
发布于 2024-07-12 05:46:25 字数 111 浏览 6 评论 0原文


我们的目标是较新的显示器,宽度可能至少为 1280 像素,但高度可能会有所不同,并且每个浏览器的工具栏高度也可能不同。


Is there any standard on common website resolution?

We are targeting newer monitors, perhaps at least 1280px wide, but the height may varies, and each browser may have different toolbar heights too.

Is there any sort of standard to this?

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毁梦 2024-07-19 05:46:26

我建议你看看媒体查询。 这是 CSS 的一个有用的新补充,确实非常有意义,您可能会想知道为什么它没有更早地实现。 基本上,它允许您直接通过 CSS 定位浏览器属性(例如最大和最小宽度),并从那里分支您的布局代码。 与创建打印样式表类似,您可以在同一文件中并行创建桌面和移动布局,这对开发来说非常有利。

I'd suggest you have a look at media-queries. This is a useful new addition to CSS that really makes so much sense, you'd wonder why this wasn't implemented waaay earlier. Basically it allows you to target browser attributes (such as max and min-widths) directly via CSS and branch your layout code from there. Similar to creating a print stylesheet, you can create your desktop and mobile layouts in parallel in the same file, which kicks ass for development.

往日 2024-07-19 05:46:26


我宁愿为网站制作不同的 css 布局,并根据用户的分辨率应用它们,或者如果这是不可能的(尚未深入研究),请将其作为可选择的选项。

Flexible or liquid layouts do restict design a little though, for example if you use background images that have to match the body background image.

I would rather make different css layouts for the site and have them apply depending on the user's resolution, or if that's not possible (have not digged into that yet), make it a choosable option.

纸伞微斜 2024-07-19 05:46:26

好吧,我在这里看到很多错误信息。 对于初学者来说,使用特定分辨率(例如 800x600)创建网页,可以使该页面仅使用该分辨率正确呈现! 当同一页面显示在其他人的笔记本电脑或家用电脑显示器上时,该页面将使用该屏幕的当前分辨率显示,而不是您在设计页面时使用的分辨率。 不要为一种特定分辨率创建网页! 有太多不同的长宽比和屏幕分辨率,无法期望“一刀切”的情况,而网页设计并不存在这种情况。 解决方案如下:使用 CSS3 媒体查询创建分辨率自适应代码。 这是一个示例:

@media screen and (max-width: 800px) {
@media screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
@media screen and (max-width: 1280px) {

看,我们刚刚所做的是指定 3 组以不同分辨率渲染的样式。 在我们的示例中,如果屏幕分辨率大于 800px,则将执行 1024 的 CSS。 同样,如果显示内容的屏幕为 1224px,则将执行 1280,因为 1224 大于 1024。我正在处理的网站现在可以在 800x600 到 1920x1080 的所有分辨率下运行。 另一件需要记住的事情是,并非所有具有相同分辨率的显示器都具有相同尺寸的屏幕。 您可以将 15.4 英寸笔记本电脑并排放置,虽然两者看起来相同,但两者的分辨率可能截然不同,因为在不同的 LCD 屏幕上并非所有像素的大小都相同。 因此,使用媒体查询,并开始使用高分辨率(尤其是 1280+)的笔记本电脑屏幕创建您的网站。 此外,在笔记本电脑上使用不同的分辨率创建每个媒体查询。 您可以使用 Windows 中的分辨率设置向下调整 800x600 并在该分辨率下创建媒体查询,然后切换到 1024x768 并在该分辨率下创建另一个媒体查询。 我可以继续说下去,但我认为你们应该明白我的意思。


该教程将向您展示如何为所有设备进行设计。 还有专门针对媒体查询的教程。 我开发了整个网站,可以在所有设备、所有屏幕和所有分辨率上渲染,不使用子域,仅使用 CSS! 我仍在致力于对平板电脑和智能手机的支持。 该网站可以在任何笔记本电脑或 50 英寸液晶电视上完美呈现,并且许多页面可以在所有移动设备上完美运行。 如果您将所有代码都放在页面上,那么您的页面加载速度将快如闪电! 另外,请务必注意该文章中有关 CSS“background-size: cover;”的讨论。 或“包含”属性,它们将使您的背景图形流畅并能够在所有分辨率下完美渲染。


Alright, I see alot of misinformation here. For starters, creating a web page using a certain resolution, say 800x600 for example, makes that page render properly using that resolution only! When that same page is displayed on someone else's laptop, or home PC monitor, the page will be displayed using that screen's current resolution, NOT the resolution you used when designing the page. Don't create web pages for one specific resolution! There are too many different aspect ratios and screen resolutions to expect a "one size fits all" scenario, that with web design does not exist. Here's the solution: Use CSS3 Media Queries to create resolution adaptable code. Here's an example:

@media screen and (max-width: 800px) {
@media screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
@media screen and (max-width: 1280px) {

See, what we just did was specify 3 sets of styles that render at different resolutions. In the case of our example, if a screen's resolution is larger than 800px, the CSS for 1024 will be executed instead. Likewise, if the screen displaying the content was 1224px, the 1280 would be executed since 1224 is larger than 1024. The site I'm working on now functions at all resolutions 800x600 to 1920x1080. Another thing to keep in mind is that not all monitors with the same resolution have the same size screens. You could put 15.4 laptops side by side, while both look the same, both could have drastically different resolutions, since not all pixels are the same size on different LCD screens. So, use media queries, and start creating your website with a laptop screen with high resolution, particularly 1280+. Also, create each media query using a different resolution on your laptop. You could use your resolution settings in Windows to adjust down 800x600 and creating a media query at that res, and then switch to 1024x768 and create another media query at that res. I could go on and on, but I think you guys should get the point.

UPDATE: Here's a link to using media queries that will help explain more,
Innovative Web Design for Mobile Devices with Media Queries

That tutorial will show you how to design for all devices. There's also tutorials for Media Queries specifically. I developed the entire site to render on all devices, all screens, and all resolutions using no subdomains, and only CSS! I am still working on support for tablets and smart phones. The site renders perfectly on any laptop, or your 50inch LCD TV, and many pages work perfectly on all mobile devices. If you put all your code on page, then your pages will load lightening fast! Also, be sure to pay attention to discussion in that article about the CSS "background-size: cover;" or "contain" properties, they will make your background graphics fluid and able to render perfectly at all resolutions.

Follow the sites tutorials and you can make a single web page that renders on everything and anything!

牵你手 2024-07-19 05:46:26

我们使用的指南似乎被相当广泛地使用,并得到了我们从 Google Analytics 获得的数据的支持,它是设计网站,使其能够在 1024 像素宽、768 像素高 (1024x768) 的屏幕上运行。 1280x800 是我们看到的最常见的分辨率,至少占所有流量的 70%)。

这就是为什么您会看到许多网站(包括这个)使用大约 1000 像素宽的中心列,最重要的内容位于顶部 500-600 像素,因此在这种尺寸的屏幕中查看时它位于首屏之上。

使用 1000 像素宽的布局在宽度高达约 1680 像素的屏幕尺寸上效果相当好(通常与您在笔记本电脑上看到的高度一样高,除了大型 17 英寸笔记本电脑),但在 1920 像素上看起来确实有点傻宽的(高端计算机,通常是工作站),但是这些非常高分辨率并不占一般互联网流量的很大比例 - 2% 或更少(另一方面,如果您有像本网站这样的专业受众,高分辨率的数字可能会更高一些)。

The guidelines we use, which seem to be fairly widely used and are backed up by the figures that we get from Google Analytics, are to design the site so that it will work on a screen that is 1024 pixels wide and 768 pixels high (1024x768 and 1280x800 are the most common resolutions we see, accounting for at least 70% of all traffic).

This is why you see many sites (this one included) which use a central column approx 1000 pixels wide and with the most important content in the top 500-600 pixels so it's above the fold when being viewed in screens this size.

Using a 1000 pixel wide layout works fairly well on screen sizes of up to about 1680 pixels in width (typically as high as you'll see on laptops, except the large 17" ones) but do start to look a bit silly on 1920 pixel wide ones (high end computers, typically workstations), however these very high resolutions don't account for a large percentage of traffic on the general internet - 2% or less (on the other hand, if you have a specialist audience like this site, the figure with high resolutions may be somewhat higher).

你列表最软的妹 2024-07-19 05:46:26

尝试将 1024 作为最小宽度。 尝试一下它在 800 下的样子,但不要太费心去实现它。 在 800x600 下,几乎所有主要网站都无法运行,因此在该分辨率下工作的人无论如何都会遇到问题。

如果您打算采用流畅的布局,请确保文本不会太宽,因为当行太长时,它们会变得难以阅读。 这就是大多数网站具有固定宽度的主要原因。

Try to target 1024 as the minimum width. Try how it looks at 800, but don't bother too much making that work. At 800x600 almost none of the major websites are going to work, so people working at that resolution are going to have problems all the time anyway.

If you're going to go for a liquid layout, make sure that text doesn't get too wide, because when lines are too long, they become hard to read. That's the main reason why most websites have a fixed width.

So尛奶瓶 2024-07-19 05:46:26

我的目标是 1024 像素显示器(但不使用 100% 的空间)。 我已经放弃那些 800x600 的了。 我宁愿用过时的硬件惩罚少数人,让他们在需要时滚动,而不是用新设备惩罚每个人,浪费空间。


I target the 1024 pixel monitors (but don't use 100% of that space). I've given up on those with 800x600. I'd rather punish the few with outdated hardware by making them scroll if they need to, versus punishing everyone with new equipment by wasting space.

I suppose it depends on your audience, and the nature of you app though.

清旖 2024-07-19 05:46:26


考虑浏览器视口的宽度而不是屏幕分辨率更重要——您不能假设显示器上的每个像素都将分配给浏览器(即使是这样,您也必须减去浏览器镶边)。 如果您可以访问报告浏览器宽度(nb浏览器宽度,而不是屏幕分辨率)的分析,那么请密切关注。

尝试适应尽可能广泛的视口是件好事,但也有一些限制。 有些挑战可以通过 CSS 媒体类型来处理,有些则不能。 有些可以通过流体布局来处理。 但是,流体布局无法在所有情况下工作,具体取决于要显示的信息类型、行长、阅读舒适度等。某些流体布局不适用于宽屏显示器。 大多数情况下,当尺寸低于特定宽度时,等等

尽管我个人很想为约 960 像素及以上的视口进行设计,但你并不总是能做到。 因此,在某些情况下,设计视口 <= 760 像素左右(800 像素宽显示,最大化)仍然是最安全的——尽管我们最终可以一劳永逸地摆脱这个限制——至少对于桌面来说—— - 正在快速接近。

如果转换是一个问题——并且你有一个固定宽度的布局——你最好有一个很好的理由来放置用户需要点击的任何内容,以便收银机在第 760 号以东的任何地方“ka-ching”像素。


最后,用你能得到的一切来测试你的布局。 大的。 小的。 桌面。 手持式。 作品。 没有替代品。

Ultimately, this is not a matter of standards or best practices for markup, but rather knowing your audience and making sure your website does what you want it to do.

It's more important to consider the width of the browser viewport rather than screen resolution -- you cannot assume that every pixel on a display will be allocated to the browser (and even if it is, you have to subtract browser chrome). If you have access to analytics that report browser width (n.b. browser width, not screen resolution) then pay very close attention.

It's nice to try to accommodate the widest possible range of viewports but there are some limitations. Some challenges can be handled with CSS media types, some can't. Some can be handled with fluid layouts. But fluid layouts cannot work in all situations, depending on the type of information to be displayed, line length, reading comfort, etc. Some fluid layouts don't work in wide displays. Most break when sized below a certain width, etc.

As much as I'd personally like to design for viewports ~960 pixels and up, you can't always do it. So in some cases, it's still safest to design for viewports <=760 pixels or so (800 pixel wide display, maximized) -- though the time we can finally toss this limitation once and for all -- for the desktop at least -- is very fast approaching.

Where conversions are an issue -- and you have a fixed width layout -- you better have a darned good reason for putting anything that the user needs to click in order for the cash register to go "ka-ching" anywhere east of the 760th pixel.

Ditto for the primary navigation.

Finally, test your layout in everything you can get your hands on. Big. Small. Desktop. Handheld. The works. There's no substitute.

凉月流沐 2024-07-19 05:46:26

我刚刚从我可以访问的所有客户端站点中采集了屏幕分辨率样本,其中包括超过 8 个行业的 20 多个站点,以下是结果:
替代文本 http://unkwndesign.com/so/percentScreenResolutions.png
基于此,我想说确保它在 1024x768 下看起来不错,因为这在很大程度上是这里的大多数。 也不必太担心高度,但是尽量避免以默认字体大小使大多数页面超过 1-2 个打印页面,大多数人不会阅读那么长的页面,并且如果用户安装了一个占用空间的工具栏垂直空间,我个人的偏好是这是他们的问题,但我认为这没什么大不了的。

*请注意,由于四舍五入,百分比加起来为 100.05%。

I just took a sampling of screen resolutions from all of the client sites I have access to, this includes more then 20 sites in more then 8 industries here are the results:
alt text http://unkwndesign.com/so/percentScreenResolutions.png
Based on this I would say makes sure it looks good on 1024x768 as that is the majority here by a long shot. Also don't worry about the height as much, however try to avoid making most pages more then 1-2 printed pages at your default font size, most people wont read a page that long, and if a user installs a toolbar that takes up vertical space, my personal preference is that it's their problem, but I don't think it's to big of a deal.

*note the percentage adds up to 100.05% because of rounding.

微凉徒眸意 2024-07-19 05:46:26



这取决于您想要渲染的内容,但我会使用可变宽度布局,该布局在大约 800-900 宽度时不会中断。


Keep in mind that the higher the resolution, the less likely the internet browser will be maximiced.

And some browsers have lateral bars too.

It depends on what you want to render, but I'd go with a variable width layout that doesn't break at about 800-900 width.

Height is not really a problem.

櫻之舞 2024-07-19 05:46:26

sbeam 说“你总是希望每行有 65-80 个字符”。 那不是真的。 例如,维基百科每行可能有 180 个字符。 或者它本来就是一个特定的网站?

sbeam said that 'you always want there to be 65-80 characters per line'. That is not true. Wikipedia, for example, may have 180 characters per line. Or was it meant to be a particular website?

疧_╮線 2024-07-19 05:46:25


针对 1024x768 进行优化。 对于大多数网站来说,这将覆盖大多数访问者。 大多数日志显示,92-99% 的访问宽度将超过 1024。 虽然 1280 越来越常见,但仍然有很多 1024 以及低于该值的产品。 为此进行优化,但不要忽略其他内容。

1024 = ~960。 考虑到滚动条、窗口边缘等,意味着 1024x768 屏幕的实际宽度为大约 960 像素。 有些工具基于稍小的尺寸,大约 940。 这是 twitter bootstrap 中的默认容器宽度。

不要针对一种尺寸进行设计。 窗户尺寸各不相同。 不要假设屏幕尺寸等于窗口尺寸。 设计一个合理的最小值,但假设它会调整。

使用响应式设计和流畅布局。 使用在调整窗口大小时会调整的布局。 人们经常这样做,尤其是在大显示器上。 这只是一个很好的 CSS 实践。 有几个前端框架支持这一点。

将移动设备视为一等公民。 您一直在从移动设备获得更多流量。 这些引入了更多的屏幕尺寸。 您仍然可以针对 960 进行优化,但使用响应式网页设计技术意味着您的页面将根据屏幕尺寸进行调整。

记录浏览器显示信息。 您可以获得有关此的实际数字。 我在此处此处这里。 您还可以操纵您的网站来收集相同的数据。

用户将滚动,因此不必太担心高度。 旧的观点是用户不会滚动,任何重要的内容都应该放在“首屏”。 这在几年前就被推翻了。 用户经常滚动




The advice these days is:

Optimize for 1024x768. For most sites this will cover most visitors. Most logs show that 92-99% of your visits will be over 1024 wide. While 1280 is increasingly common, there are still lots at 1024 and some below that. Optimize for this but don't ignore the others.

1024 = ~960. Accounting for scrollbars, window edges, etc means the real width of a 1024x768 screen is about 960 pixels. Some tools are based on a slightly smaller size, about 940. This is the default container width in twitter bootstrap.

Don't design for one size. Window sizes vary. Don't assume screen size equals windows size. Design for a reasonable minimum, but assume it will adjust.

Use responsive design and liquid layouts. Use layouts that will adjust when the window is resized. People do this a lot, especially on big monitors. This is just good CSS practice. There are several front-end frameworks that support this.

Treat mobile as a first-class citizen. You are getting more traffic from mobile devices all the time. These introduce even more screen sizes. You can still optimize for 960, but using responsive web design techniques means your page will adjust based on the screen size.

Log browser display info. You can get actual numbers about this. I found some numbers here and here and here. You can also rig your site to collect the same data.

User will scroll so don't worry much about height. The old argument was that users wouldn't scroll and anything important should be "above the fold." This was overturned years ago. Users scroll a lot.

More about screen resolutions:

More about responsive design:

Tools and front-end frameworks for responsive design and liquid layouts:

慵挽 2024-07-19 05:46:25

我相信这是个坏主意。 将内容与布局分离的全部目的是使您的网页能够在任何类型的浏览器上显示。


话虽如此,我相信每个桌面都应该能够显示 1024x768。 但是,在 iPhone 或其他屏幕有问题的设备上运行的浏览器,甚至那些不使用整个桌面作为浏览器的浏览器呢?


Bad idea, I believe. The whole point in separating content from layout was to enable your web page to be displayed on any sort of browser.

Putting in artificial limitations such as a minimum screen size will limit your market.

Having said that, I believe every desktop should be able to display 1024x768. But what about the browsers running on iPhones or other screen-challenged devices, or even those that don't use their entire desktop for the browser?

In answer to your specific question, no, I don't believe there is any standard for a minimum or common display area in browsers.

娇女薄笑 2024-07-19 05:46:25

强迫用户水平滚动是一种严重的 UI 违规行为。 除非您专门为已知屏幕尺寸的人群构建网站,否则最安全的做法是确保您的设计适用于小至 800 像素宽的屏幕(如果没记错的话,大约占网络冲浪人群的 8%)。 让它很好地适应更大的屏幕是明智的,但不要以仍然在 800x600 下冲浪的人们为代价。

还有另一件事需要考虑:并非每个人都以全屏方式运行浏览器(我不这样做)。 因此,由于多种原因,如果可以针对特定(且大)的“屏幕尺寸”进行设计的想法实际上行不通。

2010 年 12 月 15 日更新:当我第一次回答这个问题时,800 像素是一个合适的答案。 然而,此时,我建议使用 1024 像素宽(或其他人指出的 960 像素宽)。 科技不断前进...

Forcing your user to scroll horizontally is a serious UI transgression. Unless you are specifically building a web site for a population with a known screen size, you are safest ensuring that your design works with screens as small as 800 pixels wide (about 8% of the web surfing population if memory serves me right). It is wise to make it adapt well to larger screens but not at the cost of the folks still surfing at 800x600.

Here's another thing to consider as well: not everyone runs their browser at full screen (I don't). So the idea that if is Ok to design for a specific (and large) "screen size" really doesn't work for a number of reasons.

Update on 12/15/2010: When I first answered this question, 800 pixels was an appropriate answer. However, at this point, I would recommend 1024 pixels wide (or 960 as someone else points out). Technology marches on...

梦太阳 2024-07-19 05:46:25


大约 50%用户仍在使用 1024x768。 如果您希望您的网站在高分辨率下看起来不错,请使用灵活的布局。

Here are statistics of browser display in 2008:

About 50% users are still using 1024x768. If you want your site to look nice in high resolutions use flexible layout.

探春 2024-07-19 05:46:25

它们支持的宽度为 750、950、974、100%。



请参阅 YUI 基础

there are actually industry standards for widths (well according to yahoo at least).
Their supported widths are 750, 950, 974, 100%

There are advantages of these widths for their predefined grids (column layouts) which work well with standard dimensions for advertisements if you were to include any.

Interesting talk too worth watching.

see YUI Base

你另情深 2024-07-19 05:46:25

这是一个很棒的工具:Google 实验室浏览器大小

Here's an awesome tool: Google Labs Browser Size

兰花执着 2024-07-19 05:46:25

我想说的是,您应该只期望用户拥有分辨率为 800x600 的显示器。 加拿大政府制定了标准,将此列为要求之一。 尽管对于拥有精美宽屏显示器的人来说,这可能看起来很低,但请记住,并不是每个人都有漂亮的显示器。 我仍然知道很多人在 1024x768 下运行。 遇到在 800x600 分辨率下运行的人并不罕见,尤其是在旅行时在便宜的网吧里。 另外,如果您不愿意,最好将浏览器窗口设置为全屏。 您可以使网站在更宽的显示器上更宽,但不要让用户水平滚动。 曾经。 支持较低分辨率的另一个优点是您的网站将在手机和任天堂 Wii 上运行更容易。

关于你至少 1280 宽的注释,我不得不说这太过分了。 大多数 17 甚至我的 19 英寸非宽屏显示器仅支持最大分辨率 1280x1024。 而我现在正在打字的 14 英寸宽屏笔记本电脑的宽度只有 1280 像素。 我想说,您应该争取的最大最小分辨率是 1024x768,但 800x600 是理想的选择。

I would say that you should only expect users to have a monitor with 800x600 resolution. The Canadian government has standards that list this as one of the requirements. Although that may seem low to somebody with a fancy widescreen monitor, remember that not everybody has a nice monitor. I still know a lot of people running at 1024x768. And it's not at all uncommon to run into someone who's running in 800x600, especially in cheap web cafes while travelling. Also, it's nice to have to make your browser window full screen if you don't want to. You can make the site wider on wider monitors, but don't make the user scroll horizontally. Ever. Another advantage of supporting lower resolutions is that your site will work on mobile phones and Nintendo Wii's a lot easier.

A note on your at least 1280 wide, I would have to say that's way overboard. Most 17 and even my 19 inch non widescreen monitors only support a maximum resolution of 1280x1024. And the 14 inch widescreen laptop I'm typing on right now is only 1280 pixels across. I would say that the largest minimum resolution you should strive for is 1024x768, but 800x600 would be ideal.

你げ笑在眉眼 2024-07-19 05:46:25

到目前为止,所有答案都讨论了桌面显示器,但我在 iPhone 上使用堆栈溢出,我认为您不应该通过定位 1024 或 1280 水平像素来排除任何移动平台。 标记您的页面,以便浏览器了解其全部含义,并免费使其可用,即使在屏幕阅读器和其他您没有想到的工具包上也是如此。

All of the answers so far talk about desktop monitors, but I'm using stack overflow on my iPhone and I don't think you should exclude any mobile platform by targeting 1024 or 1280 horizontal pixels. Mark up your page so the browser knows what it all means and making it usable will come for free, even on screen readers and other kit you haven't thought of.

顾冷 2024-07-19 05:46:25


It's best not to target any specific resolution, but to adapt easily to many different resolutions.

美人迟暮 2024-07-19 05:46:25

尽管最佳宽度可能是 1024,但您必须调整高度以适应各种浏览器设置(导航工具栏、书签工具栏、状态工具栏等)和任务栏设置。 它将很快将 768 降至 550 左右。

Although the best width may by 1024 you'll have to adjust height for account for various browser settings (navigation toolbar, bookmark toolbar, status toolbar, etc) and account for taskbar settings. It'll quickly drop the 768 down to around 550.

蓝海似她心 2024-07-19 05:46:25

无论您的目标浏览器大小如何,请确保为浏览器工具栏、状态栏和滚动条留出空间,如上所述。 Internet Explorer (IME) 的工具栏和状态栏中通常有超过 100 像素的垂直空间。 通常,如果我拍摄 1024 x 768 的尺寸,为了安全起见,我会尝试创建大约 960 - 980 像素宽和 600 像素高的设计。 这样,您就可以在必要时容纳滚动,并提供一些漂亮的空白(如果设计需要的话)。 对于需要定位特定尺寸的情况,我强烈推荐 YUI 网格:

YUI Grid

Whatever your target browser size, make sure to include space for browser toolbars, status bars, and scroll bars as above. Internet Explorer (IME) often has over 100px of vertical space in toolbars and status bars. Typically, if I'm shooting for 1024 x 768, I would try to create a design of around 960 - 980px wide and 600px high to be safe. That way you accomodate scrolling if necessary and some nice white space (if the design requires it). I highly recommend YUI grids for instances where you need to target specific sizes:

YUI Grid

浴红衣 2024-07-19 05:46:25

我从设计师那里收到很多问题,不仅涉及宽度,还涉及使用什么高度来“将所有内容都放在折叠之上”。 这是我最近给出的一个答案 -

对于宽度,我不是设计师,但我读到 960px 宽度是当今的发展方向,因为它适合被分成看起来不错的列,并且非常适合内部大多数显示器。 如果可以的话,设计一个流畅的布局 - 但这并不总是实用,具体取决于您的设计师、CSS 技能、图像和文本量。

(您总是希望每行有 65-80 个字符,行高约为 1.15)。 这是文本的最佳列宽,并且已被证明比非常宽或窄的列读取起来更快、更愉快)

至于“首屏”,我只需要注意不要在页面上使用任何此类概念。网络。 水平滚动可以而且应该避免,但垂直滚动是你无法 100% 避免的。 我只能告诉您,在 1024x768 显示屏上(至少 95% 的用户拥有该显示屏或更高),您应该可以使用固定的 600px 高块。 但有许多不同的显示格式,浏览器镶边可能会占用大量空间,而且并不是每个人都会最大化浏览器窗口。

这里有一些其他网站也或多或少说了同样的话 - 但是

- 如何针对浏览器尺寸进行设计 - baekdal.com

I get questions a lot from designers about not only width but what height to use to 'keep everything above the fold'. Here is one answer I gave recently -

For width, I'm not a designer but I've read that 960px width is the way to go these days, because it lends itself to being divided into columns that look nice, and fits nicely within most displays. If you can, design a liquid layout - but this is not always practical depending on your designer, your CSS skills, the images and the amount of text.

(you always want there to be 65-80 characters per line, with a line-height of about 1.15). This is the optimal column width for text, and it has been proven to be much faster and pleasant to read than very wide or narrow columns)

As far as 'above the fold', I just have to caution against using any such concept on the web. Horizontal scrolling can and should be avoided, but vertical scrolling is something you cannot 100% avoid. All I can tell you is that on a 1024x768 display (at least 95% of users have that or higher) you should be OK with a fixed 600px high block. But there are many different display formats out there, the browser chrome can take up a lot of room, and not everybody maximizes the browser window.

here are some other sites that say more-or-less the same thing - but
planning to get absolutely everything 'above the fold' for everyone is tough
because then you might only have 400px or so, according to the actual

And finally a good long article that goes into great detail (I'd post more but SO says I am too noob)
- How to design for Browser Sizes - baekdal.com

她说她爱他 2024-07-19 05:46:25

我个人总是坚持最大宽度为 1000px,在页面中间居中(通过左/右边距:自动)。

如果您的运行分辨率低于 1024x768,那么就该升级了。 严重地。 快到 2010 年了。您可以购买原生分辨率为 1280x1024 的廉价液晶显示器。

I've personally always stuck to max width of 1000px, centered in the middle of the page (via margin left/right: auto).

If you're running at anything less than 1024x768, it's time to upgrade. Seriously. It's almost 2010. You can buy bargain bin lcd monitors with a native res of 1280x1024.

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