反向 SSH 隧道监控

发布于 2024-07-10 14:56:02 字数 934 浏览 7 评论 0 原文

我使用 PuTTY 设置了一个反向 ssh 隧道,允许我通过 VNC 连接到家庭计算机,而无需启用 NAT 端口转发。 效果很好,没问题。

我想将隧道设置为“持久服务”,它将在启动时连接并在断开时重新连接。 附言。 这是在 Windows 上。


有人有此类事情或任何此类产品的经验吗? 我不需要所有花里胡哨的东西,只需要可靠性。

I've setup a reverse ssh tunnel, using PuTTY, to allow me to VNC into a home computer without having to enable NAT port forwarding. Works great, no problem.

I would like to set the tunnel up as a "persistent service" that will connect on boot up and reconnect when dropped. PS. this is on Windows.

Exhaustive googling found a few products but many seem to have been abandoned and none appear to have major "street cred."

Does anyone have experience with this type of thing or with any of these products? I don't need all the bells and whistles, just reliability.

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风渺 2024-07-17 14:56:02

维基百科对 ssh 客户端的比较 有关于隧道、SOCKS 等的列,可以帮助您找到合适的东西

wikipedia's comparison of ssh clients has columns for tunnelling, SOCKS etc. may help you find something suitable

蓝天白云 2024-07-17 14:56:02

您是否考虑过使用 plink 并将其作为 srvany 的服务?

Have you considered using plink and making it a service with srvany?

情绪 2024-07-17 14:56:02

使用 PuTTY 中的 plink 并在批处理文件中运行。 当连接真正终止时,plink 将退出,这意味着您可以循环运行 plink。


  :: This is a batch file. Save with file name: plink_forever.bat
  plink saved_session_name
  goto restart

最后用 srvany 包装它以使其在登录时启动。

或者也许更简单:将 .bat 放入 Windows 调度程序中并设置为每次启动时运行一次。

文档: http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty /0.58/htmldoc/Chapter7.html

Use plink from PuTTY and run in a batch file. When connection really dies, plink will exit, which means that you can run plink in a loop.

Like this:

  :: This is a batch file. Save with file name: plink_forever.bat
  plink saved_session_name
  goto restart

And finally wrap that with srvany to get it to start on logon.

Or maybe easier: put the .bat in windows scheduler and set to run once on every boot.

Docs: http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/0.58/htmldoc/Chapter7.html

忆梦 2024-07-17 14:56:02

您只需将任何应用程序设置为随 Windows 启动,并在启动时自动连接隧道。 我个人使用 Easytunnel...刚刚选中启动时连接所有隧道的选项,并设置窗口以在启动时启动 Easytunnel。 它工作得很好,但您需要设置服务器的不活动超时,否则您将每隔 10 分钟左右断开连接。


you can just set-up any application to start with windows and auto-connect your tunnel on startup. I personnally use Easytunnel... just checked the option to connect all tunnels on startup, and set-up windows to start Easytunnel on bootup. It works great, tho you'll need to set-up your server's inactivity timeout, or you will be disconnected every 10 minutes or so.

Hope you get it working!

千里故人稀 2024-07-17 14:56:02

我经常使用 ssh 隧道,但所有管理器对我来说都不太方便(UI 屏幕太多,不太稳定)。 我想要一个易于配置和维护的脚本,因此我为此想出了一个 PowerShell 脚本。 发布于此处。 SO 规则要求我也发布答案中的解决方案,很高兴这样做:


# LocalPort TargetHost  TargetPort  SshHost SshUsername SshKeyPath 
18080   google.com  80  bastion.example.com User    D:\secure\path\to\private_key.ppk

将其另存为 config.csv。 使用 powershell 脚本来保持它是:

  Powershell script for keeping ssh tunnel up and running

  This script uses configuration of tunnels located in config.csv. For more information visit http://tsherlock.tech/2019/03/13/simple-ssh-tunnel-auto-reconnect-using-putty-and-powershell/

  Version:        1.0
  Author:         Anton Shkuratov
  Creation Date:  2019-03-13
  Purpose/Change: Initial script development


$currentDir = $PSScriptRoot
if (-not $env:PATH.Contains($currentDir)) {

# Check plink is accessible
try {
  Start-Process plink.exe -WindowStyle Hidden
} catch {
  Write-Host Error running plink.exe Please make sure its path is in PATH environment variable
  EXIT 1

# Parse config
$config = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines("$currentDir\config.csv");
$bindings = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$regex = New-Object System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("(\d)+\s([^ ]+)\s(\d+)\s([^ ]+)\s([^ ]+)\s([^ ]+)", [System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::IgnoreCase);
$keyPasswords = @{}
$procs = @{}

foreach($line in $config) {
  $match = $regex.Match($line)

  if ($match.Success) {
    $sshKey = $match.Groups[6];

      LocalPort = $match.Groups[1];
      TargetHost = $match.Groups[2];
      TargetPort = $match.Groups.Groups[3];
      SshHost = $match.Groups[4];
      SshUser = $match.Groups[5];
      SshKey = $match.Groups[6];

    if (-not $keyPasswords.ContainsKey($sshKey)) {
      $pass = Read-Host "Please enter password for key (if set): $sshKey" -AsSecureString
      $keyPasswords.Add($sshKey, $pass);

# Starting Processes
function EnsureRunning($procs, $keyPasswords, $binding) {

  if ($procs.ContainsKey($binding) -and $procs[$binding].HasExited) {

    $proc = $procs[$binding]
    $sshKey = $binding.sshKey
    $out = $proc.StandardError.ReadToEnd()

    if ($out.Contains("Wrong passphrase")) {
      Write-Host "Wrong pass phrase for $sshKey, please re-enter"
      $pass = Read-Host "Please enter password for key: $sshKey" -AsSecureString
      $keyPasswords[$sshKey] = $pass;
    } else {
      $exitCode = $proc.ExitCode
      $tHost = $binding.sshHost

      Write-Host "Connection to $tHost is lost, exit code: $exitCode"

  if (-not $procs.ContainsKey($binding) -or $procs[$binding].HasExited) {
    $sshUser = $binding.SshUser
    $sshHost = $binding.SshHost
    $sshKey = $binding.SshKey
    $lPort = $binding.LocalPort
    $tPort = $binding.TargetPort
    $tHost = $binding.TargetHost
    $sshKeyPass = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($keyPasswords[$sshKey]))

    $psi = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo;
    $psi.FileName = "plink.exe";
    $psi.UseShellExecute = $false;

    $psi.CreateNoWindow = $true;
    $psi.RedirectStandardInput = $true;
    $psi.RedirectStandardError = $true;

    $psi.Arguments = "-ssh $sshUser@$sshHost -i `"$sshKey`" -batch -pw $sshKeyPass -L $lPort`:$tHost`:$tPort"

    $proc = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($psi);

    Start-Sleep 1

    if (-not $proc.HasExited) {
      Write-Host Connected to $sshUser@$sshHost

    $procs[$binding] = $proc;

function EnsureAllRunning($procs, $keyPasswords, $bindings) {
  while($true) {
    foreach($binding in $bindings) {
      EnsureRunning $procs $keyPasswords $binding
    Start-Sleep 1

try {
  # Waiting for exit command
  Write-Host Working... Press Ctrl+C to stop execution...
  EnsureAllRunning $procs $keyPasswords $bindings
} finally {
  # Clean up
  Write-Host Clean up

  foreach($proc in $procs.Values) {
    if ($proc -ne $null -and -not $proc.HasExited) {


powershell -File autossh.ps1

要随 Windows 启动自动启动它,请使用 Windows 调度程序。

I use ssh tunnels a lot, but all managers were not convinient to me (too many UI screens, not that stable). I wanted to have a script which can be easily cnfigurable and maintainable, so I came up with a PowerShell script for that. Posted here. SO rules dictates me to publish solution in answer as well, so happy to do that:

To start using it you need a config like this:

# LocalPort TargetHost  TargetPort  SshHost SshUsername SshKeyPath 
18080   google.com  80  bastion.example.com User    D:\secure\path\to\private_key.ppk

Save it as a config.csv. And use a powershell script to keep it up is:

  Powershell script for keeping ssh tunnel up and running

  This script uses configuration of tunnels located in config.csv. For more information visit http://tsherlock.tech/2019/03/13/simple-ssh-tunnel-auto-reconnect-using-putty-and-powershell/

  Version:        1.0
  Author:         Anton Shkuratov
  Creation Date:  2019-03-13
  Purpose/Change: Initial script development


$currentDir = $PSScriptRoot
if (-not $env:PATH.Contains($currentDir)) {

# Check plink is accessible
try {
  Start-Process plink.exe -WindowStyle Hidden
} catch {
  Write-Host Error running plink.exe Please make sure its path is in PATH environment variable
  EXIT 1

# Parse config
$config = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines("$currentDir\config.csv");
$bindings = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$regex = New-Object System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("(\d)+\s([^ ]+)\s(\d+)\s([^ ]+)\s([^ ]+)\s([^ ]+)", [System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::IgnoreCase);
$keyPasswords = @{}
$procs = @{}

foreach($line in $config) {
  $match = $regex.Match($line)

  if ($match.Success) {
    $sshKey = $match.Groups[6];

      LocalPort = $match.Groups[1];
      TargetHost = $match.Groups[2];
      TargetPort = $match.Groups.Groups[3];
      SshHost = $match.Groups[4];
      SshUser = $match.Groups[5];
      SshKey = $match.Groups[6];

    if (-not $keyPasswords.ContainsKey($sshKey)) {
      $pass = Read-Host "Please enter password for key (if set): $sshKey" -AsSecureString
      $keyPasswords.Add($sshKey, $pass);

# Starting Processes
function EnsureRunning($procs, $keyPasswords, $binding) {

  if ($procs.ContainsKey($binding) -and $procs[$binding].HasExited) {

    $proc = $procs[$binding]
    $sshKey = $binding.sshKey
    $out = $proc.StandardError.ReadToEnd()

    if ($out.Contains("Wrong passphrase")) {
      Write-Host "Wrong pass phrase for $sshKey, please re-enter"
      $pass = Read-Host "Please enter password for key: $sshKey" -AsSecureString
      $keyPasswords[$sshKey] = $pass;
    } else {
      $exitCode = $proc.ExitCode
      $tHost = $binding.sshHost

      Write-Host "Connection to $tHost is lost, exit code: $exitCode"

  if (-not $procs.ContainsKey($binding) -or $procs[$binding].HasExited) {
    $sshUser = $binding.SshUser
    $sshHost = $binding.SshHost
    $sshKey = $binding.SshKey
    $lPort = $binding.LocalPort
    $tPort = $binding.TargetPort
    $tHost = $binding.TargetHost
    $sshKeyPass = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($keyPasswords[$sshKey]))

    $psi = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo;
    $psi.FileName = "plink.exe";
    $psi.UseShellExecute = $false;

    $psi.CreateNoWindow = $true;
    $psi.RedirectStandardInput = $true;
    $psi.RedirectStandardError = $true;

    $psi.Arguments = "-ssh $sshUser@$sshHost -i `"$sshKey`" -batch -pw $sshKeyPass -L $lPort`:$tHost`:$tPort"

    $proc = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($psi);

    Start-Sleep 1

    if (-not $proc.HasExited) {
      Write-Host Connected to $sshUser@$sshHost

    $procs[$binding] = $proc;

function EnsureAllRunning($procs, $keyPasswords, $bindings) {
  while($true) {
    foreach($binding in $bindings) {
      EnsureRunning $procs $keyPasswords $binding
    Start-Sleep 1

try {
  # Waiting for exit command
  Write-Host Working... Press Ctrl+C to stop execution...
  EnsureAllRunning $procs $keyPasswords $bindings
} finally {
  # Clean up
  Write-Host Clean up

  foreach($proc in $procs.Values) {
    if ($proc -ne $null -and -not $proc.HasExited) {

Then just run it with:

powershell -File autossh.ps1

To start it automatically with windows boot please use windows scheduler.

缱倦旧时光 2024-07-17 14:56:02

我已经设置了一个开放服务,只要您在网络上,它就会受到保护并开放。 它还具有内置超时,2 分钟内没有活动,否则 10 分钟。通过 https 进行,并且顶部有一些 XTEA 加密。 可在 mylinuz.com 上获取

A permanent tunnel is a security breach.
I have setup an open service secured and opened as long you are in the web. It also have builtin timeouts, no activity 2 minutes, otherwise 10. Is over https and on top has some XTEA ciphering. Is available at mylinuz.com

screen shot

甜`诱少女 2024-07-17 14:56:02


  • Teleport:很棒的工具,开源且相对易于使用
  • Ngrok:简单并且完全按照您想要的方式进行,

我建议使用其中一项服务,而不是自己做。 自行设置此类设置可能很危险,因为任何错误配置都会导致攻击者获得对所有连接设备的完全访问权限。

I have 2 main recommendations:

  • Teleport: Great tool, open source and relatively easy to use
  • Ngrok: Simple and doing exactly what you want

I would recommend using one of those services instead of doing it yourself. It can be dangerous to setup such setup on your own as any misconfiguration would lead to an attacker getting full access to all the connected devices.

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