使用 css 复制 html 元素

发布于 2024-07-10 03:02:17 字数 298 浏览 4 评论 0原文

我一直在提交一个网页的设计,我试图正确地实现它。 此设计包含在整个页面上部分或完全重复的导航元素 - 特别是,指向主要 3 个导航类别的链接在页面上出现不少于 4 次。

我不是网页设计专家,但我不喜欢在 html 中重复相同的内容。 我可以使用 CSS 使我的 html 包含格式合理的单个导航链接列表,但标准浏览器视图包含多个部分重复项吗?


编辑:实际上生成导航链接不是问题; 我正在寻找清理输出的 html

I've been handing a design for a webpage which I'm trying to implement correctly. This design contains navigation elements which are partially or entirely duplicated all over the page - in particular, links to the main 3 categories for navigation are present on the page no less than 4 times.

I'm no web design expert, but I don't like the idea of having the same content duplicated in the html. Can I use CSS so that my html contains a single list of navigation links in a sane format, but the standard browser view contains multiple partial duplicates?

(Also, assuming this is possible, is it a good idea? or would I be better just getting used to the idea that my html is going to contain the same links 4 times?)

EDIT: Actually generating the nav links is not an issue; I was looking to clean up the output html

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ら栖息 2024-07-17 03:02:17



存在几个 CSS 选择器 :before:after 可以用于这种目的,但它们的内容是有限的,并且它们的实现还不是跨浏览器安全的。

恕我直言,这样做可能是不明智的,因为样式(实际上是内容)现在可能看起来相同,但不能保证以后会一样,而且这种内容是内容并且正确属于在标记中而不是在样式中。 如果您不喜欢服务器端包含模型(这很好),我可能会寻求 JS 来帮助您复制标记,并寻求 CSS 来帮助您保持一致的样式,但我认为您不一定会走上一条富有成果的道路。

Short answer: no.

Long answer: not really,

There exists a couple of CSS selectors :before and :after which can be used for this kind of purpose but their contents are limited and their implementation is not yet cross-browser safe.

IMHO it is probably unwise to want to do this because the style (and indeed the content) might look the same now, but there's no guarantee it will later, furthermore this kind of content is content and rightly belongs in the markup not in the styling. If you don't like the server-side include model (which is good) I would look to JS to help you replicate markup perhaps, and CSS to help you style consistently, but I think you're not necessarily heading down a fruitful path.

枯寂 2024-07-17 03:02:17


.duplicate::after {
<div class="duplicate" title="text to duplicate"></div>

You could duplicate it by projecting content from an attribute as pseudo elements:

.duplicate::after {
<div class="duplicate" title="text to duplicate"></div>

献世佛 2024-07-17 03:02:17



一个问题是您声明的目标是减少 html 混乱和冗余。 但是,要拥有链接,您仍然需要有一个锚元素 () 作为链接的根。

尽管如此,您可以使用当今的浏览器执行类似操作的一种方法(现在伪元素得到了更广泛的支持)是将文本与 a 分离,从而留下 <代码中的 em> 空 锚点。 因此,代码中仍然有 HTML a,但消除了任何多余的文本。 这到底有多大用处? 我的想法不太一样。 特别是如果您正在处理内联链接,这些链接是文本的一部分,因为您要做的就是通过伪元素向这些链接添加文本,例如就像:

a[href='#oneUrl']:before {
    content: 'your anchor text';


然而,还有另一种方法可以进一步减少 HTML,但也有一些其他严重的限制。 您可以在文本本身中包含链接(比方说),这允许在其中使用相关的真实内容措辞。 但是,每个元素都可以有两个(目前最大)关联的伪元素,这些伪元素可以“扩展”为页眉、页脚等中的单独链接。请查看 这个小提琴示例。 显然,这要求您能够精确定位这些链接(可能使用 position:fixed ,如示例所示),这可能具有挑战性。 然而,一个大问题是搜索引擎不会获取这些额外的链接或其文本,屏幕阅读器也不会,因此您的“主导航”实际上在某种程度上变得不可见。 这对我来说似乎是不可取的,但是它确实限制了您的 html 冗余

Sort of Possible, But Still Not Sure You Would Want To

And poses some serious challenges which varies depending on the context.

One problem is that your stated goal is to reduce html clutter and redundancy. However, to have a link, you still need to have an anchor element (<a></a>) as the root for the link.

Nevertheless, one way you could do something like that with today's browsers (now that pseudo-elements are more generally supported) is to divorce the text from the a which leaves an empty anchor in your code. So you still have the HTML a in the code, but eliminates any redundant text. How useful really is that? Not very is my thought. Especially if you are dealing at all with inline links that are part of the text, because what you would do is then add text to those links via the pseudo-element, something like:

a[href='#oneUrl']:before {
    content: 'your anchor text';

Look at this fiddle example.

However, there is another way that reduces HTML further, but has some other severe limitations. You could have links in the text itself (let's say), which allows for relevant real content wording in those. However, each of those can have two (max at present) pseudo-elements associated that could "extend" to be separate links in headers, footers, etc. Look at this fiddle example. Obviously, this requires you to be able to precisely locate those links (perhaps using position: fixed as the example has), which can be challenging. A big issue, however, is that search engines are not going to pick up those extra links or their text, and screen readers are not either, so your "main navigation" actually becomes invisible to some extent. That would seem to be undesirable to me, but it does indeed limit your html redundancy.

遗心遗梦遗幸福 2024-07-17 03:02:17


使用 javascript 可以做到这一点,但会有很多缺点,最好复制和粘贴。

Short answer no, in css you can't create content or display it multiple times.
Usually this repeated content is taken care of via server side technologies (PHP, JSP, ASPX) etc.
If your site is static content (no server side processing) then your best bet is just copy and past.

It would be possible to do this with javascript but there would be a host of downsides, better to copy and paste.

万劫不复 2024-07-17 03:02:17

我的解决方案是添加一个小型 PHP 或其他引擎,自动在需要的位置呈现菜单。 这样你的代码就DRY

IMHO it is not possible.
My solution would be adding a small PHP or other engine that automatically renders the menu in the locations where those are needed. This way your code is DRY.

冷清清 2024-07-17 03:02:17

您可以查看 服务器端包含,但是 Germstorm 已经说这可能最好通过一个小的 PHP 脚本来完成。

You could look into server-side includes, however as Germstorm has already said this would probably be best accomplished by a small PHP script.

ι不睡觉的鱼゛ 2024-07-17 03:02:17


我不会假设您使用哪种服务器端技术,但您可以使用 JavaScript 快速管理它。 编写链接的 HTML,将其分配给 JavaScript 变量,然后在需要的地方回显它。

另外,如果您碰巧使用 scriptalicious,那么您很幸运! 您可以使用 Builder动态创建 DOM 元素

It won't be much of a problem if your repeating the code for the links in a single file only {your using it as a template and pushing in the content dynamically}.

I won't make assumptions on which server-side technology your using, but you can quickly manage this with JavaScript. Write the HTML for the links, assign it to a JavaScript variable and just echo it where you need it.

Also, if you happen to be using scriptalicious, your in luck! You can use Builder to dynamically create DOM elements.

雨轻弹 2024-07-17 03:02:17

正如其他人所说,如果您可以使用一些服务器端代码。 如果由于某种原因无法使用服务器端代码,那么最好的选择是编写一个小程序来读取您独特的 html 页面并添加重复的 HTML。 这比手动复制和粘贴更快更容易,尤其是当您有很多页面时。 如果您在处理过程中向页面添加一些带有特殊标识符字符串的 html 注释标记,那么您将来还可以在更改页面结构时使用这些标记来快速查找和替换所有常见的 HTML。

但是像这样预处理 html 页面是一件很痛苦的事情,所以不要这样做,除非你不能在服务器端这样做。

As others have said if you can use some server side code. If for whatever reason can't use server side code, your best bet is to write a small program which reads in your unique html pages and adds the repeated HTML. This is both quicker and easier than copying and pasting by hand, especially if you have lots of pages. If you add some html comment tags with special identifier strings to your page during processing you can also use these tags in the future to quickly find and replace all the common HTML if you ever change the structure of the page.

But pre-processing html pages like this is a right pain, so don't do it unless you cannot do it server side.

二智少女 2024-07-17 03:02:17

你说你想清理输出的 HTML。 但出于什么原因呢? 我假设您想要减少 HTML 大小和带宽占用,或者保持 HTML 漂亮,如源代码。

减少 HTML 大小和带宽占用

实现这一目标的最佳方法是使用 HTTP 压缩。 大多数 HTTP 服务器都可以配置为以这种方式提供内容。 检查您的服务器文档。

保持 HTML 漂亮

也许您想将 HTML 变成模板引擎。 有几个选项可以实现此目的,例如 Mustache.js下划线。 但是,您会遭受性能损失,因为 JS 处理需要一个额外的步骤。

无论如何,我认为你正在解决错误的问题。 仅仅因为 HTML 在某种程度上是可读的,并不意味着它应该像源代码一样对待。 我已经经历过这个,现在我只是将 HTML 视为浏览器的“汇编代码”。 使用更好的模板语言,例如 Slim,有助于执行此 POV。

这并不意味着您应该将 HTML 视为垃圾。 这只是意味着它的输出可读性不是你作为程序员的问题,你应该担心使用可靠的模板引擎编写良好且可读的视图模板。 毕竟,您希望 HTML 能够最好地让浏览器快速呈现。 如果这意味着代码重复并且没有空格,那就这样吧。

You say you want to clean up the output HTML. But for what reason? I'm assuming you either want reduce the HTML size and bandwidth footprint, or to keep the HTML pretty, like source code.

Reduce the HTML size and bandwidth footprint

The best way to achieve this is to work with HTTP compression. Most HTTP servers can be configured to serve content this way. Check your server documentation.

Keep the HTML pretty

Maybe you want to turn your HTML into a template-engine. There are several options for this, like Mustache.js and Underscore. However, you'll incur in a performance penalty, since there'll be an additional step for JS processing.

In any case, I think you're approaching the wrong problem. Just because HTML is [somewhat] readable, it doesn't mean it should be treated like source code. I've been through this, and nowadays I just consider HTML as an 'assembly code' for browsers. Using better template languages, like Slim, helps enforcing this POV.

It doesn't mean you should treat your HTML like trash. It just means that it's output readability is not your problem as a programmer, you should worry about writing good and readable view templates, using reliable template engines. After all, you want the HTML to be the best possible for the browser to present quickly. And if it means code duplication and no whitespaces, so be it.

旧故 2024-07-17 03:02:17

可以使用 ::before::after
但是,它只能显示文本(不能显示 HTML 元素)。 如果它可以显示 HTML 元素,那么就会存在重大安全风险...


如果 CSS 能够做到这一点,那么 CSS Userscript 扩展(例如 Stylish)可能会很危险。

It's possible using ::before and ::after.
However, it can only display text (not HTML elements). If it could display HTML elements, then there would be a major security risk...

I could possibly inject a <script> element inside the page, with malicious JavaScript for example.

If CSS was capable of this, then CSS Userscript extensions such as Stylish could be dangerous.

肥爪爪 2024-07-17 03:02:17

我认为您将使用 HTML 包含和 SSI 或服务器端包含在同一页面上合并相同的方法,
只需转到此链接..http://webdesign.about.com/od/ ssi/a/aa052002a.htm

I think you will use HTML includes and SSI or server side includes to incorporate same methods on same pages,
this is the format for the which you will use.
<!--#include virtual="path to file/include-file.html" -->, always include that file in every pages that is similar..
just go to this link..http://webdesign.about.com/od/ssi/a/aa052002a.htm

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