
发布于 2024-07-12 05:42:09 字数 300 浏览 5 评论 0原文

您好,我正在为我的项目寻找一些 Web 框架,我发现了 Visual WebGui 看起来很神奇,但我对奇迹持悲观态度:) 有比我更有经验的人可以帮助我吗?

经典 asp.net 与 Visual WebGui

  • 速度怎么样?
  • 数据大小怎么样?
  • 安全怎么样?



Hi I am looking for some web framework for my prject and I found Visual WebGui
It looks amazing, but I am pesimistic to miracles :)
Can someone more experienced than me help me?

classic asp.net vs Visual WebGui

  • what about speed ?
  • what about size of data?
  • what about security?

have someone personal experience with this technology?


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绳情 2024-07-19 05:42:09

在过去的 5 年里,我在许多项目中使用了 VWG,我可以告诉你,这确实是一个奇迹:-)。 我以前从未制作过如此令人惊叹的网络应用程序。 即时 AJAX,无需接触 HTML 或 CSS,并且产品不断变得更好。 我知道很难证明我是真正的用户而不是公司的用户,所以请随意问我更多问题,我会继续检查这个帖子。

我不是受过专业训练的开发人员,我对 ASP 或 VWG 的内部工作原理了解不多,但就您的问题而言......

-速度快得惊人。 AJAX 比大多数 AJAX 框架都要快。

- 发送回的数据被压缩并保持在绝对最小值。 您可以使用跟踪工具亲自查看。 仅需要的 UI 更改和数据会发送回客户端/服务器。

- 与 ASP 一样安全。 他们甚至举办了一场价值 10,000 美元的竞赛,看看是否有人可以破解 VWG——到目前为止,还没有获胜者。


I have used VWG for numerous projects for the past 5 years and I can tell you that it is truly a miracle :-). I have never made such amazing web applications before. Instant AJAX, no need to ever touch HTML or CSS, and the product is constantly getting better. I know it's tough to prove that I'm a real user and not with the company, so feel free to ask me more questions, I'll keep checking this thread.

I'm not a professionally trained developer, and I don't know much about the internal workings of ASP or VWG, but in terms of your questions...

What about speed ?
-It's blazingly fast. The AJAX is faster than most AJAX frameworks out there.

What about size of data?
-The data that is sent back is compressed and kept to an absolute minimum. You can use tracing tools to see for yourself. Only required UI changes and data are sent back to the client/server.

What about security?
-It's as secure as ASP. They even had a contest for $10,000 to see if someone could hack VWG - so far, no winners.


再浓的妆也掩不了殇 2024-07-19 05:42:09

我们多年来一直使用 Visual WebGui,并取得了巨大成功。 我们的应用程序需要零 DHTML/JavaScript/AJAX/JSON/CSS 编码。 严重地。 对于基于 Web 的 .NET 业务应用程序 - Visual WebGui 是完美的选择。 我强烈推荐 Gizmox 作为您的下一个网络平台。


ASP.NET 是一个无状态的开发平台。 每个用户的当前视图保留在客户端上 - ViewState。 对于每个请求,ViewState 都必须发送到 ASP.NET 服务器,这使得服务器的往返次数很重,即使在 AJAX 场景中也是如此。 在 ASP.NET 中,服务器生成 DHTML/JavaScript/CSS 和 DHTML/JavaScript/CSS 等。 将其发送到浏览器。 这增加了每个 ASP.NET AJAX 调用的重量。

此外,连接真正的 ASP.NET 应用程序所需的管道,包括 JSON/AJAX/REST 调用、跨浏览器 JavaScript、DOM 管理等。 CSS等很难& 维护噩梦。

Visual WebGui - 有状态 UI

Visual WebGui 确实是一场革命。 Visual WebGui 是一个有状态的开发平台,构建在 ASP.NET 之上。 所有用户状态都保存在服务器上。 服务器确切地知道用户的屏幕是什么样子。 因此,客户端/服务器之间的管道变得非常细且非常快。 由于服务器了解客户端的当前状态(VWG 服务器能够执行 Diff 例程),因此仅通过线路发送对 UI 的更改。

管道与管道 屏幕绘图

此外,VWG 客户端还绘制自己的视图。 换句话说 - 服务器不会发送任何 DHTML/JavaScript/CSS...相反,客户端会根据服务器发送的指令即时生成此内容。 例如,要创建一个控件 ID 为 1 的新按钮 - 服务器只需告诉客户端绘制“”。 VWG 客户端知道如何绘制它自己的控件。 有了这项技术,管道就可以变得有多细。


对于安全性,Visual WebGui 完全能够通过 SSL 运行。 Gizmox 还采用专有的混淆算法来防止未经授权的脚本访问 Visual WebGui JavaScript 调用和访问。 DOM 元素。 它运作得非常好。


Visual WebGui 配有令人惊叹的表单设计器。 模仿 WinForms Designer & API - 编写 Visual WebGui Web 业务应用程序现在非常容易设计。 拖放 放置、调整大小、移动表单和表单上的所有控件。 用户控件,带有数据绑定。


Visual WebGui 完全支持 INotifyPropertyChanged 的​​双向数据绑定 - 就像 WinForms 一样。 将您的控件数据绑定到数据对象(驻留在服务器上)& 每当这些数据对象发生变化时,您的控件就会立即更新。 不需要 ASP.NET UpdatePanels 等。您甚至不需要考虑它。 只需编写您的应用程序即可 屏幕上需要更新的任何内容 - 都会更新。

单语言方法 - 调试和应用程序可管理性

Visual WebGui 的核心优势之一是其单语言方法。 你写& 调试 C#/VB.NET 中的所有代码。 不再需要黑客 JavaScript/JSON/AJAX 调用 & 维护网络服务。 不再需要客户端调试器/Firebug 等。无需了解 5 种不同的 Web 语言来编写单个应用程序。

想象一下 - 用单一语言编写您的应用程序。 将您的时间集中在解决业务需求上,而不是软件障碍和问题上。 管道。 招聘与招聘 寻找合格的开发人员也变得更加容易。

Visual WebGui 立即使这成为现实。 像编写企业桌面应用程序一样编写企业 Web 应用程序。


这确实是开发基于 Web 的 .NET 企业业务应用程序的一场革命。

我希望这有助于解释为什么 Visual WebGui 非常值得您研究下一个基于 Web 的企业业务应用程序。


客户与 可视化 WebGUI MVP

We've been using Visual WebGui for years with great success. Our apps require ZERO DHTML/JavaScript/AJAX/JSON/CSS coding. Seriously. For web-based .NET business applications - Visual WebGui is a perfect fit. I would highly recommend Gizmox for your next web platform.


ASP.NET is a stateless dev platform. Each user's current view remains on the client - the ViewState. The ViewState must be sent to the ASP.NET server for every request This makes round-trips to the server heavy, even in AJAX scenarios. In ASP.NET, the server generates DHTML/JavaScript/CSS & sends it out to the browser. This adds to the weight of each ASP.NET AJAX call.

Furthermore, the plumbing required to wire up a real ASP.NET app, complete with JSON/AJAX/REST calls, cross-browser JavaScript, DOM management, & CSS, etc. is difficult & a maintenance nightmare.

Visual WebGui - Stateful UI

Visual WebGui is truly a revolution. Visual WebGui is a stateful dev platform, built on top of ASP.NET. All user state is kept on the server. The server knows exactly what the user's screen looks like. As such, the pipeline becomes VERY thin and VERY fast between client/server. Because the server is aware of the client's current state - the VWG Server is able to perform Diff routines - so only changes to the UI are sent over the wire.

Pipeline & Screen Drawing

Additionally, the VWG Client draws its own view. In other words - the server doesn't send out any DHTML/JavaScript/CSS... instead, the Client generates this on-the-fly based on the instructions sent from the server. For instance, to create a new Button with control ID 1 - the server simply tells the client to draw "". The VWG Client knows how to draw it's own controls. With this technology - that is literaly how thin the pipeline is.


For Security, Visual WebGui is fully capable of running over SSL. Gizmox also employs a proprietary obfuscation algorithm to prevent unauthorized scripts from accessing Visual WebGui JavaScript calls & DOM elements. It works extremely well.

Application Design

Visual WebGui comes complete with an amazing Forms Designer. Modeled after the WinForms Designer & APIs - writing Visual WebGui web business apps are now extremely easy to design. Drag & drop, resize, move all your controls on your Forms & UserControls, complete with Databinding.

Two-Way DataBinding

With Visual WebGui's fully supports two-way Databinding with INotifyPropertyChanged - just like WinForms. Databind your controls to your data objects (which reside on the server) & anytime those data objects change - your controls instantly update. No need for ASP.NET UpdatePanels, etc. You don't even think about it. Just write your app & whatever needs to update on the screen - will update.

Single Language Approach - Debugging and Application Manageability

One of the core benefits to Visual WebGui is its single language approach. You write & debug ALL your code in C#/VB.NET. No more hacking JavaScript/JSON/AJAX calls & maintaining web services. No more client-side debuggers / Firebug, etc. No need to know 5 different web languages to write a single application.

Imagine - writing your app in a single language. Focusing your time on solving your business needs, not software hurdles & plumbing. Hiring & finding qualified developers also becomes much easier.

Visual WebGui instantly makes this a reality. Write business web-apps like you would a business desktop-app.


It truly is a revolution in developing web-based, .NET enterprise business applications.

I hope this helps to explain why Visual WebGui is seriously worth looking into for your next web-based enterprise business application.


Ryan D. Hatch,
Customer & Visual WebGui MVP

小草泠泠 2024-07-19 05:42:09

我叫 Eyal Albert,来自 gizmox(Visual WebGui 背后的公司)。

  1. 对速度的需求。
    http:// Visualwebgui.com/Gizmox/CIOs/WhitePapers/tabid/528/ArticleType/ArticleView/ArticleID/390/PageID/386/Default.aspx
    请参阅 MVP Victor Zychla 所做的测试。

  2. 数据大小您可以查看我们的展示案例。
    http://visualwebgui.com/Gizmox/Showcases/tabid/358/Default。 aspx

  3. 安全
    http://visualwebgui.com/Gizmox/Technology/Security/tabid/ 624/Default.aspx

欲了解更多信息,您可以联系我 eyal.albert(AT)Gizmox.com

My name is Eyal Albert from gizmox the company behind Visual WebGui.
I hope it's not to late to answer this :-) but i was referred by a friend to your question.
But i have some info for you.

  1. The need for speed.
    See the test that MVP Victor Zychla did.

  2. Size of Data you can see our show cases.

  3. Security

All this links are new info compared to when you asked your question i hope you find it effective.
For more info you can contact me eyal.albert(AT)Gizmox.com

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