Ironruby IDE

发布于 2024-07-10 00:43:58 字数 35 浏览 11 评论 0 原文

人们使用哪种 IDE(如果有)来开发 Ironruby?

Which IDE if any, are people using to develop Ironruby in?

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£噩梦荏苒 2024-07-17 00:43:58

如果您正在寻找具有智能感知等功能的集成 Visual Studio 编辑器,微软还没有任何计划(根据 John Lam 的这篇文章 ->。 但是有一个效果非常好的集成编辑器 - SappireSteel - 位于 http://

如果你只想在 VS 中编辑而不关心智能感知等,你可以尝试在 VS 中设置一个外部工具并调用 ir.exe (

有许多编辑器支持 ruby​​ 突出显示,您也可以尝试一下,但没有一个(我认为)对 .NET 框架提供类似智能感知的支持。 Scite ( 非常受欢迎, Scott Hanselman 发表了有关 Notepad2 中 Ruby 支持/突出显示的博客 ( /NewNotepad2WithRubySyntaxHighlighting.aspx)。 在 Codeplex 上,您可以找到一个名为 IronEdit 的工具 (我自己还没有尝试过。

我运行了 RubyMine ( 有一段时间,这似乎是一个非常好的 Ruby IDE(需要花钱),但没有对 IronRuby 的任何特定支持。 我希望 JetBrains 最终会发布一些可以插入 Visual Studio 的东西...

我个人认为 Sapphire 最终会拿出一些非常好的东西。 我希望这有帮助。

If you are looking for an integrated Visual Studio editor, with intellisense etc, Microsoft has nothing in plan yet (according to this article with John Lam -> But there is an integrated editor which works pretty good - SappireSteel - at

If you just want to edit in VS and don't care about intellisense and such, you could try and set up an external tool from within VS and call the ir.exe (

There are numerous editors with support for ruby highlightning which you can try out as well, but there is no one (I think) with intellisense-like support for the .NET framework. Scite ( is pretty popular, Scott Hanselman blogged about Ruby support/highlightning in Notepad2 ( On Codeplex you can find a tool called IronEdit ( which I've not tried myself yet.

I ran RubyMine ( for a while, which seems to be a really good Ruby IDE (costs money), but doesn't have any specific support for IronRuby. I hope the JetBrains will release something which plugs into Visual Studio eventually...

Personally I think Sapphire will come up with something really good eventually. I hope this helps.

怪异←思 2024-07-17 00:43:58

我使用 Vim 作为我的 IDE,并使用一些我 不久前写过博客

I use Vim as my IDE with some custom settings that I blogged about some time ago.

坏尐絯℡ 2024-07-17 00:43:58


根据 IronRuby 网站,可以使用 Visual Studio C# Express(反过来,任何商业版本的 Visual Studio我假设是 2005 年以上)。

来自 主页:

今天,您必须从 Rubyforge 上的 IronRuby Subversion 存储库中检查源代码。 您将需要 Subversion 客户端:我们推荐 TortoiseSVN。 要从命令行构建源代码,您还必须在计算机上安装 Ruby:我们推荐 Ruby 一键安装程序。 您还可以使用 Visual Studio 构建源代码; 如果您还没有副本,可以下载 Visual C# Express 2008 的免费副本。

Visual Studio?

According to the IronRuby website Visual Studio C# Express can be used (and in turn, any commercial version of Visual Studio 2005+ I'll assume).

From the home page:

Today, you must check the source code out of the IronRuby Subversion repository on Rubyforge. You will need a Subversion client: we recommend TortoiseSVN. To build the sources from the command line, you must also have Ruby installed on your computer already: we recommend the Ruby one-click installer. You can also build the sources using Visual Studio; if you don't already own a copy, you can download a free copy of Visual C# Express 2008.

北陌 2024-07-17 00:43:58

Ruby in Steel 来自 Sapphire Steel 构建于 Visual Studio Shell(集成模式)(如果您已安装 Visual Studio 2008),它将与 Visual Studio 2008 合并;如果您尚未安装 Visual Studio,则它只是独立安装。

Ruby in Steel from Sapphire Steel is build on the Visual Studio Shell (integrated mode) that will merge with Visual Studio 2008 if you already have it installed or simply be a standalone installation if you don't have Visual Studio already installed.

私野 2024-07-17 00:43:58

另外,对您来说没有用处,但 Microsoft 将在将来的某个时候发布 IronRuby Studio (和 IronPython Studio)。 不过,我在网上找不到太多关于这些的信息——几周前 Teched Europe 的一位演讲者提到了它们。

Also, no use to you, but Microsoft are going to be releasing IronRuby Studio (and IronPython Studio) at some point in the future. I couldn't find much about these on the web though - they were mentioned by a speaker at Teched Europe a few weeks ago.

棒棒糖 2024-07-17 00:43:58

您可能对 IronEditor 感兴趣。 与 SciTE 类似。 访问 获取它

You might interested in IronEditor. which similar to SciTE. get it at

空城仅有旧梦在 2024-07-17 00:43:58

Sapphire 现在有一个专门针对 IronRuby 的版本。 此外,现在不仅阿尔法免费,而且他们声称生产也将免费。

编辑:忘记包含 链接

Sapphire has a version now specifically targeted at IronRuby. Furthermore, not only is the alpha free now but they claim production will be free as well.

edit:forgot to include linkage

归属感 2024-07-17 00:43:58

VS2010 中的 IronRuby 集成可以在这里找到:

IronRuby integration in VS2010 can be found here:

┈┾☆殇 2024-07-17 00:43:58

IronRuby 工具是一个很好的起点,但我认为执行 Ruby 或更详细的 Rails 的最佳 IDE 是 VIM。 通过使用诸如 Rails.vim 之类的插件,您可以跨越 Windows / Linux 或 IronRubyOnRails / RubyOnRails 等边界保留所有快捷方式和脚本...

JetBrains 提供了带有 RubyMine 的出色 IDE。 我记得我读过一篇关于如何配置 RubyMine 以支持 IronRuby 的文章。

但正如已经提到的,适用于 VS2010 的 IronRuby 工具是一个很好的起点。

The IronRuby tools are a good place to start but I think the best IDE for doing Ruby or in more detail Rails is VIM. by using a plugin such as rails.vim you can keep all your shortcuts and scripts across the boundaries such as Windows / Linux or IronRubyOnRails / RubyOnRails ...

JetBrains is offering a great IDE with RubyMine. I can remember that I've read an article about how to configure RubyMine to support IronRuby.

But as already mentioned IronRuby Tools for VS2010 are a good place to start.

听不够的曲调 2024-07-17 00:43:58

当前版本的 IronRuby 现在包含 适用于 Visual Studio 的 Ruby 工具,它与 IR 本身一起安装。 对于 1.1 及更高版本来说也是如此。

The current version(s) of IronRuby now contain Ruby Tools for Visual Studio, which install along with IR itself. This is true for versions 1.1 and later.

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