虚拟电脑中的MSSQLServer 2008
您在虚拟 PC 中运行 SQL Server 的体验如何? 目前我们有一个在虚拟机中运行的sql2008实例。 执行查询时,两个 CPU 都会达到极限。
What are your experiences with running SQL server in a virtual pc?
Currently we have an sql2008 instance running in a virtual machine.
Both CPU's hit the roof the moment a query is executed.
what are your experiences and what do you suggest in this matter?
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我在使用虚拟化 SQL 服务器进行数据库密集型应用程序(ETL 开发)时遇到了一些严重的性能问题。 请参阅这篇 Stackoverflow 帖子,了解我的经验和结果深入挖掘根本问题。
本质上,像 ETL 这样的数据库密集型进程会破坏 I/O(更多的顺序操作,因此它不像 OLTP 应用程序那样等待磁盘查找)和转换后备缓冲区(大型数据集),这两者都非常慢在一个简单的虚拟化图像上。 该帖子链接到AMD 网站上的本白皮书(由供应商编写,因此请持保留态度)(在赞扬 AMD 新 Opteron 芯片的优点之间)谈论了一些潜在的问题。
I've had some serious performance issues using virtualised SQL servers for database heavy applications (ETL development). See this Stackoverflow post for a run-down on my experiences and the outcomes of digging into the underlying issues.
Essentially a DB heavy process like ETL will thrash the I/O (more sequential operations, so it isn't waiting for disk seeks as much as an OLTP app) and Translation Lookaside Buffer (large data sets), both of which are very slow on a naively virtualised image. The posting links out to this whitepaper on AMD's site (written by a vendor so take with a grain of salt) which (in between extolling the virtues of AMD's new Opteron chips) talks a bit about the underlying issues.
你用的是VMWare吗? 如果是这样,请应用 9 月份及之后的服务包。
否则,如果您没有限制计算机,则可以限制 2008 使用的资源。
Are you using VMWare? If so apply service packs from back in September and since.
Otherwise you can limit the resources that 2008 uses if you have no limited of a machine.