeting an older JVM will give you proper bytecode for generics at least.
If you really need source it's probably possible, though strange, to compile to bytecode and then decompile back to source.