To logon as the 'console' user (the one to be used for logging in locally) then you use a parameter for mstsc.exe From a command prompt type in mstsc /h to see the help. MSTSC /ADMIN /V:YOURSERVERNAME or MSTSC /CONSOLE /V:YOURSERVERNAME
请原谅自我回答,但对于那些使用 OS X 和远程桌面连接的用户,您所需要做的就是将“/console”附加到您想要连接的计算机的 IP 地址。
Please excuse the self answer, but for those using OS X and Remote Desktop Connection, all you need to do is append " /console" to the IP address of the computer you wish to connect to.
或者,您可以登录到控制台(将在监视器上显示的会话,如果存在)。 对于 XP 时代的客户端,这就是(命令行)“mstsc /console /”。 对于 Vista 时代的客户端,它是“mstsc /admin /”。 该选项可能存在于 RDP 客户端设置屏幕中的某个位置,终端 等工具也会公开它。
On the server: Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Terminal Services Configuration > Server Settings > Restrict each user to one session
Alternately, you can log in to the console (the session that would display on the monitor, if present). From XP-era clients, that's (command-line) "mstsc /console /". For Vista-era clients, it's "mstsc /admin /". That option is probably present somewhere in the RDP client settings screen, and tools like Terminals also expose it.
要以“控制台”用户(用于本地登录的用户)身份登录,请使用 mstsc.exe 的参数。在命令提示符下键入 mstsc /h 以查看帮助。 MSTSC /ADMIN /V:您的服务器名称
To logon as the 'console' user (the one to be used for logging in locally) then you use a parameter for mstsc.exe From a command prompt type in mstsc /h to see the help. MSTSC /ADMIN /V:YOURSERVERNAME
(depending on the version that you have)
请原谅自我回答,但对于那些使用 OS X 和远程桌面连接的用户,您所需要做的就是将“/console”附加到您想要连接的计算机的 IP 地址。
Please excuse the self answer, but for those using OS X and Remote Desktop Connection, all you need to do is append " /console" to the IP address of the computer you wish to connect to.
Here's how you can switch over.
在服务器上:设置> 控制面板> 管理工具> 终端服务配置> 服务器设置> 将每个用户限制为一个会话
或者,您可以登录到控制台(将在监视器上显示的会话,如果存在)。 对于 XP 时代的客户端,这就是(命令行)“mstsc /console /”。 对于 Vista 时代的客户端,它是“mstsc /admin /”。 该选项可能存在于 RDP 客户端设置屏幕中的某个位置,终端 等工具也会公开它。
On the server: Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Terminal Services Configuration > Server Settings > Restrict each user to one session
Alternately, you can log in to the console (the session that would display on the monitor, if present). From XP-era clients, that's (command-line) "mstsc /console /". For Vista-era clients, it's "mstsc /admin /". That option is probably present somewhere in the RDP client settings screen, and tools like Terminals also expose it.