对于 Delphi IDE,代码编辑器中的函数列表与 Visual Studio 中一样
对于Delphi IDE,是否有任何工具/专家可以在不滚动代码编辑器的情况下知道光标所在函数的名称?
For Delphi IDE, Is there any tool/expert to know the name of the function where the cursor is, without scrolling the code editor?
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。

CnPack 也免费提供此服务;-)
CnPack offer that too for free ;-)
Castalia 是您想要的工具,适用于所有 IDE,包括 Delphi 7 之后的版本。
TwoDesk 的 Castalia
Castalia is the tool you want, for all IDE's including the post-Delphi 7 versions.
Castalia at TwoDesk
The Structure Pane provides this information when a code window is open.
有趣的是,没有人提到 GExperts - 这是 Delphi 的免费插件,可以与从 Personal 到 Architect 的所有版本完美配合。 并且里面有很多有用的东西。 就我个人而言,如果没有安装 GExperts,我什至不会碰 Delphi - 但这就是我:D
Funny, nobody mentioned GExperts - that's a free addon for Delphi, works flawlessly with all editions from Personal to Architect. And has a lot useful stuff in it. Personally I don't even touch Delphi if there's no GExperts installed - but that's me :D
我个人从未使用过它,但是 CodeRush for Delphi可能是您正在寻找的工具(在链接页面上搜索“面包屑”)。
I never used it personally, but CodeRush for Delphi might be the tool you are looking for (on the linked page search for "breadcrumb").