将 Delphi 对象树序列化为 XML 的好方法是什么——使用 RTTI 而不是自定义代码?
将 Delphi 对象树序列化为 XML 的好方法是什么——使用 RTTI 而不是自定义代码?
我很想发现这个功能已经内置在 Delphi 中,但似乎没有。
我发现了一些组件(发布在下面),它们似乎可以执行此功能。 您使用过其中任何一个或其他产品吗? 你自己建过吗? 我在德尔福中错过了一些明显的东西吗?
What's a good way to serialize a Delphi object tree to XML--using RTTI and not custom code?
I would have loved to find that this feature is already built into Delphi, but it doesn't seem to be.
I've found a few components (posted, below) that seem like they might perform this function. Have you used any of them or some other offering? Have you built your own? Am I missing something obvious, in Delphi?
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您可以使用 JVCL TJvAppXMLFileStorage 组件来序列化 TPersistent 派生类。
You can use the JVCL TJvAppXMLFileStorage component to serialize TPersistent derived classes.
JVCL 是一种选择,但如果您更喜欢小型、独立的库,可以选择 OmniXML(Mozilla 公共许可证 1.1,http://www.omnixml.com/)。 我已经在几个项目中成功地使用了它,并且我发现它是在 Delphi 中使用的最简单的 XML 库。 OmniXML 附带“OmniXMLPersistent”单元,它可以通过 RTTI 完成您所需的工作,就像 JVCL 解决方案一样。
pfAttributes 表示属性将被存储为 XML 元素的属性; ofIndent 将生成一个良好缩进的代码以提高可读性。
JVCL is one choice, but if you prefer a small, self-contained library, there's OmniXML (Mozilla Public License 1.1, http://www.omnixml.com/ ). I've used it successfully in several projects, and I find it the simplest XML library to use in Delphi. OmniXML comes with 'OmniXMLPersistent' unit, which does what you need via RTTI, just like the JVCL solution does.
pfAttributes means properties will be stored as attributes of XML elements; ofIndent will produce a nicely indented code for readability.
DragonSoft 的 XML 类序列化器
链接: http://www .dragonsoft.us/delphi_vcl.php
许可证:根据 Mozilla 公共许可证(“MPL”)版本 1.1 许可
引用:允许序列化/反序列化 VCL 对象/通过 XML 的组件。 存储/恢复对象的状态(已发布的属性)。 特殊类支持 - TStrings、TCollection、TPicture。 全过程控制。
DragonSoft's XML Class Serializer
Link: http://www.dragonsoft.us/delphi_vcl.php
Licence: Licensed under the Mozilla Public Licence ("MPL") version 1.1
Quote: Allows to serialize/deserialize VCL Objects/Components via XML. Store/restore state of the object (published properties). Special classes support - TStrings, TCollection, TPicture. Full process control.
Simdesign 的 NativeXml
链接: http://www.simdesign .nl/xml.html
许可证: € 29,95
报价: 原生 Delphi XML 解析器和编写器。 独特功能:直接在 XML 中存储、读取和创建任何 TPersistent 对象(参见示例 5)。 这是通过使用 RTTI(运行时类型信息)迭代所有对象的已发布属性来完成的。 此功能仅适用于 D5 及更高版本。
Simdesign's NativeXml
Link: http://www.simdesign.nl/xml.html
Licence: € 29,95
Quote: A native Delphi XML parser and writer. Unique feature: Store, read and create any TPersistent object to/from XML directly (see Example5). This is done by iterating through all of the objects' published properties by use of RTTI (runtime type information). This feature is only available for D5 and up.
JVCL 的 TJvTranslator.ComponentToXML
链接: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=45786&package_id=42327
许可证: 根据 Mozilla 公共许可证(“MPL”)版本许可1.1
JVCL's TJvTranslator.ComponentToXML
Link: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=45786&package_id=42327
Licence: Licensed under the Mozilla Public Licence ("MPL") version 1.1
Observation: Seems to do recursive serialization, but the fact that it is clearly intended for "Translation" gives me pause.
我使用 SOAP XML 为 D2006 制作了一个序列化器:
http://jankajanos.spaces.live.com/blog/cns! C3E2695FC6F7B0A4!791.entry
但也有 D2009 的通用版本。
I've made a serializer for D2006 using SOAP XML:
But there is a generic edition for D2009 too.
我已经上传了新版本。 里面有英文注释:
http://janosjanka.spaces.live.com/blog/cns! E5C994C03FC0E370!181.entry
I've uploaded a new version. It contains english comments:
In addition, it can deserialize an object through pre-registred class types.
This is a very useful thing because you can deserialize objects without know types.