选择一个简单的 Web 应用程序框架

发布于 2024-07-11 18:26:19 字数 180 浏览 6 评论 0 原文

我正在评估我正在启动的一个业余爱好项目的 Web 应用程序框架,并且开始疯狂地尝试在大量可供选择的框架中做出决定。 框架语言无法帮助我筛选框架,因为我对 Java、Python、Ruby 和 C# 拥有不同程度的经验,并且不介意使用这些语言中的任何一种框架。


I'm evaluating web application frameworks for a hobby project I'm starting, and am beginning to go crazy trying to decide among the vast number of frameworks available to choose. The framework language isn't helping me filter out frameworks as I have varying levels of experience with Java, Python, Ruby and C#, and don't mind frameworks in any of these languages.

I'm looking for help in narrowing the choice down to a few that I can then investigate in more detail.

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阿楠 2024-07-18 18:26:19

您可能需要退后一步,认真考虑您最喜欢使用哪种语言进行编码,无论您在每种语言上的专业水平如何。 这肯定会缩小你的选择范围。 我认为如果不先选择语言就很难选择框架。 例如,如果您最终在 ASP.NET MVC 中完成项目,并且发现自己一开始就不太喜欢 C#/.NET,该怎么办?

还要问问自己为什么需要框架,或者框架如何帮助您完成您的爱好项目。 (除非爱好项目只是为了学习框架。)

You may want to step back and really consider which language you enjoy coding in the most, regardless of your level of expertise in each. That will definitely narrow down your choices. I think it's kind of hard to choose a framework without choosing a language first. For instance, what if you end up doing your project in ASP.NET MVC, and find yourself not even liking C#/.NET too much to begin with.

Also ask yourself why you need a framework, or how a framework would help you with your hobby project. (Unless the hobby project is just for the sake of learning a framework.)

少年亿悲伤 2024-07-18 18:26:19


我正在使用 Rails,并且对代码的整体简单性和性能以及我作为程序员的整体简单性和性能感到非常满意。

最近我开始研究 Smalltalk Web 框架 Aida/Web。 它有自己的优点和缺点,但开发速度更快(无需重新启动,可以编辑正在运行的代码),在 RAM 上比在 Rails 上容易得多,并且 95% 的时间你不需要数据库,只需使用图像来持久化。

My suggestion is just pick one.

I'm using Rails and am quite pleased with overall simplicity and performance - both, of code and mine as a programmer.

Lately I've started looking at Smalltalk web framework Aida/Web. It has it's own pros and cons, but development is quicker (no restarts, can edit running code), it's lot easier on RAM then Rails and in 95% of time you don't need a database, just use image for persistence.

深空失忆 2024-07-18 18:26:19

Rails 是一个不错的选择 - 它对于简单的事情来说很简单,同时允许更复杂的事情成为可能(总是一个好兆头)。 最初有一点学习曲线,但所有框架都是如此。

如果您对 Java 更感兴趣,您还可以看看 Groovy + Grails,这是一个非常类似的具有 Java 倾向的框架(groovy 有点像 java 和 ruby​​ 之间的交叉,您可以在同一项目)。

rails is a good choice - it is simple for simple things, while allowing more complex things to be possible (always a good sign). There is a little bit of learning curve initially, but that's true of all frameworks.

If you're happier in Java, you could also look at Groovy + Grails, a very similar framework with a Java slant (groovy is kind of like a cross between java and ruby, and you can mix and match Java and Groovy classes in the same project).

起风了 2024-07-18 18:26:19

当然,通常的嫌疑人是 django 和 Rails。 从任何定义来看,它们都不“小”。

我推荐 webpy,它简单、小而且不碍事。 我认为 Reddit 已经在它上面运行了一段时间,因为它是 Aaron Swartz 的创意。

The usual suspects are django and rails, of course. They are not "small" by any definition.

I recommend webpy, it is simple, small and stays out of the way. I think reddit ran on it for a while as it is the brain child of Aaron Swartz.

海螺姑娘 2024-07-18 18:26:19


我建议选择 Ruby 或 Python。

(我的大部分工作都使用 java 进行,但不认为这最适合业余爱好项目)

Depends quite a bit on what you want your hobby project to be.

I'd say choose a Ruby or Python one.

(I'm doing most of my work using java, but don't think that is the best fit for a hobby project)

扶醉桌前 2024-07-18 18:26:19

我正在 http://www.asp.net/mvc/ 中做我的个人项目。 我第一次这样做时,只是通过对代码大惊小怪地创建了一个工作站点。 现在我正在重新编写它,以尝试“更好地编码”并学习新的设计原则。

我在工作中也使用过 codeigniter,虽然我喜欢它,但它是 php,你没有提到它作为语言的选择。

I am doing my personal project in http://www.asp.net/mvc/. The first time I did it I just slapped out a working site by fussing around with the code. Now I am re-writing it to try to "code better" and learn new design principles.

I also have used codeigniter at work, and while I like it, it is php and you didn't mention that as a choice of languages.

酒儿 2024-07-18 18:26:19

如果这只是个人爱好,我建议使用 .Net MVC、Rails 或 Zend(可能有一些不错的 Java 框架,但我不熟悉它们)。

我猜想,由于这是一个业余爱好项目,您不会愿意花费大量时间在网络上查找有关如何使用框架执行操作的示例或寻找有关如何设置所有内容的教程。 您可能希望能够立即使用一堆很酷的功能,而不会破坏或处理一堆错误。 话虽这么说,我认为 .Net MVC 和/或 Rails 会让您以最少的头痛获得最大的乐趣。 对于许多其他开源框架,您将不得不从一开始就跳过许多您不想处理的麻烦,并且很多时候都需要文档来完成最初的工作。设置问题很难发现。

If it's just a personal hobby thing, I would recommend either going with .Net MVC, Rails or Zend (there may be some good Java frameworks out there but I'm not familiar with them).

I'm guessing that since it's a hobby project, you're not going to want to spend a lot of time looking around the web for examples on how to do things with the framework or looking for tutorials on how to set it all up. You probably want to be able to play with a bunch of cool features right off the bat without things breaking or dealing with a bunch of bugs. That being said, I think .Net MVC and or Rails will allow you to have the most fun with the least amount of headache. With a lot of the other Open Source frameworks out there you're going to have to jump through a lot of hoops right from the start that you would rather not have to deal with, and a lot of the time documentation for getting through the initial setup problems is hard to find.

素衣风尘叹 2024-07-18 18:26:19



Java : Spring

Spring is the most popular application development framework for enterprise Java

长途伴 2024-07-18 18:26:19

我猜想在LAMP堆栈上运行的东西将是最容易的设置。 在这种情况下,我想 CodeIgniterZend 框架。 然后是 SymphonyCakePHP,但我听到了对后两者的不同评论(关于停滞的社区和/或棘手的配置)。


I'd guess something that would run upon a LAMP stack would be the easiest to set up. In that case, I guess there would be some good choices in CodeIgniter and Zend Framework. Then there's Symphony and CakePHP, but I've heard mixed reviews (concerning stagnating community and/or tricky configuration) of the two latter.

Unfortunately, I haven't had the time to test thoroughly any of the four, because I've been busy coding my own framework, which I will not shamelessly (or otherwise) plug.

鸠书 2024-07-18 18:26:19

尝试 AIDA/Web,这是一个 Smalltalk Web 框架,它以其简单性而闻名,更不用说它的优雅了短暂聊天!

为了简单起见,不需要像 MySql 这样的额外数据库,因为 Smalltalk 映像本身就是一个强大的对象数据库。 稍后当您的需求出现时,您可以决定使用关系型数据库,或者更好的是,保持纯粹的 OO 并选择 Gemstone/S 对象数据库。

Try AIDA/Web, a Smalltalk Web Framework, it is known for its simplicity, not to mention of the elegance of Smalltalk!

To stay simple, the additional database like MySql is not needed, because the Smalltalk image is a capable object database by itself. Later when your needs arise, you can decide to go relational, or even better, stay pure OO and choose a Gemstone/S object database.

南烟 2024-07-18 18:26:19

Squatting 是一个基于 Perl 的小型 Web 框架,其灵感来自 Ruby 的 露营。 他们俩都很小。

Squatting is a small perl based web framework thingy inspired by Ruby's Camping. They're both small.

指尖上的星空 2024-07-18 18:26:19

让我在这里提出一些真正超出范围的建议:从裸机 C/C++ 甚至 Delphi 构建一个 ISAPI dll(或者 Apache 的等效项,如果这是您的偏好)。 为什么? 如果您有时间这样做,您将学到大量有关 Web 应用程序底层架构的知识,并且它将为每个人在这里建议的所有框架打开一个全新的视角。

早在 2000 年,我就在 Delphi 做过这件事,那是一次巨大的学习经历。 当然,这是基于这样的观念:您不需要快速构建任何东西,并且该项目的主要目的是了解 Web 开发。 但是,如果这是您的目标,您将很难找到更好的方法。

Let me suggest something really out of the zone here: build an ISAPI dll (or the Apache equivalent if that is your preference) from bare-metal C/C++ or even Delphi. Why? If you have the time to do this you will learn an IMMENSE amount about the underlying architecture of web applications and it will open up an entirely new perspective on all of the frameworks that everyone is suggesting here.

I did this in Delphi back in 2000 and it was a tremendous learning experience. Of course, this is predicated on the notion that you don't need to build anything quickly and that the primary purpose of the project is to learn about web development. But, if that is your objective, you'd be hard-pressed to find a better approach.

七七 2024-07-18 18:26:19



梦中楼上月下 2024-07-18 18:26:19

在 Ruby 世界中,您有大玩家 (Rails),但也有更轻的玩家,例如 Merb, Sinatra >、露营和其他一些。

In the Ruby world, you have the big player (Rails) but you also have much lighter ones like Merb, Sinatra, Camping and a couple of others.

流年已逝 2024-07-18 18:26:19

如果您正在使用 Java 并且迫切需要一些东西来让您摆脱 ohfock-it's-2am-and-I-am-still-coding-this-sql-shite,那么请不要再犹豫,Grails http://grails.org

它与 Ruby on Rails 非常相似,只是它:

  1. 应该比 Rails 酷得多
  2. 更好的性能
  3. 丰富的 Java 库
  4. 您可以享受 Rails 迪斯科噪音带来的平静并完成工作。

If you are doing Java and desperately need something to get you out of the ohfock-it's-2am-and-I-am-still-coding-this-sql-shite, then please look no further than Grails http://grails.org.

It's everything like Ruby on Rails except that it:

  1. Should be way cooler than Rails
  2. Better performance
  3. Wealth of Java libraries
  4. You get some peace Rails disco noise and get things done.
空气里的味道 2024-07-18 18:26:19


Some ideas:

只为一人 2024-07-18 18:26:19

建议将 PHP 作为许多小型爱好 Web 应用程序的良好起始框架:

  • 它简单易学
  • 它有完善的文档且成熟
  • 几乎不需要时间来保存更改并在浏览器中查看它们
  • 有很多廉价的托管选项
  • 我 开发环境免费且设置快速

I suggest PHP as a good starting framework for many small hobby web apps:

  • It is simple and easy to learn
  • It is well documented and mature
  • It takes virtually no time to save changes and see them in the browser
  • There are lots of inexpensive hosting options
  • Your development environment is free and quick to setup
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