BlazeDS 与 GraniteDS
有人有评估 BlazeDS 和 GraniteDS 的经验吗? 我很好奇哪个更适合与 Spring/Hibernate 集成。
Anyone have any experience evaluating BlazeDS and GraniteDS? I'm curious about which is better at integrating with Spring/Hibernate.
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如果您只是在寻找简单的 RPC 和消息传递,我会选择 Blaze。 这些实现更加成熟并且得到了更好的验证,特别是在消息传递方面。 Granite 中的消息传递基于 Comet,并且在我的记忆中仍然很新。 更多详细信息如下...
Blaze DS 基本上是一个堆栈,其中包括 RPC 和一些基于 HTTP 的简单消息传递服务。 使用 FlexFactory 的 SpringFactory 实现可以轻松实现与 Spring 的集成:只需 google 类名即可找到代码。 它不为 Hibernate 相关的事物提供任何额外的支持。
Granite DS 在功能方面正在快速增长。 与 Blaze DS 相比,它与 LCDS 的竞争更大。 它包括解析 Hibernate 对象图并以干净的方式处理惰性代理的能力。 他们还有一个名为“Tide”的工具,可以在 Flex 客户端中创建会话的模拟,以确保实体的唯一性。 它们还明确支持通过 Spring、EJB3 和 Seam 公开的服务。 Granite 还有一个实用程序,用于从 Java 类生成 AS3 类(尽管如果您愿意的话,自己编写并不难)。
大约一年前,我与 Granite 合作,在正确解析对象图时遇到了一些问题; Flash Player 会抛出一些令人讨厌的低级异常。 我的猜测是,文档和实现已经成熟,因此这些不再是问题。 然而,我仍然有点犹豫是否推荐它,因为我遇到了问题并且切换到 Blaze 立即解决了这些问题,没有任何麻烦。
If you are just looking for simple RPC and messaging, I would go with Blaze. The implementations are more mature and better proven, especially with respect to messaging. The messaging in Granite is based on Comet and still pretty new from what I remember. More details below...
Blaze DS is basically a stack that includes RPC and some simple messaging services over HTTP. Integration with Spring is achieved easily using the SpringFactory implementation of FlexFactory: just google the class name and you'll find the code. It doesn't offer any additional support for things Hibernate-related.
Granite DS is growing rapidly in terms of features. It competes more with LCDS than Blaze DS. It includes the ability to parse Hibernate object graphs and deal with lazy proxies in a clean fashion. They also have a tool called "Tide" that creates an analog of a Session in the Flex client to ensure uniqueness of entities. They also have explicit support for services exposed via Spring, EJB3 and Seam. Granite also has a utility for generating AS3 classes from your Java classes (although this not hard to write yourself if you want to).
I worked with Granite about a year ago and had some problems getting it properly parse object graphs; the Flash Player would throw some nasty low-level exceptions. My guess is that the documentation and implementation have matured since so that these are no longer issues. However, I'm still a bit hesitant to recommend it since I ran into issues and switching to Blaze immediately resolved them with no trouble at all.
关于 Cliff 评论的一些旁注:
所以,恕我直言,除非您正在开发一个小型应用程序对于相当简单的数据模型,您应该使用 GraniteDS。
A few side notes on Cliff's comments:
So, IMHO, unless you are developing a small application with a rather trivial data model, you should go to GraniteDS.