简单介绍一下背景,我在一家开发基于网络的企业社交媒体平台的公司工作。 我们拥有多元化的客户,我们的口号是拉近我们的客户与他们的客户的距离。 基本上,可用性应该是我们在整个产品生命周期中非常非常重要的考虑因素。
然而,我的公司没有雇用 IA(虽然我们有知识渊博的产品经理和设计师)或内部可用性分析师。 我们尚未对任何产品进行适当的用户体验测试或可用性分析。 由于我在 IA/可用性方面有一些背景,所以我自己决定改变这一点,因为我认为可用性在很多方面为我们节省了资金:减少 QA 迭代、为未来产品开发建立我们的业务知识、增加销售额但
问题是,似乎没有人对此很感兴趣。 管理层担心改变我们的开发方法所产生的管理费用; 无论如何,许多开发人员并不真正关心可用性,因为这对他们来说不会有太大改变; 销售人员一开始对此了解不多。
我应该如何接近我的经理/领导层并说服他们开始考虑可用性作为我们开发和销售流程的重要组成部分? 提前致谢!
For a little background, I work for a firm that develops web-based enterprise social media platforms. We have a diverse clientele and our mantra is that we bring our clients closer to their clients. Basically, usability should be a very, very important consideration for us throughout the product lifecycle.
However, my company employs no IA's (while we do have very knowledgeable product managers and designers) or in-house usability analysts. We haven't sent any of our products off for a proper user experience testing or usability analysis. Since I have a bit of background in IA/Usability, I'm taking it upon myself to change this, because I see Usability as saving us money in many ways: decreased QA iterations, building our business knowledge for future product development, increased sales confidence, etc.
The problem, though, is that nobody seems very interested. Management is concerned about the overhead incurred by changing our approach to development; many developers don't really care much about usability anyways, since it won't change much for them; sales just doesn't know much about it to begin with.
How should I approach my managers/leadership and convince them to start considering usability an important part of our development and sales process? Thanks in advance!
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您将需要硬性的销售或财务数据来向您的高管展示真正的投资回报率。 否则,世界上所有的谈话都不会感动他们。
Managers and sales people, especially in this climate, have exactly one thing on their mind: how to make the most amount of money with the least amount of effort.
You will need hard sales or financial numbers to show real ROI to your execs. Otherwise, all of the talking in the world isn't going to move them.
Once you have management on board, which is a huge hurdle in itself, then development will follow.
I guess you can just point at Apple - usability and design is practically their business model, and it sure is efficient!
多年来我一直是用户体验/可用性/IA(无论你怎么称呼它)实践者。 关于这个主题的一篇更好的文章就在这里(销售用户体验作者:Daniel Szuc,关于 UXMatters)
它涵盖了大部分障碍,并对销售人们不知道自己真正需要的东西这个古老的问题提供了深刻的见解。 我认为的要点是:你的公司、组织、团体等必须准备好将客户的声音融入到设计过程中。 有时这是一些人无法理解的巨大转变。 其他人已经做了很多年而不自知。 请记住:向那些因为用户抱怨其产品而忽视甚至有时甚至诽谤用户的公司出售可用性或用户体验几乎是不可能的。 营销人员通常最了解客户声音的力量。 你可以先让他们站在你这边。 一开始,甚至不要提及方法或过程。 提及潜在的、可衡量的业务成果。
I have been a UX/Usability/IA (whatever you want to call it) practicioner for many years. One of the better articles on the subject is right here (Selling UX By Daniel Szuc on UXMatters)
It covers most of the obstacles and offers great insight into the age-old problem of selling something that people just do not know they actually need. The main point I think: your company, organization, group, etc. have to be ready to integrate the customer voice into the design process. It is sometimes a huge shift that some people cannot fathom. Others have been doing for years without knowing it. Keep in mind: It is almost impossible to sell usability or UX to companies that ignore or sometimes even denigrate users because they complain about their products. Marketing people are usually the most aware of the power of the customer voice. You might to get them on your side first. At first, don't even mention methods or processes. Mention potential, measurable, business results.
一家名为 Macadamian 的公司提供了一些很好的白皮书来回答这个问题。 我建议你用谷歌搜索并浏览他们的白皮书。
There are some good white papers from a company called Macadamian that answer this question. I'd suggest you google them and browse through their white papers.
克里斯是对的,你需要证明投资回报率。 Human Factors International 有一些投资回报率计算器,可能会有所帮助。
另外,请查看《可用性制度化》一书。 您可以在此处预览。
Chris is right, you need to prove ROI. Human Factors International has some ROI calculators that may be helpful.
Also, check out the book "Institutionalization of Usability". You can preview it here.