是否有任何工具/商业混淆器可以混淆WPF控件中的BAML资源? 如果没有,那么在 IP 保护方面就很困难,因为黑客可以通过使用 BAML 到 XAML 转换器轻松窥探 BAML 资源。
Is there any tool / commercial obfuscator that can obfuscate BAML resources in WPF controls?
If not, its a tough time in terms of IP protection sicne hackers can easily peek into the BAML resource by using BAML to XAML converters.
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。

.NET 的问题就在这里: Claytons Open Source——当你不做开源的时候你做的开源。
Herein lies the problem with .NET stuff: Claytons Open Source -- the open source you do when you're not doing open source.
This subject has been visited a bit elsewhere on the web:
The latter looks promising.
我知道您写问题已经有一段时间了,但我想通知您,现在可以混淆 XAML 和 BAML 代码。
Creatix 今天发布了 CodeFort 1.0 版本,这是一个混淆工具,能够混淆 .NET、WPF 和 Silverlight 程序集,甚至可以重命名 XAML 和 BAML 代码内的标识符。 这使得有史以来第一次能够 100% 地混淆 WPF 或 Silverlight 应用程序的类型和成员。
您可以了解有关混淆器的更多信息并下载 CodeFort 免费软件版本:
I know it's been a while since you wrote your question, but I wanted to inform you that obfuscation of XAML and BAML code is now possible.
At Creatix we have today released the 1.0 version of CodeFort, an obfuscation tool which is able to obfuscate .NET, WPF and Silverlight assemblies, and even rename identifiers inside of XAML and BAML code. This makes it for the first time ever possible to obfuscate 100% of a WPF or Silverlight Application's types and members.
You can learn more about the obfuscator and download the CodeFort Freeware Edition at:
Best regards,
Eazfuscator.NET 执行智能 XAML 混淆,包括仔细处理最复杂的绑定表达式等。可以在此处阅读更多相关信息。
Eazfuscator.NET performs intelligent XAML obfuscation, including careful processing of the most complex binding expressions, etc. You can read more about it here.
Crypto Obfuscator 混淆 XAML(在 Silverlight 程序集中)以及 BAML(在 WPF 程序集中) ) - 它重命名 XAML/BAML 文件内的类/成员引用。 另外,它会删除这些文件中的所有注释、换行符和空格,将它们变成人眼看来的垃圾。
Crypto Obfuscator obfuscates XAML (in Silverlight assemblies ) as well as BAML (in WPF assemblies) - it renames class/member references inside the XAML/BAML files. Plus it will strip all comments, newlines and whitespace in these files turning them into garbage to the human eye.