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“学习 jQuery”教程
学习 jQuery 是一个非常有用的网站,并且有一个 有关插件创作的精彩教程。
所以也许你可以说 $(this).highlight() ,它会默认突出显示蓝色。 或者你可以说 $(this).highlight("green") 它会突出显示绿色。
Tutorial at "Learning jQuery"
Learning jQuery is a very helpful site, and has a great tutorial on plugin authoring.
One principle I really liked was: create default settings that users can override.
So maybe you can say $(this).highlight() and it will highlight blue by default. Or you can say $(this).highlight("green") and it will highlight green.
But you should also make it possible to say:
...and it will highlight red from then on by default.
Other good resources
您是否尝试过 Manning Publications 出版的有关 jQuery 的书籍 jQuery In Action? 目录表明有关于编写自己的插件的好材料。
Have you tried the Manning Publications book on jQuery, jQuery In Action? The table of contents indicates there is good material on writing your own plugins.
JQuery in Action 的第 7 章是“使用自定义插件扩展 JQuery”,应该为您提供您需要的信息。
Chapter 7 of JQuery in Action is "Extending JQuery with custom Plugins" and should provide you with the information you need.
尝试这个。 本教程将引导您逐步创建自己的插件。
Try this one. This tutorial will take you step by step through creating your very own plugin.