wmd编辑器是否可以添加一个按钮,让用户将图像上传到网络服务器,并将相应的img markdown放在文本框中? 如果没有,另一个好的就地编辑器会做吗? 背景:我正在使用 asp.net mvc、C#,并且我是 javascript 的真正初学者。
Is it possible with the wmd editor to add a button to let the user upload an image to the web server and place the corresponding img markdown in the textbox? If not, will another good inplace editor do it? Context: I'm using asp.net mvc, C# and I am a true beginner with javascript.
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简单浏览一下 WMD 似乎表明不直接支持此功能,并且不支持该控件特别是可插拔的。
A brief perusal of the WMD seems to indicate that this feature is not supported directly and that the control is not particularly pluggable.
That being said, there's nothing stopping you from creating a button/upload-field/whatever that sends an image to your servers and injects the appropriate:
Into the control's underlying textarea.
这是 WMD 附带的最小示例的一个变体:
但正如您可能知道的那样,这只是一个开始。 这个 Markdown 编辑器看起来更好
Here's a variation to the minimal example that comes with WMD:
But it's only the beginnings as you can probably tell. This markdown editor looks better
我写了一篇 博客文章 解释了我如何解决这个问题。 在这篇文章中,我使用 PHP - 如果您愿意将我的 PHP 逻辑转换为 ASP.NET,您可能会发现它很有帮助!
I wrote a blog post that explains how I solved this. In the post, I use PHP - if you're comfortable converting my PHP logic into ASP.NET, you may find it helpful!