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Closed 9 years ago.
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如果你的软件确实解决了一个痛点并且很好地解决了它,那么人们会通过 SourceForge/GitHub/等、Google 和口碑自行找到它(假设你进行了合理的推广)。 如果您吸引了足够多的人需要您的软件的功能并需要它具有新功能,那么合作者就会来。
另外:保持活跃。 如果您在 6 个月内没有更新代码,或者 SourceForge 上的页面显示您的软件已经处于 Alpha 状态一年,很多人会忽略它并转向下一个搜索结果。 将软件提供给其他人使用并维护它。
关于开源的事情是,它确实必须有机增长 - 没有人得到报酬,没有人受到被解雇的威胁 - 人们必须关心你的软件才能使其成长超出你的能力范围。 你永远不可能通过招揽来获得合作者(或者无论如何,好的合作者)——只有做出一些优秀的程序员会觉得合作有趣的东西。
The short answer is: Be awesome.
If your software really addresses a pain point and addresses it well, people will come to it on their own (assuming a reasonable amount of promotion on your part) via SourceForge/GitHub/etc., Google, and word of mouth. If you attract a critical mass of people who need what your software does and need it to have new features, collaborators will come.
Also: Stay active. If you haven't updated your code in 6 months, or if your page on SourceForge says your software has been in Alpha for a year, a lot of people are going to ignore it and move on to the next search result. Get the software to where it's ready for others to use, and maintain it.
The thing about Open Source is that it really has to grow organically - nobody's getting paid, nobody's under the threat of being fired - people have to care about your software for it to grow beyond what you can do. You're never going to get collaborators (or anyway, good ones) by soliciting for them - only by making something that a good programmer would find interesting to work with.
一段时间后人们应该开始破解你的工具,然后加入发展。 但在该工具获得相当大的普及之前,我认为很难指望人们加入该项目。
I think there is only way to do this:
after a while people should star to hack your tool, then join to the development. But before the tool gain a decent popularity I think it's pretty hard to expect people to join to the project.
There's a website for finding collaborators: http://collabfinder.com/
问问自己,“该项目将受益的人群”是否包括除您之外的其他人。 寻找该组中也能编码的人。 例如,我正在编写一个使飞行员受益的项目。 所以我向飞行员寻求帮助——其中一些是编码员。
Ask yourself if the "set of people who this project would benefit" includes more than yourself. Find people in that set who can also code. For instance, I was writing a project to benefit pilots. So I asked for help from pilots - some of whom are coders.
As a contributor, I'm looking for:
Make sure your project doesn't look like it's going to be a lemon, cater to the users and build up that base as well as you can, and I think they'll spring up from the woodwork.
The main route to contributors is users, after that make sure you're developer-friendly and you should find yourself a helpful group of people helping you out.
如果您正在寻找设计师和/或开发人员,http://www.builditwith.me 也是一个选择
http://www.builditwith.me also is an option if you're looking for designers and/or developers