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森末i 2024-07-18 04:56:26

嗯,删除客户刚刚花时间写的文本区域非常有用,因为他们按下了错误的按钮 - 在他们因为会话过期而丢失文本之前,并且必须重新输入 -


Well, it's very useful to erase that textarea your customer just took the time to write, because they press the wrong button -before they lose it anyway because the session expires, and have to retype-

No, I really don't think it's useful.

燃情 2024-07-18 04:56:26

实际上,它有时对于从公共终端访问的网络表单很有用 - 一个很好的例子是公共图书馆卡目录的搜索表单。

想象一下,如果搜索表单有很多字段(作者、年份、关键字、主题、出版商、收藏、标题、系列等)。 这使您可以进行非常具体的搜索(名为 John 的作者于 1987 年出版的所有书籍),但是一旦您找到结果,您(或其他用户)可能想要使用一组非常不同的术语进行新搜索(所有书籍)关于兰登书屋发布的鱼,重置按钮在这里很有帮助,因为否则您可能会发现自己手动清除大量字段


It's actually sometimes useful for web forms which will be accessed from public terminals - a good example would be a search form for a public library card catalogue.

Imagine if the search form has a lot of fields (author, year, keywords, topic, publisher, collection, title, series, whatever). This lets you do very specific searches (all books by authors named John published in 1987), but once you've found the result you (or another user) may want to do a new search using a very different set of terms (all books about fish published by Random House. A reset button can help a lot here, because you may otherwise find yourself manually clearing a large number of fields.

(Depending on implementation details, a reset button may also be useful if a user doesn't want the next user to see what they were searching for. Again, this is useful in the context of a library, where privacy is a concern.)

花心好男孩 2024-07-18 04:56:26


一般经验法则:如果您不确定这是一个要求并且您无法知道,请不要包含它。 您始终可以将其包含在以后的迭代中。

I honestly don't think so in the general case, but you should talk to your users or otherwise examine how they use your system to make sure.

General rule of thumb: If you aren't sure that it's a requirement and you have no way of knowing, don't include it. You can always include it on a later iteration.

你丑哭了我 2024-07-18 04:56:26


The reset button must be the safe winner in any contest measuring a uses/usefulness ratio since it's omnipresent and fully useless.

掩于岁月 2024-07-18 04:56:26

我认为 a) 对 99% 的用户来说完全没用; b) 在典型的 LOB 应用程序中需要太多的工作。 通常,业务分析师会添加对“重置”按钮的要求,而不会考虑为什么需要此功能。

I think it's a) completely useless to 99% of users; and b) requires far too much work in a typical LOB application. Often business analysts add requirements for the Reset button without giving any thought as to why this feature is required.

昔日梦未散 2024-07-18 04:56:26

将其添加到网络表单并在用户单击它时记录它。 如果需要的话,它将为您的特定页面提供信息。 我们无法猜测人们是否想要它。

add it to the webform and log it whenever a user clicks it. that will provide information for your specific page if it's needed or not. we cannot guess if people want it or not.
just use simple analyzing tools of users need it or not.

疾风者 2024-07-18 04:56:26

我认为在大多数网页中没有必要。 如果您在输入信息时输入错误,那么您需要检查每个错误的文本框并重新输入。 重置按钮至少是在此之上额外单击一个按钮。


我认为重置按钮唯一有用的情况是,如果您有一个多页面工作流程,并且需要能够从头开始。 即便如此,我还是建议重新设计工作流程。

I don't think it's necessary in most web-pages. If you're entering information, and you enter it wrong, then you'll need to go through every wrong text-box and re-enter it. The reset button is, at minimum, one extra button click on top of that.

If you don't want to enter information, you just don't click the submit button.

The only time I see a reset button being useful is if you have a multi-page workflow, and need to be able to start from scratch. Even then I would suggest re-designing the workflow.

笑,眼淚并存 2024-07-18 04:56:26

在我看来,重置按钮在大多数表单上完全没有用。 我的意思是想一想...您能想象一下您想要完全删除所有您输入的信息吗? 不见得。 大多数用户倾向于对特定字段而不是整个表单进行编辑。

如果您必须执行诸如重置按钮之类的辅助操作,则最好该按钮小一点并且颜色稍微不同。 让用户知道“这个按钮是不同的”,并应用菲茨定律使其更难点击。

In my opinion the reset button is completely useless on the majority of forms. I mean think about it... Can you ever imagine a time were you would want to complete remove all of the information you typed in? Not likely. Most users tend to make edits to specific fields not the entire form.

In the case that you have to have such a secondary action like a reset button it's better that that button is a little smaller as well as colored a little differently. Let the user know "this button is different" and apply Fitt's Law to make it a little harder to click on.

清秋悲枫 2024-07-18 04:56:26

绝对不需要。 事实上,如果您的表单很长并且底部有一个重置按钮,那么使用它是一个坏主意,因为如果某些人发现他们不小心点击了“重置”并且他们的数据被删除,您可能会让他们非常生气。

Absolutely NOT required. In fact, it's a bad idea to use it if you have a long form and have a RESET button at the bottom because you could make some people really angry if they find out that they accidently hit "RESET" and their data is deleted.

樱娆 2024-07-18 04:56:26

必需的。 确保交换某些表单上的重置和提交按钮的位置。 更好的是,编写代码来随机交换它们的位置一次。

说实话,我从来没有用过。 当我把它从我学生时代正在制作的学校注册商网站上的表格中删除时,没有人说什么。 所以我说别管它了。

Required. Make sure you swap the position of the reset and submit buttons on some of your forms. Better yet, write code to randomly swap their position once in a blue moon.

In all seriousness, I've never used one. When I removed it from the forms on my school's registrar's site that I was working on when I was a student, nobody said anything. So I say leave it off.

要走就滚别墨迹 2024-07-18 04:56:26

不仅在联系表上。 恕我直言,我在任何类型的 HTML 表单中都找不到重置按钮的好处。 但我倾向于在每次创建表单时都添加它:)

Not only on the contact form. I can't also find the benefit of reset button in any type of HTML form, IMHO. But I tend to put it every time I create a form :)

む无字情书 2024-07-18 04:56:26

我能想到的唯一原因是预览和预览。 确认场景,用户可能会在点击大的错误发送按钮之前修改其条目的一部分,并且实际上认为第一次更有意义

Only reason I could think of is on a preview & confirm scenario, where a user might modify part of their entry before hitting the big bad send button, and actually decide itt made more sense the first time around

一江春梦 2024-07-18 04:56:26


我经常使用空闲空间作为取消按钮,该按钮将用户返回到他最初的位置(链接到表单的页面)。 对我来说更有意义。

I usually leave out the reset button, because I've never seen anybody use it.

I often use the free space for a cancel button which returns the user to where he came from in the first place (the page linking to the form). Makes much more sense to me.

山有枢 2024-07-18 04:56:26

如果我说它有用怎么办? 但并非每种形式都有。

有时我将它与 CRUD 应用程序中的“UPDATE”部分一起使用。



而且总是有 CTRL+Z ..那为什么不呢?

有一些很好的用途,但不要像大多数古老的 HTML 书籍教你的那样愚蠢地使用它。

What if I says it IS useful? But not in every form.

I use it with the "UPDATE" part in a CRUD application sometimes.

Say SO for example, I hit an edit link on a question.... and made some edits and reread it... but then I decided it is not a good edit... I have to reload the page or go back to the last page and hit the edit link again to get the original text.

Whereas, if there is a reset button slapped there, it'd be easy.

And there is always CTRL+Z.. so why not?

There are some good uses but just don't slap it in silly like what most ancient HTML books would teach you to.

小苏打饼 2024-07-18 04:56:26

它对于在不使用 JavaScript 的情况下清除单选按钮很有用。


        Select any one option for any Item(s):     
        Option 'A'    Option 'B'    Option 'C'
Item 1     o              o            o 
Item 2     o              o            o     
Item 3     o              o            o 
Item 4     o              o            o

如果用户改变主意或意外单击了他不想要的项目按钮,则重置按钮将清除整个表单,这似乎是获得的唯一方法无需使用 Javascript 即可取消选择。

It can be useful for clearing radio buttons without using Javascript.

In the form below either zero or one radio button may be selected:

        Select any one option for any Item(s):     
        Option 'A'    Option 'B'    Option 'C'
Item 1     o              o            o 
Item 2     o              o            o     
Item 3     o              o            o 
Item 4     o              o            o

If a user changes his mind or accidentally clicks on an item's button he didn't want, a reset button will clear the whole form, which seems to be only way to get rid of the selection without using Javascript.

鸠魁 2024-07-18 04:56:26

我想这取决于表格有多大以及您实际想要这样做的机会有多大。 说实话,我多年来一直在开发网站,但从未真正在表单中添加过网站。

I guess it depends on how large the form is and how big the chance that you actually want to do this. TBH, i've been developing websites for years and never really added one to forms.

够钟 2024-07-18 04:56:26

它对于重复您以前的信息的表单很有用。 我在管理界面中遇到过这样的情况,用户想要他们上次输入的内容,所以他们不必记住。 然而,在某些情况下,当他们想要重置表单时,只需按“清除”(或重置)按钮即可。


It is useful on a form that repeats your previous information. I have had cases in admin interfaces where the users want what they typed in last time, so they don't have to remember. However, on those occasions when they want the form to reset, they simply press the "clear" (or reset) button.

On a one-time form a reset button would be silly.

‖放下 2024-07-18 04:56:26

仅当存在默认信息时才应使用重置按钮。 此表单就是一个示例。 如果我更改了大部分值,但又想将其恢复到原始状态,该怎么办? 我想我可以重新加载页面,只要它不重新发送我的帖子。 或者我可以点击一个简单的重置按钮。 该按钮的目的并不是清除用户输入的所有信息,而是重置预设数据。

A reset button should be used only when there is default information. An example is this form. What if I make changes to most of the values but then would like to get it back to it's original state? I guess I could reload the page as long as it doesn't resend my POST. Or I could just hit a simple reset button. The button was never intended to clear all information entered by the user but to reset preset data.

耳根太软 2024-07-18 04:56:26


绝对不需要作为“标准”功能,并且通常是一个非常糟糕的主意,除了上面给出的功能似乎增加价值的特殊情况之外。 然而,上面提供的大多数情况都可以通过不同的(我建议更好的)方式来处理,而不是使用通常很糟糕的重置按钮。

I would suggest the usability fail will present itself if and when a user or business owner complains about the absence.

Definitely not required as a "standard" feature and usually a very bad idea with the exception of the special cases given above where the functionality seems to add value. However the most of the cases offered as examples above could be dealt with in different (and I would suggest, better) ways than with the, often awful, reset button.

反差帅 2024-07-18 04:56:26

Reset 仅适用于 HTTP 状态 204

表单的目标可以发送 204 No Content 响应,这会导致浏览器保持当前页面不变。



Reset is for use with HTTP status 204 only

Destination of the form can send 204 No Content response, which causes browsers to leave the current page unchanged.

In that situation reset button is most reliable way to reset form to original state (page reload could re-send the form).

However I can't come up with realistic use-case for it anyway.

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