服务 DLL 的 CPU 利用率?
我需要找出服务 DLL 的 CPU 利用率。 我查看了现有示例,我们可以找到进程的 CPU 利用率。
我认为DLL将由services.exe加载。 那么是否可以通过DLL找出CPU的利用率。
我在 Windows 平台上使用 C++ 工作。
I need to find out the CPU utilization of a service DLL. I have looked in existing samples and we can find CPU utilization for processes.
I think DLL will be loaded by services.exe. So is it possible to find out CPU utilization by DLL.
I am working in C++ on the Windows platform.
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复制 svchost.exe 并将其命名为 dbgsrvc.exe; 然后,进入注册表中的服务条目(例如 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog),并将 ImagePath 更改为使用 dbgsrvc 而不是服务。 这样,您就可以将服务隔离到其自己的进程中,以便您可以获得其性能计数器。
Make a copy of svchost.exe and call it dbgsrvc.exe; then, go into the service entry in the registry (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog for example), and change the ImagePath to use dbgsrvc instead of services. That way, you've isolated your service into its own process so you can get perf counters on it.
Windows 中唯一可用的性能计数器位于进程级别。 服务DLL是什么意思? 我所知道的唯一 service.DLL 是一个木马病毒。
但您谈论的是通用服务 DLL 还是特定文件?
The only performance counters available in Windows are at the process level. What do you mean by service DLL? The only service.DLL I know of is a trojan virus.
But are you talking about generic service DLLs or a specific file?
tasklist /svc
。 查看托管服务的 svchost.exe 的输出。 记下该进程的 PID。Try this:
tasklist /svc
from a command console. Look through the output for the svchost.exe that's hosting your service. Note the PID of this process.您应该监视托管 dll 的进程。
You should monitor the process hosting the dll.