我刚刚通读 Mark Lutz 的“学习 Python”并发现了此代码示例:
>>> L = ['grail']
>>> L.append(L)
>>> L
['grail', [...]]
似乎有点混乱,我认为这源于非常简短的代码示例...这里还有几行使用相同的对象 L
>>> L[0]
>>> L[1][0]
>>> L[1][1][0]
I was just reading through "Learning Python" by Mark Lutz and came across this code sample:
>>> L = ['grail']
>>> L.append(L)
>>> L
['grail', [...]]
It was identified as a cyclic data structure.
So I was wondering, and here is my question:
What is a 'cyclic data structure' used for in real life programming?
There seems to be a little confusion, which i think stems from the very brief code sample... here's a few more lines using the same object L
>>> L[0]
>>> L[1][0]
>>> L[1][1][0]
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很多东西。 例如,循环缓冲区:您有一些具有正面和背面的数据集合,但节点数量是任意的,并且最后一个项目的“下一个”项目应该带您回到第一个项目。
图结构通常是循环的; 非周期性是一种特殊情况。 例如,考虑一个包含旅行推销员问题中的所有城市和道路的图表。
好的,这是一个适合您的特殊示例。 我在科罗拉多州建立了一系列城镇:
这有很多循环。 例如,您可以从科罗拉多斯普林斯驾车前往利蒙,再前往丹佛,然后返回科罗拉多斯普林斯。
如果您创建一个包含 V 中的所有城市和 E 中的所有道路的数据结构,那么这就是一个图数据结构。 该图会有循环。
Lots of things. Circular buffer, for example: you have some collection of data with a front and a back, but an arbitrary number of nodes, and the "next" item from the last should take you back to the first.
Graph structures are often cyclic; acyclicity is a special case. Consider, for example, a graph containing all the cities and roads in a traveling salesman problem.
Okay, here's a particular example for you. I set up a collection of towns here in Colorado:
I then set up pairs of cities where there is a road connecting them.
This has a bunch of cycles. For example, you can drive from Colorado Springs, to Limon, to Denver, and back to Colorado Springs.
If you create a data structure that contains all the cities in V and all the roads in E, that's a graph data structure. This graph would have cycles.
我最近创建了一个循环数据结构来表示八个基本方向和序数方向。 对于每个方向了解其邻居很有用。 例如,Direction.North 知道 Direction.NorthEast 和 Direction.NorthWest 是其邻居。
北 -> 北。 东北-> 东-> 东南 -> 南-> 西南 -> 西-> 西北-> 北-> ...
这允许我做这样的事情(在 C# 中):事实
I recently created a cyclic data structure to represent the eight cardinal and ordinal directions. Its useful for each direction to know its neighbors. For instance, Direction.North knows that Direction.NorthEast and Direction.NorthWest are its neighbors.
This is cyclic because each neighor knows its neighbors until it goes full swing around (the "->" represents clockwise):
North -> NorthEast -> East -> SouthEast -> South -> SouthWest -> West -> NorthWest -> North -> ...
Notice we came back to North.
That allows me to do stuff like this (in C#):
This turned out to be quite handy and made a lot of things much less complicated.
A nested structure could be used in a test case for a garbage collector.
这有点令人困惑,因为它是一个包含自身的列表,但我理解它的方式是不要将 L 视为列表,而是一个节点,而不是列表中的事物,而是将其视为其他该节点可到达的节点。
因此,芝加哥 = [丹佛、洛杉矶、纽约市、芝加哥](实际上,您不会列出芝加哥本身,但为了举例,您可以从芝加哥到达芝加哥)
然后您有丹佛 = [菲尼克斯、费城] 和很快。
phoenix = [芝加哥,纽约市]
It is a bit confusing since it is a list that contains itself, but the way I made sense of it is to not think of L as a list, but a node, and instead of things in a list, you think of it as other nodes reachable by this node.
To put a more real world example, think of them as flight paths from a city.
So chicago = [denver, los angeles, new york city, chicago] (realistically you wouldn't list chicago in itself, but for the sake of example you can reach chicago from chicago)
Then you have denver = [phoenix, philedelphia] and so on.
phoenix = [chicago, new york city]
Now you have cyclic data both from
but also
Now you have:
The data structures iterated by deterministic finite automata are often cyclical.
仅包含对自身的引用作为其元素之一。 这没什么特别的。循环结构有一些明显的用途,其中最后一个元素知道第一个元素。 但常规 Python 列表已经涵盖了此功能。
的最后一个元素。 您可以通过append()
将 Python 列表用作队列。 您可以拆分 python 列表。 以下是循环数据结构的常规用途。L
just contains a reference to itself as one of it's elements. Nothing really special about this.There are some obvious uses of cyclical structures where the last element knows about the first element. But this functionality is already covered by regular python lists.
You can get the last element of
by using[-1]
. You can use python lists as queues withappend()
. You can split python lists. Which are the regular uses of a cyclical data structure.一个例子是链表,其中最后一个项目指向第一个项目。 这将允许您创建固定数量的项目,但始终能够获得下一个项目。
One example would be a linked list where the last item points the first. This would allow you to create a fixed number of items but always be able to get a next item.
在进行晶格模拟时,经常使用循环/环形边界条件。 通常一个简单的格子[i%L]就足够了,但我想可以创建循环的格子。
when doing lattice simulations cyclic/toroidal boundary conditions are often used. usually a simple
would suffice, but i suppose one could create the lattice to be cyclic.假设您的存储空间有限,并且数据不断积累。 在许多现实生活中,您不介意删除旧数据,但不想移动数据。 您可以使用循环向量; 使用大小为 N 的向量 v 实现,具有两个特殊索引:begin 和 end,从 0 开始。
Suppose you have limited storage, and data constantly accumulates. In many real life cases, you don't mind getting rid of old data, but you don't want to move data. You can use a cyclic vector; implemented using a vector v of size N with two special indices: begin and end, which initiate on 0.
Insertion of "new" data now goes like this:
You can insert "old" data and erase "old" or "new" data in a similar way.
Scanning the vector goes like this
任何类型的对象层次结构,其中父母了解其孩子并且孩子了解其父母。 我总是不得不在 ORM 中处理这个问题,因为我希望数据库知道它们的表,也希望表知道它们属于哪个数据库,等等。
Any kind of object hierarchy where parents know about their children and children know about their parents. I'm always having to deal with this in ORMs because I want databases to know their tables and tables to know what database they're a part of, and so on.
假设我们正在为游戏编写菜单导航。 我们想要存储每个菜单项
当按下菜单项时,我们将激活菜单项操作,然后移至下一个菜单。 因此,我们的菜单将是一个简单的字典列表,如下所示:
菜单示例就像一个具有自引用的图形,我们通过顶点指针列表来存储图形(每个顶点都是指向其他顶点的指针列表)。 在这个例子中,我们需要自边(指向自身的顶点),因此Python对循环数据结构的支持很有用。
Let's look at a single practical example.
Let us say we're programming a menu navigation for a game. We want to store for each menu-item
When a menu-item is pressed, we'll activate the menu-item action and then move to the next menu. So our menu would be a simple list of dictionaries, like so:
See how
is cyclic:When a menu item is pressed we'll issue the following on-click function:
Now, if we wouldn't have cyclic data structures, we wouldn't be able to have a menu item that points to itself, and, for instance, after pressing the volume-up function we would have to leave the options menu.
If cyclic data structures wouldn't be possible, we'll have to implement it ourselves, for example the menu item would be:
function would be:The first example is a little bit nicer, but yes, not supporting self references is not such a big deal IMHO, as it's easy to overcome this limitation.
The menus example is like a graph with self references, where we store the graph by lists of vertex pointers (every vertex is a list of pointers to other vertices). In this example we needed self edges (a vertex that points to itself), thus python's support for cyclic data structures is useful.
循环数据结构通常用来表示循环关系。 这听起来很明显,但这种情况发生的次数比你想象的要多。 我想不出我曾使用过非常复杂的循环数据结构,但双向关系相当常见。 例如,假设我想制作一个 IM 客户端。 我可以这样做:
Cyclic data structures are usually used to represent circular relationships. That sounds obvious, but it happens more than you think. I can't think of any times I've used terribly complicated cyclical data structures, but bidirectional relationships are fairly common. For example, suppose I wanted to make an IM client. I could do something like this:
Then if Bob wanted to send a message to Jill, you could just do this:
Of course, Jill may want to send a message back, so she could do this:
Admittedly, this is a bit of a contrived example, but it should give you an example of when you may want to use a cyclical data structure.