经常被忽略的重要 UI 功能

发布于 2024-07-09 15:15:24 字数 1455 浏览 4 评论 0原文

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风为裳 2024-07-16 15:15:25


  • 使用对程序员有意义的术语,但对用户来说不有意义,
  • 为了程序员的方便而组织应用程序的工作流程,但对不
  • 考虑的 用户则不然首先了解用户的工作流程,并找到帮助他/她消除步骤并简化事情的方法

actual consideration for the user seems to be left out quite frequently:

  • using terminology that makes sense to the programmer, but not the user
  • organizing the application's workflow for the convenience of the programmer, but not the user
  • not considering the user's work processes in the first place, and finding ways to help him/her eliminate steps and simplify things
平安喜乐 2024-07-16 15:15:25


Being able to use drag and drop to customise the toolbar and to be able to remove/hide unwanted toolbars without leaving an unused button whose only purpose is restore/unhide them.

提赋 2024-07-16 15:15:25
  1. 当应用程序执行的操作时间超过一秒时,冻结应用程序。

  2. 不向用户显示正在发生的情况,也不指示需要多长时间。

  1. Freezing the application when it's doing something that takes more than a second.

  2. Not showing users what's happening, and not indicating how long it's going to take.

独﹏钓一江月 2024-07-16 15:15:25

IMO,用户名和密码登录选项需要工作。 我了解每个选项都存在安全问题。 每个应用程序的风险权衡都不同,需要逐个应用程序进行评估。


  • 记住我
  • 忘记密码
    • 如果您有限制性密​​码策略,请提示我它是什么!
    • 字符数范围,无特殊字符、必填数字或大写字母等
  • 忘记用户名
    • 如果我的用户名不是我的电子邮件地址,请提示我您的用户名政策

IMO, user name and password login options need work. I understand there are security concerns with each of these options. The risk-trade off is different for each application and needs to be assessed on an app by app basis.

Often forgotten or poorly implemented features include:

  • Remember Me
  • Forgot password
    • If you have a restrictive password policy, give me a hint as to what it is!
    • Range for # of characters, no special characters, required numbers or capitol letters, etc
  • Forgot username
    • If my username is not my email address, give me a hint to your username policy
眼眸里的快感 2024-07-16 15:15:25

有点太笼统的问题。 这取决于应用程序的作用。 我发现 GUI 应用程序中经常缺少的一件事是一种简单的方法来撤消错误,不仅在您正在操作的对象中,而且在程序 UI 元素上。 错误地关闭一些浮动选项面板或工具栏,然后不知道该功能在哪里启用,这让我感到非常沮丧。 是在Windows下吗? 或者在“查看”下? 是这个吗? 不,那完全是为了别的事情。 嘎! 它叫什么?

Kind of too general a question. It would depend on what does the application do. One thing I see often missing from gui applications is an easy way undo mistakes and not only in the object you're manipulating but also on program UI elements. Closing some floating options panel or toolbar by mistake and then having no idea where is the thing enabled frustrates me to no end. Is it under Windows? Or under View? Was it this one? no that one is for something else entirely. Gah! what's it called?

遇见了你 2024-07-16 15:15:25


Cycling through links and fields using the tab button.

∞琼窗梦回ˉ 2024-07-16 15:15:25

左键单击拖动以突出显示,右键单击上下文菜单,其中包含复制突出显示文本的选项。 发现某些用 Java 编码的应用程序缺失。

Left click drag to highlight, right click for context menu with option to copy highlighted text. Found missing from some applications coded in Java.

你曾走过我的故事 2024-07-16 15:15:25

与其他窗口和屏幕板对齐的窗口。 KDE 和 Winamp 就是这样做的,并且是最著名的。 为什么其他应用程序和桌面环境不这样做呢?

Windows that snap to other windows and screenboarders. KDE and Winamp do this, and are the ones most famous for it. Why don't a whole host of other applications and DEs do this?

离鸿 2024-07-16 15:15:24



阅读可用性专家 (Aza Raskin) 撰写的关于撤消的文章:当您想要撤消时切勿使用警告。 编写撤消代码并不那么困难:示例 [1][1.5][2]

Undo is bitchy to code, but very useful to the end users.

Save the location and size of all/any windows, so they are restored whenever the program is restarted.

Read this article on Undo from a usability expert (Aza Raskin): Never Use a Warning When you Mean Undo. Coding undo is not all that hard: examples [1], [1.5], [2].

机场等船 2024-07-16 15:15:24

以下是我经常发现的一些 UI 功能做得很糟糕,甚至缺失:

  • 正确恢复窗口状态
  • 符合普通(非初学者、非专家)用户的心理模型。
  • 限制用户必须做出的选择数量。
  • 限制用户在使用应用程序时必须阅读的数量。
  • 与同一平台上运行的其他同类型应用程序具有很强的一致性。
  • 一个完善的撤消/恢复工具。
  • 正如其他人所说,上下文相关的帮助。
  • 允许无需鼠标的帮助即可导航应用程序。
  • 良好的多显示器支持。

These are some of the UI features that I often find are done badly, or are even missing:

  • Restoring window state properly.
  • Conforming to the average (non-beginner, non-expert) user's mental model.
  • Restricting the number of choices that the user has to make.
  • Restricting the amount that users have to read while using the app.
  • Strong consistency with other apps of the same genre running on the same platform.
  • A well-done Undo / Restore facility.
  • As somebody else remarked, context-sensitive help.
  • Allowing an app to be navigated without the aid of a mouse.
  • Good multi-monitor support.
神魇的王 2024-07-16 15:15:24


keyboard Shortcuts

ぃ弥猫深巷。 2024-07-16 15:15:24

UI 中通常会遗漏什么? 没有什么! (字面意思。空的空间)。 这个问题最好问“可以取出什么?”。 当您必须考虑 UI 还需要什么时,您就已经走得太远了。 留出空白区域是 UI 程序员需要做的事情。 没有人喜欢功能蔓延。


记住 KISS 规则。

What's usually left out in UI's? Nothing! (literally. empty space). The question is better asked "What can be taken out?". When you have to think of what else your UI needs, you have already gone too far. Leaving out empty space is something UI programmers need to work on. Nobody likes feature creeping.

enter image description here

Remember the KISS rule.

轻拂→两袖风尘 2024-07-16 15:15:24
  • 帮助菜单包含更多关于...
  • 上下文相关帮助
  • 工具提示
  • A help menu with more than About...
  • Context sensitive help
  • Tool tips
黑色毁心梦 2024-07-16 15:15:24

一个 API 和一个脚本语言,这样我就可以绕过 UI。

严重地。 没有什么比通过一些重复的过程进行点击更乏味(并且容易出错)的了。

An API and a scripting language so I can bypass the UI.

Seriously. Nothing is more tedious (and error-prone) than having to point-and-click through some repetitive process.

飘落散花 2024-07-16 15:15:24


我们工作中有一个记录管理应用程序,我必须时不时地使用它,并且他们无法右键单击树视图中的任何文档,因此您必须继续转到屏幕底部将任务标记为完成 grrr,也没有键盘快捷键 grrr

Right click context menu on things like tree views and grids.

We have an record management application here at work that I have to use now and then and they don't have right click on any of the documents in the treeview so you have to keep going to the bottom of the screen to mark a task as completed grrr, and no keyboard shortcuts too grrr

耀眼的星火 2024-07-16 15:15:24
  1. 设计的一致性...有太多的应用程序“看起来”像是程序员编写的。 我的压力还不够!
  2. 自动化... Office 有它,我希望更多的应用程序有。
  3. CLI...如上所述,特别是如果它是重复向导类型的过程
  4. 模板/预设...如手刹...使生活更轻松,更不用说在训练过程中方便
  5. 错误/确认消息不会得到除非用户需要立即采取行动,否则不要显示对话框。 如果错误很明显,请为我修复它,然后告诉我为什么
  6. 可扩展 UI。 使用 WPF 这变得更容易,但如果我在大显示器上并且我必须眯着眼睛才能看到任何东西,那就很烦人了。 更不用说我的点击准确性不是很好。
  1. Consistency in your design... There are too many apps that "look" like a programmer wrote them. I can't stress enough!
  2. Automation... Office has it, I wish more apps did.
  3. CLI... As mentioned above, especially if it's a repetitive-wizard-type process
  4. Templates/Presets... like Handbrake... make life easier, not to mention handy in the training process
  5. Error/Confirm messages which don't get in the way... Unless the user needs to take immediate action, don't display a dialog. If the error is obvious, fix it for me and then tell me why
  6. Scalable UI. With WPF this is getting easier, but it is annoying if I'm on a large monitor and I have to squint to see anything. Not to mention my click accuracy isn't that great.
篱下浅笙歌 2024-07-16 15:15:24


UI Consistency.

-小熊_ 2024-07-16 15:15:24

我知道我过去因忽略打印支持而感到内疚。 我永远不会使用它,但我的一些用户会使用它。

I know I've been guilty of leaving out printing support in the past. I would never use it, but some of my users do.

焚却相思 2024-07-16 15:15:24
  • 拖放
  • 剪贴板
  • drag and drop
  • clipboard
三五鸿雁 2024-07-16 15:15:24


Good design.

过度放纵 2024-07-16 15:15:24


Leave room in your dialogs so if you internationalize it, you have room for longer words (think Italian) and bigger fonts (think Chinese).

贱人配狗天长地久 2024-07-16 15:15:24


  1. 在完成其他工作时可以保持打开状态的非模态表单。

  2. 能够一次查看多个窗口(而不是一次只显示一个选项卡)

  3. 能够同时拥有单个窗口的多个视图,即分割模式或窗格,或同一对象中的实际多个窗口。


I'll add a few myself that have't been mentioned yet:

  1. Non-modal forms that can remain open while other work is done.

  2. Ability to view multi-windows at once (instead of tabs which show only one at a time)

  3. Ability to have multiple views of a single window at once, i.e. split mode, or panes, or actual multiple windows into the same object.

我ぃ本無心為│何有愛 2024-07-16 15:15:24


Clean and intuitive.

江心雾 2024-07-16 15:15:24

干净的图标。 好的图标。 有意义的图标。

我对应用程序内的大量图标感到非常失望——尤其是在 Windows 上;-)

Clean icons. Good icons. Meaningful icons.

I am very disappointed with a lot of icons inside applications — especially on Windows ;-)

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