如何在我自己的机器(win xp)上的程序中调用可执行文件以在单独的机器上运行?
我的目标是编写一个程序,该程序将调用另一台计算机上的另一个可执行文件(均使用 win xp),其参数在运行时确定,然后对更多计算机重复,然后收集结果。 简而言之,我正在研究一个网格计算项目。 所使用的算法本身已经用 FORTRAN 进行了编码,但我们正在寻找一种有效的方法来同时在许多计算机上运行它。
我想实现这一目标的一种方法是将脚本上传到每台计算机,然后在每台计算机上运行所述脚本,所有这些都是自动的并且依赖于我自己的参数。 但是我如何编写一个程序来在单独的计算机上写入、上传和运行脚本呢?
我曾考虑过 GridGain,但该算法已经用不同的语言进行了编码,因此被排除了。
我目前完成此任务的猜测是使用 Expect (wiki/Expect),但我没有该工具的知识。
My objective is to write a program which will call another executable on a separate computer(all with win xp) with parameters determined at run-time, then repeat for several more computers, and then collect the results. In short, I'm working on a grid-computing project. The algorithm itself being used is already coded in FORTRAN, but we are looking for an efficient way to run it on many computers at once.
I suppose one way to accomplish this would be to upload a script to each computer and then run said script on each computer, all automatically and dependent on my own parameters. But how can I write a program which will write to, upload, and run a script on a separate computer?
I had considered GridGain, but the algorithm is already coded and in a different language, so that is ruled out.
My current guess at accomplishing this task is using Expect (wiki/Expect), but I have no knowledge of the tool.
Any advice appreciated.
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您可以使用 PsExec 来实现此目的:
http://technet.microsoft.com/en -us/sysinternals/bb897553.aspx
您还可以查看开源替代方案 RemCom:
http:// rce.sourceforge.net/
实际上,编写自己的代码也非常简单,但如果您愿意,RCE 会向您展示如何做到这一点。 不过,使用 PsExec 可能足以满足您的需求。
You can use PsExec for this:
You could also look at the open source alternative RemCom:
It's actually pretty simple to write your own as well but RCE will show you how to do it if you want. Although, using PsExec may just suffice your needs.
查看 PVM,它是针对您的情况类型而设计的正在描述,但您可能必须注释现有的代码库和/或实现包装应用程序。
Have a look into PVM, it was made for the type of situation you're describing, but you may have to annotate your existing codebase and/or implement a wrapper application.