有人对如何找到愿意对基于网络的应用程序进行可用性测试的人有建议/经验吗? 我怀疑我可能需要真正可能是潜在用户的人,因为我的应用程序是一个商业/垂直应用程序,其中包含一些流程和术语,这对普通人来说可能没有多大意义。
我有一个相当强大的网络应用程序原型,该原型是为销售管理人员设计的,在我进一步使用它之前,我想在一些实时用户上尝试一些关键部分。 我有一些可以求助的友好面孔(并且已经),但我真的想要那些不会觉得他们需要对我友善的陌生人。
Does anyone have recommendations/experience of how to find people willing to do usability testing of web based apps? I suspect I may need people who might actually be potential users, because mine is a commercial/vertical app which contains some processes and terminology which may not mean much to the average joe/jane.
I have a fairly robust prototype of a web app which is designed for people in Sales Management and before I go too much further with it I want to try a couple of key pieces out on some live users. I have a few friendly faces I can turn to (and have already), but I really want strangers who will not feel they need to be nice to me about it.
I'm fine designing the usability tests themselves, it is finding the guinea-pigs that is proving difficult.
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。

I've used this service a couple times and have been impressed with the quality of the feedback they provide.
别让我思考有您感兴趣的确切章节。基本上,您应该以这样的方式设置测试,这不是关于是否友善,而是为了查明用户是否可以使用它。 这样您就可以使用您想要和认识的所有亲戚或朋友。
简而言之:设置一张桌子,上面有一台可以访问您的应用程序的计算机,准备两把椅子、一个记事本和一支铅笔。 这本书提到了一个给你同事的视频链接,但我们跳过这个。 你拿起测试仪,将她放在电脑前,而你坐在她旁边,准备好记事本和铅笔。 为了这个测试,要具体一点,从技术上讲,她不可能做错什么,因为那是你感兴趣的。
然后要求她做一些具体的任务; 您在应用程序中向她展示某种状态,并要求她做某事。 示例:“如果您想做一个新条目,您会如何做”。 让她描述一下她在想什么,她的思路; “我会寻找某种带有‘添加’或‘+’标签的按钮,让我们看看是否能找到它。它们通常位于列表下方”,等等。记下她的手势和面部表情的微妙之处,例如如果她用光标寻找什么东西,或者她沮丧地做鬼脸。
但说真的,买本书吧。 这是一本很棒的书,值得每一分钱。
Don't Make Me Think has the exact chapter you would be interested in. Basically, you should set up your test in such a way that it's not about being nice or not, but it's about finding out whether the user can use it or not. This way you can use all your relatives or friends you want and know.
In a nutshell: set up a desk with a computer that has access to your app, get two chairs, a notepad and a pencil. The book mentions a video link to your co-workers, but let's skip that. You get your tester and place her in front of the computer, while you sit beside her with notepad and pencil at the ready. Be specific about that for the sake of this test, it's technically impossible that she would do something wrong, because that's what you are interested in.
Ask her then to do some specific tasks; You present her with some kind of state in the application, and ask her to do something. Example: "If you would want to do a new entry, how would you go about doing it". Ask her to describe what she's thinking, her train of thought; "I would seek for some kind of 'add' or '+' labeled button, let's see if I can find it. They're usually underneath the lists", etc. Make notes of the subtleties of her gestures and faces, like if she hunts with the cursor for something, or if she's grimacing in frustration.
If she can't find that add button quickly enough, there's a usability problem.
But really, buy the book. It's a great read, worth every penny.
您是否有可能成为您的应用程序潜在客户的本地公司名单? 这将是一个值得一看的好地方; 您可以同时吸引用户进行用户测试并建立良好的联系。
Do you have a list of local companies who could be potential customers for your application? This would be a good place to look; you can simultaneously get users for user testing and make good contacts.
前往星巴克,在笔记本电脑背面贴上一个标牌,上面写着“向我要一杯免费咖啡”,确保您使用一些屏幕录制软件,例如 Silverback 记录会话以供稍后使用。
Take yourself to Starbucks and put a sign on the back of your laptop which says "Ask me for a Free Coffee" make sure you use some screen recording software like Silverback to record the session for later.
http://www.joelonsoftware.com/ uibook/fog0000000249.html
I read this a few days ago and it might help:
您的组织是否拥有允许您借用合适用户的销售团队? 我认为这对于 UI 的 Alpha 测试来说是一个良好的开始。 之后,也许您的客户可以使用 Beta UI 进行进一步测试。
Does your organization have a Sales team that will allow you to borrow appropriate users? I think that would be a good start for Alpha testing of the UI. After that, perhaps your customer can use the Beta UI for further testing.
信不信由你,克雷格名单中的广告对我们有用。 只需提供奖励即可,我们使用 50 美元的预付借记卡,通常每个广告可以吸引 10 - 20 人。
Believe it or not an ad in Craig's List works for us. Simply offer a reward, we use $50 prepaid debit cards, and you can usually get 10 - 20 people per ad.
请参阅 useit.com - 可用性测试分为多个级别,招募代表目标市场的用户显然至关重要
see useit.com - there are several levels of usability testing, and it is obviously critical to recruit users that are representative of your target market
您还可以查看uTest.com,这是一个依赖于“众包”测试过程。 虽然更多的是功能和技术测试方面的内容,但我相信您可以协商一个更侧重于可用性测试的测试项目。
You could also check out uTest.com, a software testing services that relies on "crowdsourcing" the testing process. While more on the side of functional and technical testing, I'm sure you could negotiate a test project more focused on usability testing.