为什么 Visual Studio 在调试时启动多个 WebDev?
我有一个 Visual Studio 2008 解决方案,其中包含多个项目 - 其中一些是 Web 应用程序/站点。
每当我为特定的 Web 应用程序“调试 > 启动新实例”并且 VS 为该应用程序启动 ASP.net 开发服务器 (WebDev.WebServer.EXE) 时,VS 还会启动 3 个额外的此类进程 - 一个对应 3 个其他进程我在解决方案中拥有网络应用程序。
如何告诉 Visual Studio 仅为我正在调试的一个项目启动 WebDev? 我查看了项目配置和解决方案配置,但找不到相关设置......
I have a Visual Studio 2008 solution with several projects in it - some of which are web applications / sites.
Whenever I go "Debug > Start new instance" for a specific web application and VS launches the ASP.net Development Server (WebDev.WebServer.EXE) for that application, VS also launches 3 additional such processes - one for each of 3 other web applications I have in the solution.
How can I tell Visual Studio to only launch WebDev for the one project I'm debugging? I've looked both in the project configurations and in the solution configuration and could not find the relevant setting...
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我认为它为每个端口运行一个 - 您可以尝试将它们设置为具有相同的端口 - 单击项目并查看属性窗格(您必须关闭自动端口生成,然后设置端口#)
I think it runs one for each Port -- you can try turning setting them to have the same port - click on the project and look at the properties pane (you have to turn off the the automatic port generation and then set the port#)
我尝试了上述解决方案,但没有成功。 我的解决方案是vs2005,我发现解决该项目的方法是使VS 2008的属性窗口可见。 然后单击 Web 项目,然后将“调试时始终启动”属性设置为 false,这样就可以解决问题了:(
I tried the above solution but it did not worked. My solution was a vs2005, what I found to solve the project was to make the property window of VS 2008 visible. Then click on the web projects and then set the "Always start when debugging" property to false and this should take care of it :(
在 Visual Studio 2008 中,项目的“属性”页上有一个名为“调试时始终启动”的条目。
请注意,您必须通过选择项目并转到“属性”窗格(或右键单击“属性”)来实现此目的。 当您双击项目并在主编辑窗格中打开它时,此选项不存在。
VS 默认情况下为所有 Web 项目设置此值。 将其关闭即可解决此问题。
In Visual Studio 2008, there is an entry on the Properties page for the project called "Always Start When Debugging".
Note you have to get to this by selecting the project and going to the Properties pane (or right-clicking Properties). This option is not present when you double-click the project and open it in the main editing pane.
VS by default sets this value to on for all your web projects. Turning it off will solve this problem.
[editorial]This is fairly annoying and I wish the default were false![/editorial]
建议 - 不要使用内部 WebDev,而使用 IIS。 还可以减少系统托盘中的混乱情况。 ;)
Suggestion - don't use the internal WebDev, use IIS instead. Also reduces the clutter in the systray. ;)