在 Python 中读取 .lnk 文件的目标?

发布于 2024-07-11 02:14:42 字数 455 浏览 5 评论 0原文

我正在尝试从 Python 读取快捷方式 (.lnk) 文件的目标文件/目录。 有没有一种不让人头疼的方法呢? 该规格超出了我的能力范围。 我不介意使用仅限 Windows 的 API。

我的最终目标是在 Windows XP 和 Vista 上找到“(我的)视频” 文件夹。 在 XP 上,默认情况下,它位于 %HOMEPATH%\My Documents\My Videos,在 Vista 上,它位于 %HOMEPATH%\Videos。 但是,用户可以重新定位该文件夹。 在这种情况下,%HOMEPATH%\Videos 文件夹不再存在,并被 %HOMEPATH%\Videos.lnk 取代,该文件夹指向新的“我的视频” ” 文件夹。 我想要它的绝对位置。

I'm trying to read the target file/directory of a shortcut (.lnk) file from Python. Is there a headache-free way to do it? The spec is way over my head.
I don't mind using Windows-only APIs.

My ultimate goal is to find the "(My) Videos" folder on Windows XP and Vista. On XP, by default, it's at %HOMEPATH%\My Documents\My Videos, and on Vista it's %HOMEPATH%\Videos. However, the user can relocate this folder. In the case, the %HOMEPATH%\Videos folder ceases to exists and is replaced by %HOMEPATH%\Videos.lnk which points to the new "My Videos" folder. And I want its absolute location.

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水晶透心 2024-07-18 02:14:42

使用 Python 创建快捷方式(通过 WSH)

import sys
import win32com.client 

shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")
shortcut = shell.CreateShortCut("t:\\test.lnk")
shortcut.Targetpath = "t:\\ftemp"

使用 Python 读取快捷方式的目标(通过 WSH)

import sys
import win32com.client 

shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")
shortcut = shell.CreateShortCut("t:\\test.lnk")

Create a shortcut using Python (via WSH)

import sys
import win32com.client 

shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")
shortcut = shell.CreateShortCut("t:\\test.lnk")
shortcut.Targetpath = "t:\\ftemp"

Read the Target of a Shortcut using Python (via WSH)

import sys
import win32com.client 

shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")
shortcut = shell.CreateShortCut("t:\\test.lnk")
拧巴小姐 2024-07-18 02:14:42


我的快捷方式目标实现无法使用 win32com 模块,经过大量搜索后,决定提出我自己的。 在我的限制下,似乎没有其他东西可以完成我所需要的事情。 希望这能帮助处于同样情况的其他人。

它使用 Microsoft 为 MS-SHLLINK 提供的二进制结构。

import struct

path = 'myfile.txt.lnk'    
target = ''

with open(path, 'rb') as stream:
    content = stream.read()
    # skip first 20 bytes (HeaderSize and LinkCLSID)
    # read the LinkFlags structure (4 bytes)
    lflags = struct.unpack('I', content[0x14:0x18])[0]
    position = 0x18
    # if the HasLinkTargetIDList bit is set then skip the stored IDList 
    # structure and header
    if (lflags & 0x01) == 1:
        position = struct.unpack('H', content[0x4C:0x4E])[0] + 0x4E
    last_pos = position
    position += 0x04
    # get how long the file information is (LinkInfoSize)
    length = struct.unpack('I', content[last_pos:position])[0]
    # skip 12 bytes (LinkInfoHeaderSize, LinkInfoFlags, and VolumeIDOffset)
    position += 0x0C
    # go to the LocalBasePath position
    lbpos = struct.unpack('I', content[position:position+0x04])[0]
    position = last_pos + lbpos
    # read the string at the given position of the determined length
    size= (length + last_pos) - position - 0x02
    temp = struct.unpack('c' * size, content[position:position+size])
    target = ''.join([chr(ord(a)) for a in temp])

I know this is an older thread but I feel that there isn't much information on the method that uses the link specification as noted in the original question.

My shortcut target implementation could not use the win32com module and after a lot of searching, decided to come up with my own. Nothing else seemed to accomplish what I needed under my restrictions. Hopefully this will help other folks in this same situation.

It uses the binary structure Microsoft has provided for MS-SHLLINK.

import struct

path = 'myfile.txt.lnk'    
target = ''

with open(path, 'rb') as stream:
    content = stream.read()
    # skip first 20 bytes (HeaderSize and LinkCLSID)
    # read the LinkFlags structure (4 bytes)
    lflags = struct.unpack('I', content[0x14:0x18])[0]
    position = 0x18
    # if the HasLinkTargetIDList bit is set then skip the stored IDList 
    # structure and header
    if (lflags & 0x01) == 1:
        position = struct.unpack('H', content[0x4C:0x4E])[0] + 0x4E
    last_pos = position
    position += 0x04
    # get how long the file information is (LinkInfoSize)
    length = struct.unpack('I', content[last_pos:position])[0]
    # skip 12 bytes (LinkInfoHeaderSize, LinkInfoFlags, and VolumeIDOffset)
    position += 0x0C
    # go to the LocalBasePath position
    lbpos = struct.unpack('I', content[position:position+0x04])[0]
    position = last_pos + lbpos
    # read the string at the given position of the determined length
    size= (length + last_pos) - position - 0x02
    temp = struct.unpack('c' * size, content[position:position+size])
    target = ''.join([chr(ord(a)) for a in temp])
樱花落人离去 2024-07-18 02:14:42

或者,您可以尝试使用 SHGetFolderPath()。 以下代码可能有效,但我现在不在 Windows 计算机上,因此无法测试它。

import ctypes

shell32 = ctypes.windll.shell32

# allocate MAX_PATH bytes in buffer
video_folder_path = ctypes.create_string_buffer(260)

# If you want a Unicode path, use SHGetFolderPathW instead
if shell32.SHGetFolderPathA(None, 0xE, None, 0, video_folder_path) >= 0:
    # success, video_folder_path now contains the correct path
    # error

Alternatively, you could try using SHGetFolderPath(). The following code might work, but I'm not on a Windows machine right now so I can't test it.

import ctypes

shell32 = ctypes.windll.shell32

# allocate MAX_PATH bytes in buffer
video_folder_path = ctypes.create_string_buffer(260)

# If you want a Unicode path, use SHGetFolderPathW instead
if shell32.SHGetFolderPathA(None, 0xE, None, 0, video_folder_path) >= 0:
    # success, video_folder_path now contains the correct path
    # error
第七度阳光i 2024-07-18 02:14:42

基本上直接调用Windows API。 这是谷歌搜索后发现的一个很好的例子:

import os, sys
import pythoncom
from win32com.shell import shell, shellcon

shortcut = pythoncom.CoCreateInstance (
desktop_path = shell.SHGetFolderPath (0, shellcon.CSIDL_DESKTOP, 0, 0)
shortcut_path = os.path.join (desktop_path, "python.lnk")
persist_file = shortcut.QueryInterface (pythoncom.IID_IPersistFile)
persist_file.Load (shortcut_path)

shortcut.SetDescription ("Updated Python %s" % sys.version)
mydocs_path = shell.SHGetFolderPath (0, shellcon.CSIDL_PERSONAL, 0, 0)
shortcut.SetWorkingDirectory (mydocs_path)

persist_file.Save (shortcut_path, 0)

这来自 http://timgolden .me.uk/python/win32_how_do_i/create-a-shortcut.html

您可以搜索“python ishelllink”以获取其他示例。

此外,API 参考也有帮助:http://msdn。 microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb774950(VS.85).aspx

Basically call the Windows API directly. Here is a good example found after Googling:

import os, sys
import pythoncom
from win32com.shell import shell, shellcon

shortcut = pythoncom.CoCreateInstance (
desktop_path = shell.SHGetFolderPath (0, shellcon.CSIDL_DESKTOP, 0, 0)
shortcut_path = os.path.join (desktop_path, "python.lnk")
persist_file = shortcut.QueryInterface (pythoncom.IID_IPersistFile)
persist_file.Load (shortcut_path)

shortcut.SetDescription ("Updated Python %s" % sys.version)
mydocs_path = shell.SHGetFolderPath (0, shellcon.CSIDL_PERSONAL, 0, 0)
shortcut.SetWorkingDirectory (mydocs_path)

persist_file.Save (shortcut_path, 0)

This is from http://timgolden.me.uk/python/win32_how_do_i/create-a-shortcut.html.

You can search for "python ishelllink" for other examples.

Also, the API reference helps too: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb774950(VS.85).aspx

孤独患者 2024-07-18 02:14:42


就像 Jared 的回答一样,我也无法使用 win32com 模块。 因此,Jared 使用 MS-SHLLINK 中的二进制结构让我成为了一部分那里的路。 我需要在 Windows 和 Linux 上读取快捷方式,其中快捷方式是由 Windows 在 samba 共享上创建的。 Jared 的实现对我来说不太有效,我想这只是因为我遇到了快捷方式格式的一些不同变体。 但是,它给了我所需的开始(感谢贾里德)。

因此,这里有一个名为 MSShortcut 的类,它扩展了 Jared 的方法。 然而,实现仅限于Python3.4及以上版本,由于使用了Python3.4中添加的一些pathlib功能,


# Link Format from MS: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd871305.aspx
# Need to be able to read shortcut target from .lnk file on linux or windows.
# Original inspiration from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/397125/reading-the-target-of-a-lnk-file-in-python

from pathlib import Path, PureWindowsPath
import struct, sys, warnings

if sys.hexversion < 0x03040000:
    warnings.warn("'{}' module requires python3.4 version or above".format(__file__), ImportWarning)

# doc says class id = 
#    00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046
# requiredCLSID = b'\x00\x02\x14\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\xC0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x46'
# Actually Getting: 
requiredCLSID   = b'\x01\x14\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xC0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x46'  # puzzling

class ShortCutError(RuntimeError):

class MSShortcut():
    interface to Microsoft Shortcut Objects.  Purpose:
    - I need to be able to get the target from a samba shared on a linux machine
    - Also need to get access from a Windows machine.
    - Need to support several forms of the shortcut, as they seem be created differently depending on the 
      creating machine.
    - Included some 'flag' types in external interface to help test differences in shortcut types

        scPath (str): path to shortcut

        - There are some omitted object properties in the implementation. 
          Only implemented / tested enough to recover the shortcut target information. Recognized omissions:
          - LinkTargetIDList
          - VolumeId structure (if captured later, should be a separate class object to hold info)
          - Only captured environment block from extra data 
        - I don't know how or when some of the shortcut information is used, only captured what I recognized, 
          so there may be bugs related to use of the information
        - NO shortcut update support (though might be nice)
        - Implementation requires python 3.4 or greater
        - Tested only with Unicode data on a 64bit little endian machine, did not consider potential endian issues

    Not Debugged:
        - localBasePath - didn't check if parsed correctly or not.
        - commonPathSuffix
        - commonNetworkRelativeLink


    def __init__(self, scPath):
        Parse and keep shortcut properties on creation
        self.scPath = Path(scPath)

        self._clsid = None
        self._lnkFlags = None
        self._lnkInfoFlags = None
        self._localBasePath = None
        self._commonPathSuffix = None
        self._commonNetworkRelativeLink = None
        self._name = None
        self._relativePath = None
        self._workingDir = None
        self._commandLineArgs = None
        self._iconLocation = None
        self._envTarget = None


    def clsid(self): 
        return self._clsid

    def lnkFlags(self): 
        return self._lnkFlags

    def lnkInfoFlags(self): 
        return self._lnkInfoFlags

    def localBasePath(self): 
        return self._localBasePath

    def commonPathSuffix(self): 
        return self._commonPathSuffix

    def commonNetworkRelativeLink(self): 
        return self._commonNetworkRelativeLink

    def name(self): 
        return self._name    

    def relativePath(self): 
        return self._relativePath    

    def workingDir(self): 
        return self._workingDir    

    def commandLineArgs(self): 
        return self._commandLineArgs    

    def iconLocation(self): 
        return self._iconLocation    

    def envTarget(self): 
        return self._envTarget    

    def targetPath(self):
            woAnchor (bool): remove the anchor (\\server\path or drive:) from returned path.

            a libpath PureWindowsPath object for combined workingDir/relative path
            or the envTarget

            ShortCutError when no target path found in Shortcut
        target = None
        if self.workingDir:
            target = PureWindowsPath(self.workingDir)
            if self.relativePath:
                target = target / PureWindowsPath(self.relativePath)
            else: target = None

        if not target and self.envTarget:
            target = PureWindowsPath(self.envTarget)

        if not target:
            raise ShortCutError("Unable to retrieve target path from MS Shortcut: shortcut = {}"

        return target    

    def targetPathWOAnchor(self):
        tp = self.targetPath
        return tp.relative_to(tp.anchor)

    def _ParseLnkFile(self, lnkPath):        
        with lnkPath.open('rb') as f:
            content = f.read()

            # verify size  (4 bytes)
            hdrSize = struct.unpack('I', content[0x00:0x04])[0]
            if hdrSize != 0x4C:
                raise ShortCutError("MS Shortcut HeaderSize = {}, but required to be = {}: shortcut = {}"
                                   .format(hdrSize, 0x4C, str(lnkPath)))

            # verify LinkCLSID id (16 bytes)            
            self._clsid = bytes(struct.unpack('B'*16, content[0x04:0x14]))
            if self._clsid != requiredCLSID:
                raise ShortCutError("MS Shortcut ClassID = {}, but required to be = {}: shortcut = {}"
                                   .format(self._clsid, requiredCLSID, str(lnkPath)))        

            # read the LinkFlags structure (4 bytes)
            self._lnkFlags = struct.unpack('I', content[0x14:0x18])[0]
            #logger.debug("lnkFlags=0x%0.8x" % self._lnkFlags)
            position = 0x4C

            # if HasLinkTargetIDList bit, then position to skip the stored IDList structure and header
            if (self._lnkFlags & 0x01):
                idListSize = struct.unpack('H', content[position:position+0x02])[0]
                position += idListSize + 2

            # if HasLinkInfo, then process the linkinfo structure  
            if (self._lnkFlags & 0x02):
                (linkInfoSize, linkInfoHdrSize, self._linkInfoFlags, 
                 volIdOffset, localBasePathOffset, 
                 cmnNetRelativeLinkOffset, cmnPathSuffixOffset) = struct.unpack('IIIIIII', content[position:position+28])

                # check for optional offsets
                localBasePathOffsetUnicode = None
                cmnPathSuffixOffsetUnicode = None
                if linkInfoHdrSize >= 0x24:
                    (localBasePathOffsetUnicode, cmnPathSuffixOffsetUnicode) = struct.unpack('II', content[position+28:position+36])

                #logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % linkInfoSize)
                #logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % linkInfoHdrSize)
                #logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % self._linkInfoFlags)
                #logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % volIdOffset)
                #logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % localBasePathOffset)
                #logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % cmnNetRelativeLinkOffset)
                #logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % cmnPathSuffixOffset)
                #logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % localBasePathOffsetUnicode)
                #logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % cmnPathSuffixOffsetUnicode)

                # if info has a localBasePath
                if (self._linkInfoFlags & 0x01):
                    bpPosition = position + localBasePathOffset

                    # not debugged - don't know if this works or not
                    self._localBasePath = UnpackZ('z', content[bpPosition:])[0].decode('ascii')
                    #logger.debug("localBasePath: {}".format(self._localBasePath))

                    if localBasePathOffsetUnicode:
                        bpPosition = position + localBasePathOffsetUnicode
                        self._localBasePath = UnpackUnicodeZ('z', content[bpPosition:])[0]
                        self._localBasePath = self._localBasePath.decode('utf-16')               
                        #logger.debug("localBasePathUnicode: {}".format(self._localBasePath))

                # get common Path Suffix
                cmnSuffixPosition = position + cmnPathSuffixOffset               
                self._commonPathSuffix = UnpackZ('z', content[cmnSuffixPosition:])[0].decode('ascii')
                #logger.debug("commonPathSuffix: {}".format(self._commonPathSuffix))
                if cmnPathSuffixOffsetUnicode:
                    cmnSuffixPosition = position + cmnPathSuffixOffsetUnicode
                    self._commonPathSuffix = UnpackUnicodeZ('z', content[cmnSuffixPosition:])[0]
                    self._commonPathSuffix = self._commonPathSuffix.decode('utf-16')               
                    #logger.debug("commonPathSuffix: {}".format(self._commonPathSuffix))

                # check for CommonNetworkRelativeLink
                if (self._linkInfoFlags & 0x02):
                    relPosition = position + cmnNetRelativeLinkOffset
                    self._commonNetworkRelativeLink = CommonNetworkRelativeLink(content, relPosition)

                position += linkInfoSize 

            # If HasName
            if (self._lnkFlags & 0x04):
                (position, self._name) = self.readStringObj(content, position)
                #logger.debug("name: {}".format(self._name))     

            # get relative path string
            if (self._lnkFlags & 0x08):
                (position, self._relativePath) = self.readStringObj(content, position)

            # get working dir string
            if (self._lnkFlags & 0x10):
                (position, self._workingDir) = self.readStringObj(content, position)

            # get command line arguments
            if (self._lnkFlags & 0x20):
                (position, self._commandLineArgs) = self.readStringObj(content, position)

            # get icon location
            if (self._lnkFlags & 0x40):
                (position, self._iconLocation) = self.readStringObj(content, position)

            # look for environment properties             
            if (self._lnkFlags & 0x200):
                while True:
                    size = struct.unpack('I', content[position:position+4])[0]
                    #logger.debug("blksize=%d" % size)
                    if size==0: break

                    signature = struct.unpack('I', content[position+4:position+8])[0]
                    #logger.debug("signature=0x%0.8x" % signature)     

                    # EnvironmentVariableDataBlock          
                    if signature == 0xA0000001:  

                        if (self._lnkFlags & 0x80): # unicode
                            self._envTarget = UnpackUnicodeZ('z', content[position+268:])[0]
                            self._envTarget = self._envTarget.decode('utf-16')
                            self._envTarget = UnpackZ('z', content[position+8:])[0].decode('ascii')


                    position += size

    def readStringObj(self, scContent, position):
            tuple: (newPosition, string)
        strg = ''
        size = struct.unpack('H', scContent[position:position+2])[0]
        if (self._lnkFlags & 0x80): # unicode
            size *= 2
            strg = struct.unpack(str(size)+'s', scContent[position+2:position+2+size])[0]
            strg = strg.decode('utf-16')               
            strg = struct.unpack(str(size)+'s', scContent[position+2:position+2+size])[0].decode('ascii')
        position += size + 2 # 2 bytes to account for CountCharacters field

        return (position, strg)

class CommonNetworkRelativeLink():

    def __init__(self, scContent, linkContentPos):

        self._networkProviderType = None
        self._deviceName = None
        self._netName = None

        (linkSize, flags, netNameOffset, 
         devNameOffset, self._networkProviderType) = struct.unpack('IIIII', scContent[linkContentPos:linkContentPos+20])

        #logger.debug("netnameOffset = {}".format(netNameOffset))
        if netNameOffset > 0x014:
            (netNameOffsetUnicode, devNameOffsetUnicode) = struct.unpack('II', scContent[linkContentPos+20:linkContentPos+28])
            #logger.debug("netnameOffsetUnicode = {}".format(netNameOffsetUnicode))
            self._netName = UnpackUnicodeZ('z', scContent[linkContentPos+netNameOffsetUnicode:])[0]
            self._netName = self._netName.decode('utf-16')  
            self._deviceName = UnpackUnicodeZ('z', scContent[linkContentPos+devNameOffsetUnicode:])[0]
            self._deviceName = self._deviceName.decode('utf-16')               
            self._netName = UnpackZ('z', scContent[linkContentPos+netNameOffset:])[0].decode('ascii')
            self._deviceName = UnpackZ('z', scContent[linkContentPos+devNameOffset:])[0].decode('ascii')

    def deviceName(self):
        return self._deviceName

    def netName(self):
        return self._netName

    def networkProviderType(self):
        return self._networkProviderType

def UnpackZ (fmt, buf) :
    Unpack Null Terminated String

    while True :
        pos = fmt.find ('z')
        if pos < 0 :
        z_start = struct.calcsize (fmt[:pos])
        z_len = buf[z_start:].find(b'\0')
        fmt = '%s%dsx%s' % (fmt[:pos], z_len, fmt[pos+1:])
        #logger.debug("fmt='{}', len={}".format(fmt, z_len))
    fmtlen = struct.calcsize(fmt)
    return struct.unpack (fmt, buf[0:fmtlen])

def UnpackUnicodeZ (fmt, buf) :
    Unpack Null Terminated String
    while True :
        pos = fmt.find ('z')
        if pos < 0 :
        z_start = struct.calcsize (fmt[:pos])
        # look for null bytes by pairs
        z_len = 0
        for i in range(z_start,len(buf),2):
            if buf[i:i+2] == b'\0\0':
                z_len = i-z_start

        fmt = '%s%dsxx%s' % (fmt[:pos], z_len, fmt[pos+1:])
       # logger.debug("fmt='{}', len={}".format(fmt, z_len))
    fmtlen = struct.calcsize(fmt)
    return struct.unpack (fmt, buf[0:fmtlen])


I also realize this question is old, but I found the answers to be most relevant to my situation.

Like Jared's answer, I also could not use the win32com module. So Jared's use of the binary structure from MS-SHLLINK got me part of the way there. I needed read shortcuts on both Windows and Linux, where the shortcuts are created on a samba share by Windows. Jared's implementation didn't quite work for me, I think only because I encountered some different variations on the shortcut format. But, it gave me the start I needed (thanks Jared).

So, here is a class named MSShortcut which expands on Jared's approach. However, the implementation is only Python3.4 and above, due to using some pathlib features added in Python3.4


# Link Format from MS: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd871305.aspx
# Need to be able to read shortcut target from .lnk file on linux or windows.
# Original inspiration from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/397125/reading-the-target-of-a-lnk-file-in-python

from pathlib import Path, PureWindowsPath
import struct, sys, warnings

if sys.hexversion < 0x03040000:
    warnings.warn("'{}' module requires python3.4 version or above".format(__file__), ImportWarning)

# doc says class id = 
#    00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046
# requiredCLSID = b'\x00\x02\x14\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\xC0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x46'
# Actually Getting: 
requiredCLSID   = b'\x01\x14\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xC0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x46'  # puzzling

class ShortCutError(RuntimeError):

class MSShortcut():
    interface to Microsoft Shortcut Objects.  Purpose:
    - I need to be able to get the target from a samba shared on a linux machine
    - Also need to get access from a Windows machine.
    - Need to support several forms of the shortcut, as they seem be created differently depending on the 
      creating machine.
    - Included some 'flag' types in external interface to help test differences in shortcut types

        scPath (str): path to shortcut

        - There are some omitted object properties in the implementation. 
          Only implemented / tested enough to recover the shortcut target information. Recognized omissions:
          - LinkTargetIDList
          - VolumeId structure (if captured later, should be a separate class object to hold info)
          - Only captured environment block from extra data 
        - I don't know how or when some of the shortcut information is used, only captured what I recognized, 
          so there may be bugs related to use of the information
        - NO shortcut update support (though might be nice)
        - Implementation requires python 3.4 or greater
        - Tested only with Unicode data on a 64bit little endian machine, did not consider potential endian issues

    Not Debugged:
        - localBasePath - didn't check if parsed correctly or not.
        - commonPathSuffix
        - commonNetworkRelativeLink


    def __init__(self, scPath):
        Parse and keep shortcut properties on creation
        self.scPath = Path(scPath)

        self._clsid = None
        self._lnkFlags = None
        self._lnkInfoFlags = None
        self._localBasePath = None
        self._commonPathSuffix = None
        self._commonNetworkRelativeLink = None
        self._name = None
        self._relativePath = None
        self._workingDir = None
        self._commandLineArgs = None
        self._iconLocation = None
        self._envTarget = None


    def clsid(self): 
        return self._clsid

    def lnkFlags(self): 
        return self._lnkFlags

    def lnkInfoFlags(self): 
        return self._lnkInfoFlags

    def localBasePath(self): 
        return self._localBasePath

    def commonPathSuffix(self): 
        return self._commonPathSuffix

    def commonNetworkRelativeLink(self): 
        return self._commonNetworkRelativeLink

    def name(self): 
        return self._name    

    def relativePath(self): 
        return self._relativePath    

    def workingDir(self): 
        return self._workingDir    

    def commandLineArgs(self): 
        return self._commandLineArgs    

    def iconLocation(self): 
        return self._iconLocation    

    def envTarget(self): 
        return self._envTarget    

    def targetPath(self):
            woAnchor (bool): remove the anchor (\\server\path or drive:) from returned path.

            a libpath PureWindowsPath object for combined workingDir/relative path
            or the envTarget

            ShortCutError when no target path found in Shortcut
        target = None
        if self.workingDir:
            target = PureWindowsPath(self.workingDir)
            if self.relativePath:
                target = target / PureWindowsPath(self.relativePath)
            else: target = None

        if not target and self.envTarget:
            target = PureWindowsPath(self.envTarget)

        if not target:
            raise ShortCutError("Unable to retrieve target path from MS Shortcut: shortcut = {}"

        return target    

    def targetPathWOAnchor(self):
        tp = self.targetPath
        return tp.relative_to(tp.anchor)

    def _ParseLnkFile(self, lnkPath):        
        with lnkPath.open('rb') as f:
            content = f.read()

            # verify size  (4 bytes)
            hdrSize = struct.unpack('I', content[0x00:0x04])[0]
            if hdrSize != 0x4C:
                raise ShortCutError("MS Shortcut HeaderSize = {}, but required to be = {}: shortcut = {}"
                                   .format(hdrSize, 0x4C, str(lnkPath)))

            # verify LinkCLSID id (16 bytes)            
            self._clsid = bytes(struct.unpack('B'*16, content[0x04:0x14]))
            if self._clsid != requiredCLSID:
                raise ShortCutError("MS Shortcut ClassID = {}, but required to be = {}: shortcut = {}"
                                   .format(self._clsid, requiredCLSID, str(lnkPath)))        

            # read the LinkFlags structure (4 bytes)
            self._lnkFlags = struct.unpack('I', content[0x14:0x18])[0]
            #logger.debug("lnkFlags=0x%0.8x" % self._lnkFlags)
            position = 0x4C

            # if HasLinkTargetIDList bit, then position to skip the stored IDList structure and header
            if (self._lnkFlags & 0x01):
                idListSize = struct.unpack('H', content[position:position+0x02])[0]
                position += idListSize + 2

            # if HasLinkInfo, then process the linkinfo structure  
            if (self._lnkFlags & 0x02):
                (linkInfoSize, linkInfoHdrSize, self._linkInfoFlags, 
                 volIdOffset, localBasePathOffset, 
                 cmnNetRelativeLinkOffset, cmnPathSuffixOffset) = struct.unpack('IIIIIII', content[position:position+28])

                # check for optional offsets
                localBasePathOffsetUnicode = None
                cmnPathSuffixOffsetUnicode = None
                if linkInfoHdrSize >= 0x24:
                    (localBasePathOffsetUnicode, cmnPathSuffixOffsetUnicode) = struct.unpack('II', content[position+28:position+36])

                #logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % linkInfoSize)
                #logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % linkInfoHdrSize)
                #logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % self._linkInfoFlags)
                #logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % volIdOffset)
                #logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % localBasePathOffset)
                #logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % cmnNetRelativeLinkOffset)
                #logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % cmnPathSuffixOffset)
                #logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % localBasePathOffsetUnicode)
                #logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % cmnPathSuffixOffsetUnicode)

                # if info has a localBasePath
                if (self._linkInfoFlags & 0x01):
                    bpPosition = position + localBasePathOffset

                    # not debugged - don't know if this works or not
                    self._localBasePath = UnpackZ('z', content[bpPosition:])[0].decode('ascii')
                    #logger.debug("localBasePath: {}".format(self._localBasePath))

                    if localBasePathOffsetUnicode:
                        bpPosition = position + localBasePathOffsetUnicode
                        self._localBasePath = UnpackUnicodeZ('z', content[bpPosition:])[0]
                        self._localBasePath = self._localBasePath.decode('utf-16')               
                        #logger.debug("localBasePathUnicode: {}".format(self._localBasePath))

                # get common Path Suffix
                cmnSuffixPosition = position + cmnPathSuffixOffset               
                self._commonPathSuffix = UnpackZ('z', content[cmnSuffixPosition:])[0].decode('ascii')
                #logger.debug("commonPathSuffix: {}".format(self._commonPathSuffix))
                if cmnPathSuffixOffsetUnicode:
                    cmnSuffixPosition = position + cmnPathSuffixOffsetUnicode
                    self._commonPathSuffix = UnpackUnicodeZ('z', content[cmnSuffixPosition:])[0]
                    self._commonPathSuffix = self._commonPathSuffix.decode('utf-16')               
                    #logger.debug("commonPathSuffix: {}".format(self._commonPathSuffix))

                # check for CommonNetworkRelativeLink
                if (self._linkInfoFlags & 0x02):
                    relPosition = position + cmnNetRelativeLinkOffset
                    self._commonNetworkRelativeLink = CommonNetworkRelativeLink(content, relPosition)

                position += linkInfoSize 

            # If HasName
            if (self._lnkFlags & 0x04):
                (position, self._name) = self.readStringObj(content, position)
                #logger.debug("name: {}".format(self._name))     

            # get relative path string
            if (self._lnkFlags & 0x08):
                (position, self._relativePath) = self.readStringObj(content, position)

            # get working dir string
            if (self._lnkFlags & 0x10):
                (position, self._workingDir) = self.readStringObj(content, position)

            # get command line arguments
            if (self._lnkFlags & 0x20):
                (position, self._commandLineArgs) = self.readStringObj(content, position)

            # get icon location
            if (self._lnkFlags & 0x40):
                (position, self._iconLocation) = self.readStringObj(content, position)

            # look for environment properties             
            if (self._lnkFlags & 0x200):
                while True:
                    size = struct.unpack('I', content[position:position+4])[0]
                    #logger.debug("blksize=%d" % size)
                    if size==0: break

                    signature = struct.unpack('I', content[position+4:position+8])[0]
                    #logger.debug("signature=0x%0.8x" % signature)     

                    # EnvironmentVariableDataBlock          
                    if signature == 0xA0000001:  

                        if (self._lnkFlags & 0x80): # unicode
                            self._envTarget = UnpackUnicodeZ('z', content[position+268:])[0]
                            self._envTarget = self._envTarget.decode('utf-16')
                            self._envTarget = UnpackZ('z', content[position+8:])[0].decode('ascii')


                    position += size

    def readStringObj(self, scContent, position):
            tuple: (newPosition, string)
        strg = ''
        size = struct.unpack('H', scContent[position:position+2])[0]
        if (self._lnkFlags & 0x80): # unicode
            size *= 2
            strg = struct.unpack(str(size)+'s', scContent[position+2:position+2+size])[0]
            strg = strg.decode('utf-16')               
            strg = struct.unpack(str(size)+'s', scContent[position+2:position+2+size])[0].decode('ascii')
        position += size + 2 # 2 bytes to account for CountCharacters field

        return (position, strg)

class CommonNetworkRelativeLink():

    def __init__(self, scContent, linkContentPos):

        self._networkProviderType = None
        self._deviceName = None
        self._netName = None

        (linkSize, flags, netNameOffset, 
         devNameOffset, self._networkProviderType) = struct.unpack('IIIII', scContent[linkContentPos:linkContentPos+20])

        #logger.debug("netnameOffset = {}".format(netNameOffset))
        if netNameOffset > 0x014:
            (netNameOffsetUnicode, devNameOffsetUnicode) = struct.unpack('II', scContent[linkContentPos+20:linkContentPos+28])
            #logger.debug("netnameOffsetUnicode = {}".format(netNameOffsetUnicode))
            self._netName = UnpackUnicodeZ('z', scContent[linkContentPos+netNameOffsetUnicode:])[0]
            self._netName = self._netName.decode('utf-16')  
            self._deviceName = UnpackUnicodeZ('z', scContent[linkContentPos+devNameOffsetUnicode:])[0]
            self._deviceName = self._deviceName.decode('utf-16')               
            self._netName = UnpackZ('z', scContent[linkContentPos+netNameOffset:])[0].decode('ascii')
            self._deviceName = UnpackZ('z', scContent[linkContentPos+devNameOffset:])[0].decode('ascii')

    def deviceName(self):
        return self._deviceName

    def netName(self):
        return self._netName

    def networkProviderType(self):
        return self._networkProviderType

def UnpackZ (fmt, buf) :
    Unpack Null Terminated String

    while True :
        pos = fmt.find ('z')
        if pos < 0 :
        z_start = struct.calcsize (fmt[:pos])
        z_len = buf[z_start:].find(b'\0')
        fmt = '%s%dsx%s' % (fmt[:pos], z_len, fmt[pos+1:])
        #logger.debug("fmt='{}', len={}".format(fmt, z_len))
    fmtlen = struct.calcsize(fmt)
    return struct.unpack (fmt, buf[0:fmtlen])

def UnpackUnicodeZ (fmt, buf) :
    Unpack Null Terminated String
    while True :
        pos = fmt.find ('z')
        if pos < 0 :
        z_start = struct.calcsize (fmt[:pos])
        # look for null bytes by pairs
        z_len = 0
        for i in range(z_start,len(buf),2):
            if buf[i:i+2] == b'\0\0':
                z_len = i-z_start

        fmt = '%s%dsxx%s' % (fmt[:pos], z_len, fmt[pos+1:])
       # logger.debug("fmt='{}', len={}".format(fmt, z_len))
    fmtlen = struct.calcsize(fmt)
    return struct.unpack (fmt, buf[0:fmtlen])

I hope this helps others as well.

寻梦旅人 2024-07-18 02:14:42

我真的不喜欢任何可用的答案,因为我不想继续导入越来越多的库,并且“shell”选项在我的测试机器上不稳定。 我选择读取“.lnk”,然后使用正则表达式读出路径。 出于我的目的,我正在查找最近打开的 pdf 文件,然后阅读这些文件的内容:

# Example file path to the shortcut
shortcut = "shortcutFileName.lnk"

# Open the lnk file using the ISO-8859-1 encoder to avoid errors for special characters
lnkFile = open(shortcut, 'r', encoding = "ISO-8859-1")

# Use a regular expression to parse out the pdf file on C:\
filePath = re.findall("C:.*?pdf", lnkFile.read(), flags=re.DOTALL)

# Close File

# Read the pdf at the lnk Target
pdfFile = open(tmpFilePath[0], 'rb')


显然这适用于 pdf 但需要相应地指定其他文件扩展名。

I didn't really like any of the answers available because I didn't want to keep importing more and more libraries and the 'shell' option was spotty on my test machines. I opted for reading the ".lnk" in and then using a regular expression to read out the path. For my purposes, I am looking for pdf files that were recently opened and then reading the content of those files:

# Example file path to the shortcut
shortcut = "shortcutFileName.lnk"

# Open the lnk file using the ISO-8859-1 encoder to avoid errors for special characters
lnkFile = open(shortcut, 'r', encoding = "ISO-8859-1")

# Use a regular expression to parse out the pdf file on C:\
filePath = re.findall("C:.*?pdf", lnkFile.read(), flags=re.DOTALL)

# Close File

# Read the pdf at the lnk Target
pdfFile = open(tmpFilePath[0], 'rb')


Obviously this works for pdf but needs to specify other file extensions accordingly.

靑春怀旧 2024-07-18 02:14:42


  • 仅使用标准库可以避免引入额外的依赖项,例如 win32com
  • 此方法适用于因 jared 的答案而失败的 .lnks, 更多细节
  • 我们避免直接读取文件,这感觉很hacky,有时会失败
import subprocess

def get_target(link_path) -> (str, str):
    Get the target & args of a Windows shortcut (.lnk)
    :param link_path: The Path or string-path to the shortcut, e.g. "C:\\Users\\Public\\Desktop\\My Shortcut.lnk"
    :return: A tuple of the target and arguments, e.g. ("C:\\Program Files\\My Program.exe", "--my-arg")
    # get_target implementation by hannes, https://gist.github.com/Winand/997ed38269e899eb561991a0c663fa49
    ps_command = \
        "$WSShell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell;" \
        "$Shortcut = $WSShell.CreateShortcut(\"" + str(link_path) + "\"); " \
        "Write-Host $Shortcut.TargetPath ';' $shortcut.Arguments "
    output = subprocess.run(["powershell.exe", ps_command], capture_output=True)
    raw = output.stdout.decode('utf-8')
    launch_path, args = [x.strip() for x in raw.split(';', 1)]
    return launch_path, args

# to test
shortcut_file = r"C:\Users\REPLACE_WITH_USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessibility\Narrator.lnk"
a, args = get_target(shortcut_file)
print(a)  # C:\WINDOWS\system32\narrator.exe 

(你可以删除 -> typehinting 以使其在较旧的 python 版本中工作)

我确实注意到在大量快捷方式上运行时这很慢。 您可以使用 jareds 方法,检查结果是否为 None,如果是,则运行此代码以获取目标路径。

A more stable solution in python, using powershell to read the target path from the .lnk file.

  • using only standard libraries avoids introducing extra dependencies such as win32com
  • this approach works with the .lnks that failed with jared's answer, more details
  • we avoid directly reading the file, which felt hacky, and sometimes failed
import subprocess

def get_target(link_path) -> (str, str):
    Get the target & args of a Windows shortcut (.lnk)
    :param link_path: The Path or string-path to the shortcut, e.g. "C:\\Users\\Public\\Desktop\\My Shortcut.lnk"
    :return: A tuple of the target and arguments, e.g. ("C:\\Program Files\\My Program.exe", "--my-arg")
    # get_target implementation by hannes, https://gist.github.com/Winand/997ed38269e899eb561991a0c663fa49
    ps_command = \
        "$WSShell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell;" \
        "$Shortcut = $WSShell.CreateShortcut(\"" + str(link_path) + "\"); " \
        "Write-Host $Shortcut.TargetPath ';' $shortcut.Arguments "
    output = subprocess.run(["powershell.exe", ps_command], capture_output=True)
    raw = output.stdout.decode('utf-8')
    launch_path, args = [x.strip() for x in raw.split(';', 1)]
    return launch_path, args

# to test
shortcut_file = r"C:\Users\REPLACE_WITH_USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessibility\Narrator.lnk"
a, args = get_target(shortcut_file)
print(a)  # C:\WINDOWS\system32\narrator.exe 

(you can remove -> typehinting to get it to work in older python versions)

I did notice this is slow when running on lots of shortcuts. You could use jareds method, check if the result is None, and if so, run this code to get the target path.

纸伞微斜 2024-07-18 02:14:42

在我的例子中,直接基于正则表达式的解析的好方法(在答案中提出)对于所有快捷方式来说并不可靠。 。 其中一些只有相对路径,例如 ..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\Program Files\\ImageGlass\\ImageGlass.exe (由 msi-installer 生成),并且它以宽字符存储,这在 Python 中处理起来很棘手。
下面是一个示例脚本,用于显示作为第一个参数传递的 lnk 文件的目标:

import LnkParse3
import sys

with open(sys.argv[1], 'rb') as indata:
    lnk = LnkParse3.lnk_file(indata)

The nice approach with direct regex-based parsing (proposed in the answer) didn't work reliable for all shortcuts in my case. Some of them have only relative path like ..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\Program Files\\ImageGlass\\ImageGlass.exe (produced by msi-installer), and it is stored with wide chars, which are tricky to handle in Python.
So I've discovered a Python module LnkParse3, which is easy to use and meets my needs.
Here is a sample script to show target of a lnk-file passed as first argument:

import LnkParse3
import sys

with open(sys.argv[1], 'rb') as indata:
    lnk = LnkParse3.lnk_file(indata)
兲鉂ぱ嘚淚 2024-07-18 02:14:42



pip install comtypes


from comtypes.client import CreateObject
from comtypes.persist import IPersistFile
from comtypes.shelllink import ShellLink

# I spent too much time figuring out the problem with .load(..) function ahead

s = CreateObject(ShellLink)
p = s.QueryInterface(IPersistFile)
p.Load(pathStr, False)
    # the GetDescription create exception in some of the links
except Exception as e:


I arrived at this thread looking for a way to parse a ".lnk" file and get the target file name.

I found another very simple solution:

pip install comtypes


from comtypes.client import CreateObject
from comtypes.persist import IPersistFile
from comtypes.shelllink import ShellLink

# I spent too much time figuring out the problem with .load(..) function ahead

s = CreateObject(ShellLink)
p = s.QueryInterface(IPersistFile)
p.Load(pathStr, False)
    # the GetDescription create exception in some of the links
except Exception as e:

Based on this great answer...

九命猫 2024-07-18 02:14:42


import subprocess

link_file = r"D:\foo\bar.lnk"
target_path = subprocess.check_output(f"powershell -command (new-object -com wscript.shell).CreateShortCut('{link_file}').Targetpath").strip().decode()

Simple but slow:

import subprocess

link_file = r"D:\foo\bar.lnk"
target_path = subprocess.check_output(f"powershell -command (new-object -com wscript.shell).CreateShortCut('{link_file}').Targetpath").strip().decode()
孤独难免 2024-07-18 02:14:42

就像打开“.exe”文件一样简单。 同样,我们将为此使用 os 模块。 您只需创建一个快捷方式 .lnk 并将其存储在您选择的任何文件夹中。 然后,在任何Python文件中,首先导入os模块(已经安装,只需导入)。 然后,使用一个变量(例如 path),并为其分配一个包含 .lnk 文件位置的字符串值。 只需创建所需应用程序的快捷方式即可。 最后,我们将使用 os.startfile()


  1. 位置应该在双引号内。
  2. 最重要的是,打开属性。 然后,在其下打开“详细信息”。 在那里,您可以获得快捷方式的确切名称。 请在最后写上“.lnk”该名称。

现在,您已经完成了该过程。 我希望它对你有帮助。 为了获得更多帮助,我将我的代码留在底部。

import os

path = "C:\\Users\\hello\\OneDrive\\Desktop\\Shortcuts\\OneNote for Windows 10.lnk"


在我的代码中,我使用 path 作为变量,并为 OneNote 创建了快捷方式。 在path中,我定义了OneNote快捷方式的位置。 因此,当我使用 os.startfile(path) 时,os 模块将打开变量路径中定义的快捷方式文件。

It's easy as opening ".exe" file. Here also, we are going to use the os module for this. You just have to create a shortcut .lnk and store it in any folder of your choice. Then, in any Python file, first import the os module (already installed, just import). Then, use a variable, say path, and assign it a string value containing the location of your .lnk file. Just create a shortcut of your desired application. At last, we will use os.startfile()
to open our shortcut.

Points to remember:

  1. The location should be within double inverted commas.
  2. Most important, open Properties. Then, under that, open "Details". There, you can get the exact name of your shortcut. Please write that name with ".lnk" at last.

Now, you have completed the procedure. I hope it helps you. For additional assistance, I am leaving my code for this at the bottom.

import os

path = "C:\\Users\\hello\\OneDrive\\Desktop\\Shortcuts\\OneNote for Windows 10.lnk"


In my code, I used path as variable and I had created a shortcut for OneNote. In path, I defined the location of OneNote's shortcut. So when I use os.startfile(path), the os module is going to open my shortcut file defined in variable path.

混浊又暗下来 2024-07-18 02:14:42

这项工作无需任何模块即可完成,执行此操作将返回具有快捷方式文件目标的 ab 字符串。 基本上,您所做的是以读取二进制模式(rb 模式)打开文件。 这是完成此任务的代码:

with open('programs.lnk - Copy','rb') as f:

我目前使用的是 python 3.9.2,如果您遇到此问题,请告诉我,我会尽力修复它。

this job is possible without any modules, doing this will return a b string having the destination of the shortcut file. Basically what you do is you open the file in read binary mode (rb mode). This is the code to accomplish this task:

with open('programs.lnk - Copy','rb') as f:

i am currently using python 3.9.2, in case you face problems with this, just tell me and i will try to fix it.

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