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在低端,对于免费软件,有 ToDoList
at the lower end, for free software, there's ToDoList
FogBugz 也是你的朋友。 FB6 是一个很棒的 PM 跟踪工具,我一直在使用 5 来管理我的团队,并且我正试图从那些掌握钱袋的人那里撬取 FB 6 的钱。
对于开源/1 开发者来说也是免费的。
FogBugz is your friend too. FB6 is a great PM tacking tool, I've been using 5 to manage my team and I'm trying to pry the money for FB 6 out of those that hold the purse strings.
For open source/ 1 dev its free as well.
A good tool with collaboration feature as well:
我们一直在使用 Eylean 进行项目管理。 它具有您正在寻找的所有功能,还有一些。 您将能够将您的任务可视化为任务板上的便笺,估计它们将花费多少时间,然后跟踪它们以了解它们实际占用了多少时间。 它可能比您想要的要多一点,但我真的很喜欢这个软件。
We have been using Eylean for our project management. It has all the features you are looking for and then some. You will be able to visualize your tasks as post it notes on a task board, estimate how much time they will take and then track them in order to see how much time they actually take up. It might be little more than what you are looking for, but i really enjoy the software.
JIRA 具有日志工作功能。 您可以根据任务/问题记录您的工作。 我的老板很喜欢这些报告。
JIRA has a log work feature. You log your work on a per task/issue bases. My boss rather likes the reports.
如果您与大型团队合作,Team Foundation 拥有一切。 工作项跟踪(可以与签入和构建相关联!)、报告、各种指标。 对于小型组织来说,成本可能太高了。
If you work with a large team, Team Foundation has it all. Work item tracking (which can be tied to checkins and builds!), reports, all sorts of metrics. For a small organization though the cost is probably too high.
Voo2do 相当不错。 我以前用过它,它很棒,因为它上手非常简单,但您可以根据需要使用扩展功能。 还有一个 API,可以填补缺失的功能。
Voo2do is pretty good. I've used it before and it's great because it's very simple to start, but you can use the extended functionality as needed. And there's an API, which can fill in the missing features.
对于基本的命令行任务跟踪,我使用 http://wtime.sourceforge.net/ 它简单但有效,但仅有顶级任务。
For basic commandline task tracking I use http://wtime.sourceforge.net/ It's simple but effective but only has top level tasks.
这是对 FogBugz 的另一次投票。 最初我购买它是为了管理客户项目,但我逐渐使用它来跟踪我生活中几乎所有相关的待办事项——简单的任务、要记住的东西、小型个人/家庭项目、要阅读的书籍等它功能丰富,并且有一些不错的集成点,虽然它仍然非常面向软件类型任务,但它很方便。 价格非常合理。
Here's another vote for FogBugz. Originally I bought it for managing client projects, but I've grown to use it for keeping track of almost everything to-do related in my life -- simple tasks, stuff to remember, small personal/home projects, books to read, etc. It's feature-rich and has a handful of nice integration points, and while it's still very much software-type-task-oriented, it's handy. Very reasonably priced for the value.
对于我自己的任务管理 - Outlook
对于团队的任务管理 - TFS 2008 SP 1。其中有一些很好的增强功能,其中的警报功能产生了很大的不同。
For task management for myself - Outlook
For task management for a team - TFS 2008 with SP 1. There is some nice enhancements in there with alerting that makes a big difference.
我们使用 Smartsheet 作为任务分配和协作工具。 它很好地基于电子表格的理念,您可以在其中添加自己的列。 这些工作表可以在团队成员之间共享,当有任何变化时它会向您发送电子邮件,它具有文件共享(无限制) - 您还可以授予外部人员访问权限,以便他们可以提出错误通知等,然后通知团队。 对我们来说非常有效,因为它非常灵活
We use Smartsheet as a tasking and collaboration tool. It's pretty well based on the idea of a spreadsheet that you can add your own columns to. The sheets can be shared amongst team members, it sends you emails when anything changes, it has file share (without limit) - you can also give external people access so that they can raise bug notifications etc. that then get notified to the team. Works very well for us as it is SO flexible
我推荐Task Coach,一个开源、单人、分层的任务管理器,允许时间跟踪、类别、提醒以及更多。
I recommend Task Coach, an open source, single person, hierarchical task manager that allows for time tracking, categories, reminders and much more.