排序谓词的链接(例如 std::sort)
您可以将函数指针、函数对象(或 boost lambda)传递给 std::sort 来定义要排序的容器元素的严格弱排序。
一个简单的例子是,如果您要对表示联系人数据的对象集合进行排序。 有时你会想要排序
last name, first name, area code. Other times
first name, last name- yet other times
age, first name, area code... etc
现在,您当然可以为每种情况编写一个附加的函数对象,但这违反了 DRY 原则 - 特别是如果每个比较都不那么简单的话。
看起来你应该能够编写比较函数的层次结构 - 低级别的函数执行单一的、原始的比较(例如名字<名字),然后较高级别的函数连续调用较低级别的函数(可能是链接)使用 && 来利用短路评估)来生成复合函数。
这种方法的问题在于 std::sort 采用二元谓词 - 该谓词只能返回 bool。 因此,如果您编写它们,您无法判断“假”是否表示等于或大于。 您可以使较低级别的谓词返回具有三种状态的 int - 但随后您必须将它们包装在较高级别的谓词中,然后才能单独与 std::sort 一起使用。
总而言之,这些都不是无法克服的问题。 这似乎比应有的更难——并且肯定需要一个辅助库的实现。
因此,有谁知道任何现有的库(特别是如果它是 std 或 boost 库)可以在这里提供帮助 - 或者对此事有任何其他想法吗?
正如一些评论中提到的 - 我已经编写了自己的类实现来管理这个问题。 它相当小,并且通常可能存在一些问题。 但在此基础上,对于任何感兴趣的人,该课程在这里:
You can pass a function pointer, function object (or boost lambda) to std::sort to define a strict weak ordering of the elements of the container you want sorted.
However, sometimes (enough that I've hit this several times), you want to be able to chain "primitive" comparisons.
A trivial example would be if you were sorting a collection of objects that represent contact data. Sometimes you will want to sort by
last name, first name, area code
. Other times
first name, last name
- yet other times
age, first name, area code
... etc
Now, you can certainly write an additional function object for each case, but that violates the DRY principle - especially if each comparison is less trivial.
It seems like you should be able to write a hierarchy of comparison functions - the low level ones do the single, primitive, comparisons (e.g. first name < first name), then higher level ones call the lower level ones in succession (probably chaining with && to make use of short circuit evaluation) to generate the composite functions.
The trouble with this approach is that std::sort takes a binary predicate - the predicate can only return a bool. So if you're composing them you can't tell if a "false" indicates equality or greater than. You can make your lower level predicates return an int, with three states - but then you would have to wrap those in higher level predicates before they could be used with std::sort on their own.
In all, these are not insurmountable problems. It just seems harder than it should be - and certainly invites a helper library implementation.
Therefore, does anyone know of any pre-existing library (esp. if it's a std or boost library) that can help here - of have any other thoughts on the matter?
As mentioned in some of the comments - I've gone ahead and written my own implementation of a class to manage this. It's fairly minimal, and probably has some issues with it in general. but on that basis, for anyone interested, the class is here:
And some helper functions (to avoid the need to specify template args) is here:
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You could build a little chaining system like so:
Then to use it:
The last line is a little verbose, but I think it's clear what's intended.
处理此问题的一种传统方法是分多次排序并使用稳定排序。 请注意,
通常不稳定。 但是,有std::stable_sort
One conventional way to handle this is to sort in multiple passes and use a stable sort. Notice that
is generally not stable. However, there’sstd::stable_sort
.That said, I would write a wrapper around functors that return a tristate (representing less, equals, greater).
You can try this:
不能保证稳定,因为稳定排序通常比不稳定排序慢...所以多次使用稳定排序看起来会导致性能问题...是的sort 要求谓词确实很遗憾:
is not guaranteed to be stable because stable sorts are usually slower than non-stable ones ... so using a stable sort multiple times looks like a recipe for performance trouble...And yes it's really a shame that sort ask for a predicate:
I see no other way than create a functor accepting a vector of tristate functions ...
链接解决方案很冗长。 您还可以将 boost::bind 与 std::logic_and 结合使用来构建排序谓词。 有关详细信息,请参阅链接的文章: boost 绑定库如何改进您的 C++ 程序
The chaining solution is verbose. You could also use boost::bind in conjunction with std::logical_and to build your sorting predicate. See the linked article for more information: How the boost bind library can improve your C++ programs
C++ 11 中的可变参数模板提供了更短的选项:
Variadic templates in C++ 11 give a shorter option: