与 Windows Shell 集成
我想创建一个位于文件菜单中的 Windows shell 扩展,就像“Tortorise SVN”菜单一样。
I want to create a windows shell extention that sits in the file menu much like the "Tortorise SVN" menu.
Does anyone know where I'd begin, a good article, or what interfaces to implement?
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实际上这非常简单。 整个过程大约需要 3-4 个步骤。 您没有指定您使用的语言。
http://www.kbcafe.com/articles /HowTo.Shell.pdf
以下是如何使用 .NET 来实现这一点。 请注意,它本质上与使用本机代码执行此操作相同。
http://www.theserverside.net/tt/articles/showarticle。 tss?id=ShellExtensions
It's pretty straight forward actually. It's about a 3-4 step process. You didn't specify what language you were using.
Here's how to do it in native code:
Here's how to do it with .NET. Note that it is essentially the same as doing it with native code.
啊...外壳扩展...如果它们很复杂,它们可能会让人非常痛苦,但你可以做很多简洁的事情。 一个很好的起点是 Mike Dunn 的 Complete Idiot's Guide To Write Shell Extensions codeproject.com。
Ah... Shell extensions... they can be a real pain in the butt if they're complicated, but you can do so much neat stuff. A great place to start is Mike Dunn's Complete Idiot's Guide To Writing Shell Extensions on codeproject.com.
O'Reilly 有一本名为 VB Shell 编程 的书,其中介绍了 API一些深度。 正如标题所示,它针对的是 Visual BASIC,但 API 是通过 COM 公开的,并且书中讨论的技术几乎适用于任何支持 COM 的东西。 在 Amazon.com 上快速浏览一下,您可能可以花几美元买到一本二手的。
There's an O'Reilly book called VB Shell Programming which goes into the API's in some depth. As the title suggests, it's aimed at Visual BASIC, but the API's are exposed through COM and the techniques discussed in the book are applicable for pretty much anything that supports COM. A quick look on Amazon.com suggests you can probably pick up a secondhand copy for a few dollars.
避免代码项目(对于孩子来说,充满错误)并阅读 SNE 上的 MSDN 完整文档。
Avoid codeproject (for kids, full of bugs) and read the complete doc of MSDN on SNE.